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Ideas for WW2: European Theatre Scenario

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  • Ideas for WW2: European Theatre Scenario

    I'm pretty new to scenario making, but I'm going to give it a go never the less.

    I want to create a WW2 scenario based in Europe - I'm still open for ideas, but I have a pretty firm idea where I want the scenario to go. It will start in January 1936, each turn representing a month.

    So far the Nations I have are:


    Barbarians control most cities in the map, but the units occuping them are controlled by various powers. Warsaw, for example, is to be garrisoned with Polish units under British control, with no movement allowance (to stop the AI from moving the units all over the place). This method is also going to be applied to Austria, the Rhineland and Czechoslovakia with the German HUMAN player having units within the cities, so they are able to occupy them with ease; However to diswayed the human player from grabbing these too quickly, certain events will be activated upon their capture which will give the German player techs that will 'de-activate' important wonders within the Third Reich. As this is a scenario where I want the player to focus on rearmament as well as the military aspect, 36-39 will be a focus on building up.

    NOTE: I still have an extra civilization, and am unsure whether to have it as the Americans in waiting, Finland or the 'Axis' powers. Perhaps some ideas with regards to this?

    Wonders are going to play an important role in this game; Hoover's Dam I was thinking of Giving to the Soviets, perhaps in Baku as the 'Baku Oil Fields'. When the oil fields are captured, the Russian industry will suffer a tremendous blow as a result, where as Germany gets the much needed 'oil' it's war machines needs. When Port Said is captured in North Africa, the British lose control of the Wonder 'Suez Canal' - Magellan's Voyage, putting them at a naval disadvantage.

    As I've said, the Democratic nations will be Fundamentalist, with the Dictatorships being Communism renamed Totalitarianism. For this reason, temples, Cathedrals, banks, etc will play an important role for the Dictatorships and will force the player to think a little with regards to domestic policies as opposed to an all out military build up.

    Your thoughts? I've included a screenshot of city placement thus far in Europe. Cities were chosen on account of their historical importance during the period.
    Attached Files
    "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
    -Kaiser Willhem II

  • #2
    You might be able to use the extra civ for event planning.


    • #3
      Switzerland, Sweden, Spain and Turkey can be neutral. But You'll need to deal with bulgaria, romania and Finland as axis powers. Also eventually the Americans and Vichy. WHy not consider a minor axis grouping and also group the U.S. with the British.

      I made a multi-player scenario once covering the WW2 European theatre, called ZWK. Do have a look.
      This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


      • #4
        The idea sounds good. Don't foget though, that if you have a unit in a barbarian city you can just put the cursor over it, activater the unit with A, then move the unit out of the city (which is now empty), then capture it with ease. This was a good thing in FMK's unfinished scenario lebensraum1939.
        "Peace cannot be kept by force.
        It can only be achieved by understanding"


        • #5
          You can make a difference between countries like Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, etc. that were neutral as well, yet were attacked in contrary to Spain, Turkey, Sweden and Switzerland, that were neutral and had their status respected. It would be too strange if Spain would be against Germany because Germany attacks Copenhagen.

          Also... I'm a correct city name freak, which means dots on the u of München, an ö in Malmö, ø in København, Köln, Roma, Milano, Venezia, Firenze, Poznan, Warsawa, Hannover, etc., etc.

          If you want I can put the correct all citynames for you. At least you should choose a side: either Munich and Cologne or München and Köln.


          • #6
            Do I understand it right that this is not going to be a WWII scenario but a pre-WWII scenario?


            • #7
              Can you link me to a place where I can download it? Thaks kobayashi!
              "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
              -Kaiser Willhem II


              • #8
                The problem of using Poland etc as barbarian, is that these cities will prodcue nothing while under barbarian control, and since the units inside are immobile, invading Poland will be without any resistance. But I guess that is liveable in order to emphasize the more important civs.

                I'm a city name freak as well, willem!
                Last edited by Eivind IV; February 28, 2006, 19:02.
                Find my civ2 scenarios here

                Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                • #9
                  Blitzkrieg , properly speaking, is making breakthroughs on a narrow front using overwhelming force and encircling enemy forces using mobile forces before destroying them in detail. To do this in Civ2 is difficult, but not impossible. If you home the units along a front to various cities behind the line, then they would be eliminated when these cities are captured by deep penetrations of armor.
                  Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                  • #10
                    Poland and other 'minor' countries should fall pretty quickly, since each game turn represents a month it would be realistic if these nations fall pretty quickly to reflect the rapid spread of Germany. The use of immobile units is going to be important for the overall effect of this scenario, which will focus on the titanic struggle against the main major powers.

                    Yes, this is going to be a pre-war scenario. The date will be 1936. Russia will have 'territorial' demands on the Blatic states, as well as Chisinev & Beltsy. East Poland will be occupied by Allied units untill sept 1939, when these will be replaced by Barbarian ones so the Computer will hopefully attack Eastern Russia, while not being at war with the Western powers.

                    I also want to use this thread to discuss wonders; Red Front has given me some ideas. I want to create wonders in Russia that have a dramatic effect on Russia if certain cities are captured. For example, no one will be able to build Hydro Plants in the game BUT the Soviets will have Hoover damn in Baku to represent the Oil Fields - if these this wonder is captured by the Germans, not only does Germany reap the benefits from the oil fields, but Russia's industry suffers a great blow.

                    Temples are to be replaced by Radio Stations, the great Orracle becoming 'The Ministry for Propoganda', giving Radio Stations double the effect. The Annual Party Rally will replace the hanging gardens, giving the German player two happy citizens; but this wonder's effects will cancel the moment Germany occupies any Cities beyond it's territorial demands, reflecting the way that Nazi rallies stopped when Wartime began.

                    Cathedral's are to be Secret Police HQ, Michaelangelo's Cathderal becoming an agency for either the Germans or the soviets. I'm undecided, but I think if i gave it to the soviets in Moscow, then it reflects another key city that the German player will want to occupy to damage the soviet state.

                    Your thoughts on wonders? I would love to hear. Remember this scenario uses Communism as Totalitarianism for both Germany and Russia, so happiness is an issue that only affects this government (Democracies are fundamentalist).
                    "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                    -Kaiser Willhem II


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by willemvanoranje
                      You can make a difference between countries like Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, etc. that were neutral as well, yet were attacked in contrary to Spain, Turkey, Sweden and Switzerland, that were neutral and had their status respected. It would be too strange if Spain would be against Germany because Germany attacks Copenhagen.

                      Also... I'm a correct city name freak, which means dots on the u of München, an ö in Malmö, ø in København, Köln, Roma, Milano, Venezia, Firenze, Poznan, Warsawa, Hannover, etc., etc.

                      If you want I can put the correct all citynames for you. At least you should choose a side: either Munich and Cologne or München and Köln.
                      Thanks for your advice; if you want i'll send a copy of the savegame for you to modify the names with the appropriate lettering
                      "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                      -Kaiser Willhem II


                      • #12
                        The idea of a buildup period is a good one, what is there going to be in regards to terrain improvement?
                        Visit First Cultural Industries
                        There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                        Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Smiley
                          The idea of a buildup period is a good one, what is there going to be in regards to terrain improvement?
                          Grassland gives very little with regards to food untill farmed; this takes a period of six months to do.

                          Grassland could optionally be upgraded to industrial complexes, which generate a massive increase in production but take an entire Year to develop.

                          Settler's will eat an increased amount of food, so building industry will be costly in other resources as well as time. You wont be able to develop everywhere 'perfect', but you will be able to develop yourself a core of industrial cities for the war head.

                          The Rhineland and other regions in the scenario have 'Heavy Industry' Terrain, which is even more productive than regular industry built by Engineers. However, certain events may alter what happens to the terrain - if a city is captured, or a unit killed, the terrain may alter for the worse!

                          It will not be possible to build factories on hills or mountains, only on flat ground.
                          "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                          -Kaiser Willhem II


                          • #14
                            Having Germany occupy the Rhineland is a brilliant idea, mate!
                            Follow the masses!
                            30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                            • #15
                              Exept for the fact that the cities that'll be occupied will lose half their improvements, as there's nothing called friendly takeover in civ2. It would be best just to leave these cities to the German civ, but have no units in them. Instead of the Rhinland events from captured city, you could just have it on turn 1.
                              Find my civ2 scenarios here

                              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!

