Many thanks for the excellent playtest, which is invaluable!
*I will look at what techs are kicking about in each civs list.
I am sure 'Soviet Government' (Rep) will be stuck in the USA's list.
*'American War Industry' (Aut) lets the USA and no-one else
get access to the B29 nuke bomber. I will make these checks.
*I will reduce the tech rate to 40 and see what transpires, the
AI will eventually grab all the historical techs, given the chance.
*Giving the Fallschirmjägers to the Reich with the
'Blitzkrieg Doctrine' tech seems a good answer.
*Also giving Japan the Imperial Paratroops as a starting
tech and taking away their bombers till later seems fair.
*I will look at making America declare war with events after Japan makes her move.
There has been times where I have wondered why the US isn't getting
involved, so 'tech-based' AI choices to begin the American war efforts
are not too good in this case when the baddies are winning!
*I will look at stacking the see too...Units could be stranded survivors!
*The state school is a place of...Indoctrination!
*I am going to give Canada to the US civ - Something I am
not too happy about and I hope it does not offend anyone,
but it is the only way to free up the insane AIs wanderings.
*A Japanese force on the Dutch East Indies area would indeed spice things up!
*I am convinced you are right, the Indies should be given to the Commonwealth.
The Japanese AI seems to ignore the neutrals. That cannot do...
The refineries will give the Commonwealth a good tech boost too!
Cheers, guys!
These changes will be made ASAP!
Many thanks for the excellent playtest, which is invaluable!
*I will look at what techs are kicking about in each civs list.
I am sure 'Soviet Government' (Rep) will be stuck in the USA's list.
*'American War Industry' (Aut) lets the USA and no-one else
get access to the B29 nuke bomber. I will make these checks.
*I will reduce the tech rate to 40 and see what transpires, the
AI will eventually grab all the historical techs, given the chance.
*Giving the Fallschirmjägers to the Reich with the
'Blitzkrieg Doctrine' tech seems a good answer.
*Also giving Japan the Imperial Paratroops as a starting
tech and taking away their bombers till later seems fair.
*I will look at making America declare war with events after Japan makes her move.
There has been times where I have wondered why the US isn't getting
involved, so 'tech-based' AI choices to begin the American war efforts
are not too good in this case when the baddies are winning!
*I will look at stacking the see too...Units could be stranded survivors!
*The state school is a place of...Indoctrination!
*I am going to give Canada to the US civ - Something I am
not too happy about and I hope it does not offend anyone,
but it is the only way to free up the insane AIs wanderings.
*A Japanese force on the Dutch East Indies area would indeed spice things up!
*I am convinced you are right, the Indies should be given to the Commonwealth.
The Japanese AI seems to ignore the neutrals. That cannot do...
The refineries will give the Commonwealth a good tech boost too!
Cheers, guys!
These changes will be made ASAP!