Thanks for that mixed flag! That finishes my flag needs for now. Thanks a lot! How's that Western seccessionist flag coming, BTW.
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Flags Needed...Again
Originally posted by Sarsstock
My guess is that Typhoon is planning a remake of Raging Dragon by Case, on a count Tom and I are working on the very same project. Which is why I have each one of those flags already. In fact, it was that scenario that got me into flag designing.You have it right on the nail.
I would like to have those flags, if you would be so kind, but if you don't want to share them, I'll understand.
I already do have some flags, granted they're not good as yours, but still better than nothing.
Some of the idea's Tom and I thought of including in the "new" raging dragon are the insurgencies that many world powers face world wide.
For instance, Isreal, which will be represented by NATO will have to face a continuing palestinian uprising in Gaza.
The Russian will have to deal with a Chechnyan uprising in Grozny from the very beginging of the scenario, hinting that the Chinese have been able to smuggle supplies into Chechnya.
The occupying power in Iraq (it may be either NATO or APEC) will have to deal with insurgents in the Sunni triangle, as well as the city of Fallujah which is run by barbarians. Inside the city however is a "sacred shrine" unit of some sort, whose destruction will trigger further uprisings all over Iraq.
NATO will have to put down a strong Taliban rebellion in the mountains outside Afghanistan. With only an airbase as the means of getting into the Afghan capital, it should be a challenging rebellion to put down.
Kashmir.... need I say more? Both India and Pakistan will have to deal with rebels in this unforgiving corner of the earth region.
Now of course we also plan on adding new units that will add a modern feel to the game. New units will include the Russian hovercraft unit transport, an air transport unit and such.
Seriously sweet flags, Sarstock. This will come in handy, thanks!
Strictly speaking, I wasn't doing anything more than a simple graphics update, not a remake. I like the ideas you have put forward for a remake though. You should PM Case, and discuss it with him, maybe he can give some input as well.
If you need any help with the units, I'll gladly help.
Believe it or not I too was thinking of some sort of Hispanic revolt in the lower south eastern states. Possibly some Cubans trying to form a Cuban or hispanic province in Florida.
Well, here are some flags that could relate to this idea. The last two are small minorities in America that could aid in an uprising.
The First Nations - The Canadian flag with a warriors profile instead of a maple leaf.
Those are great flags! An idea is to, if Cuba (or part of Cuba) are actually on the map (I haven't seen it yet), both Cuba and a Hispanic revolt could be run by the same civ, representing Castro's influence among impoverished and disgruntled Latinos in the U.S. What parts of the Caribbean are on the map, anyway?