Probably many, or even most, of you already know this. But it occurred to me that I have never seen reference to it, so I thought I'd note a useful cheat for those who like them.
As most everyone knows, you can locate land masses by black-clicking in the "view" mode and looking at the continent number next to the graph coordinates.
When you black-click, the map centers itself on your click. But if you click on a city square, the map does not center itself. Thus, if you black-click all over the place, you can locate cities by noting which square you clicked on without the map jumping.
I suppose this could be quite handy in MP, where locating your enemy early is vitally useful.
As most everyone knows, you can locate land masses by black-clicking in the "view" mode and looking at the continent number next to the graph coordinates.
When you black-click, the map centers itself on your click. But if you click on a city square, the map does not center itself. Thus, if you black-click all over the place, you can locate cities by noting which square you clicked on without the map jumping.
I suppose this could be quite handy in MP, where locating your enemy early is vitally useful.