Can you (HT) give me a short synopsis of who you have approached already or what has been done? I want him to know we're desperately short of options now, hence our direct move to the designer of the game, now working in a completely different firm.
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The Civ 2 Source Code Petition
What did you e-mail to them? The petition? I think it would be best to establish contact first and *then* mail the petition... Then again, an "opening" e-mail would probably be very similar to the petition...
I think it's probably best to try and get in touch with people over the phone, though. Then again, that's easier said than done. Not only does that need someone dedicated enough to call everyone repeatedly, but they'd likely end up in customer service or something talking to people who don't know what you're talking about nor have any intention of passing your message to someone who does.
Thanks! Made some minor edits to the petition letter. Tomorrow I will go to the post office and get the letter over 'the pond'. Let's all cross our fingers.
And calling America from Europe is redicilously expensive. I suppose mailing is as well, but that can't be that terrible. Maybe someone from the States could do the honour of calling Brian Reynolds?
Remember DarthVeda, who used to do Civ2 mods? (In fact he posted in this very thread last November.)
Well, he's now gainfully employed:
Even though he said that he thinks that the code doesn't exist anymore, why not approach him and see if he'll ask the Civ2 developers (Reynolds, Coleman, Train) if anyone has a copy of the code left?
Yes, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Who in here knew him the best?
Originally posted by Peter Triggs
Remember DarthVeda, who used to do Civ2 mods? (In fact he posted in this very thread last November.)
Well, he's now gainfully employed:
Even though he said that he thinks that the code doesn't exist anymore, why not approach him and see if he'll ask the Civ2 developers (Reynolds, Coleman, Train) if anyone has a copy of the code left?Good bit of sleuthing Peter! Nice to see someone managed to make all this pay
Originally posted by Eivind
Yes, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Who in here knew him the best?
I sent an email to the Ask Sid series at ( A shot in the dark, but maybe we can get Sid's attention that way.
I don't have DarthVada's email either. Is it still darthvedaAThotmailDOTcom? I made a google on it, and from what I could tell the date's I got was about the same as his absence from our scene. If someone could provide me with his current email, I'd contact him myself.
Also, I've bought a big envelope, enough stamps to send our petition to the Moon, and new ink for my printer. So I'm all set for sending the petition to Mayland, but I'll hold on it for a little while more to see if we can get DarthVada to do some pull from the inside of Big Huge Games.
Last edited by Eivind IV; March 7, 2006, 07:36.
Anyone? I need a confirmation on his email...