Alright... The last few months I've mostly been talk and little action, but I have done something. In fact, I've done quite a lot, I just wanted to keep quiet about it... Well, not entirely quiet, I had a few secret "playtesters". 
Anyway, I've got a sweet, sweet utility for you: Civ2Edit. It's kind of supposed to be what Civ3Edit is for Civ3. Or for those without Civ3 (including me, actually), think of it as the Civ2 Map Editor + MapEdit + Editor menus (and then some). I would have posted a part of the readme, if I had written one
, but my writing be damned (as those waiting for CivSwap can testify)...
It's actually not nearly finished (only an early beta), but at least it's finally sort of presentable. Not that it can do a lot, but well... I kinda stole lotsa code from MapEdit too (as you can see).
You will of course be able to follow the progress in this thread...
Here's the preliminary download... As usual you'll need the VB6 run-time files (available here:
Oh, you'll need to put it in your main civ2 directory for the graphics (ToT also still has the old files in its main folder, fortunately, because I haven't gotten around to supporting the ToT graphics yet).

Anyway, I've got a sweet, sweet utility for you: Civ2Edit. It's kind of supposed to be what Civ3Edit is for Civ3. Or for those without Civ3 (including me, actually), think of it as the Civ2 Map Editor + MapEdit + Editor menus (and then some). I would have posted a part of the readme, if I had written one

It's actually not nearly finished (only an early beta), but at least it's finally sort of presentable. Not that it can do a lot, but well... I kinda stole lotsa code from MapEdit too (as you can see).
You will of course be able to follow the progress in this thread...
Here's the preliminary download... As usual you'll need the VB6 run-time files (available here:
Oh, you'll need to put it in your main civ2 directory for the graphics (ToT also still has the old files in its main folder, fortunately, because I haven't gotten around to supporting the ToT graphics yet).