I doubt that even though it's allowed in our games, it isn't used all that much. Small worlds with large continents are what we play. This means that usually everyone starts on Cont 1. This means that clicking to outline the coast doesn't work, unless it's an inland sea.
I usually only use it to check to see if a whale is already in use before I plop a city down. Or localizing a city that I know I'm real close to. An occasional time clicking a vast ocean to see if there are any islands that I can use to cross the ocean early. Otherwise, it's really tedious and I don't have time or the desire to do it. Most of the people that I play with state similar things.
I usually only use it to check to see if a whale is already in use before I plop a city down. Or localizing a city that I know I'm real close to. An occasional time clicking a vast ocean to see if there are any islands that I can use to cross the ocean early. Otherwise, it's really tedious and I don't have time or the desire to do it. Most of the people that I play with state similar things.