I was not trying to be rude just did not want you to spindle me into a certain belief system.
I have studied every major religion of the world. worshiped with the Eastern religions as well as Western.
I am not your typical Bible thumper- so I did not want to go down that road.
To answer your previous question was- I do not think we can jump to any conclusion on less then adequite evidence, I do think since the scripture, at least the lions share has been validated.The probability of doubt should always be given to the scripture because it has earned the right.
It has - as you well know, been thrashed for well over 100 years and has held up to criticism by almost all of the best thinkers in this field of study.
If you or Exile wants to continue I am willing. If not that is cool to either way I respect your research and careful thought.
Maybe if I design another scenario you could loan me your expertise which I have grown to respect.
Who and what am I? I am
I have studied every major religion of the world. worshiped with the Eastern religions as well as Western.
I am not your typical Bible thumper- so I did not want to go down that road.
To answer your previous question was- I do not think we can jump to any conclusion on less then adequite evidence, I do think since the scripture, at least the lions share has been validated.The probability of doubt should always be given to the scripture because it has earned the right.
It has - as you well know, been thrashed for well over 100 years and has held up to criticism by almost all of the best thinkers in this field of study.
If you or Exile wants to continue I am willing. If not that is cool to either way I respect your research and careful thought.
Maybe if I design another scenario you could loan me your expertise which I have grown to respect.