Very nice Chris! Those two will be great additions.
No announcement yet.
After RomaMini, Throughout AEII
OK, I guess I can fill some more of the scenario in.
Oh, by the way, in this "world" Cecil Rhodes recovers his good health and is in his 70s. So all you people who are going "I wonder if he knows that he died in 1902" just nod your heads and wonder at my ability to fill in plotholes.
Ok, anyways, I'd like to incorporate the extra terrain graphics we have and use them to make large landmarks, ala large planets, etc.
As the scenario progresses you will come across the natives of the island as well as a number of the local wildlife, who will of course be intent on eating you. I need some bugs, some dinos, and whatever else might be fun and interesting.
If we are to have extra maps included I'd like to have a few hero units that will be your only usable units for the underworld of the island. Once down below it will be up to your adventurers to discover the true history behind the island and escape.
The basic mechanics behind the island are rather simple and easy to create. The only real hard part are the graphics and creating that sense of awe. I'll try to work on the design this weekend and test out the AI's response to the where the civs start, how well they interact/explore etc...
Well I'm glad to hear Cecil gets his good health back and continues to live a rich life well into this story. It almost makes me wonder how in real life Rhodes could have further influced the world had he lived and remained active.
Anyways, as for these strange and bizzare wildlife I'll do what I can to contribute but animals aren't my strength. I might take a run at some sort of man eating plant though, a type of monsterous Venus Fly Trap perhaps .
While we're on the topic of wild and wacky units, how's progress going for AE2?
Originally posted by Sarsstock
While we're on the topic of wild and wacky units, how's progress going for AE2?
A big monster skelleton eh? I wonder if he'll have any still living relatives alive and roaming the island. In any case I'll have that millionaire unit ready for ya soon my friend.
Just what kind of monster skelleton are we talking about here? A giant snake? Dinosaur? A massive ape perhaps?