If you storm any of the enemy capital cities on the Earth map - Interesting things happen!

However, the unusual did happen when UNIT HQ grew to size 10. I was bumbling along in my usual state of blissful suspended animation, secure in the the knowledge that the UNIT Garrison (Cathedral) in the city would protect it from the horrors of disorder until size 13. My bliss was rudely interrupted by the appearance of the disorder icon next to the city when it reached size 10.
A bit of checking showed that, although everything appears to be OK in rules, there is neither an icon for the improvement in the happiness window nor does the improvement become activated until the acquisition of Infrastructure 3. I have no real idea why except that Philosophy may not work as the requisite tech for Cathedrals. Monotheism might be needed.
So I did the logical thing..........sold all 4 of them and changed a citizen to Elvis in UNIT HQ.