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Dirty Succession Game

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  • Went to see Mom at the rehab facility last night. She knows it's going to be torture -- 9 hrs/day of physical therapy -- but she's determined to get through it -- got her fighting spirit back.

    The facility is awesome, named best physical rehab center in the country by some magazine. The staff seems great -- engaged, caring.

    Things are looking up. Last night, I slept well for the first time in a week.

    Perhaps even a little Civ in the near future...
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • 1853.SAV

      OK, I've held this up long enough. Here's the zipped save. Log to come a bit later today.

      Somebody jump in!
      Attached Files
      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms



        We start as a 80-20-0 Fundy, netting 653 GP/turn. Studying Steel, about 20% done at a rate of 26 turns.
        98 cities, 13.1 MM ppl.
        4,370 GP in the bank.

        It takes awhile to track down everything going on. We have a disorganized transport fleet that needs some direction. The French are on the run, but there is little nearby unit production. We have found about half the Babylonian cities. there's a single Carth city to be disposed of.

        There are WoWs to destroy -- Pyramids in Babylon, JSB and Marco Polo in Ur, Mike's in Nippur, Magellan and Shakes in Lagash, Adam Smith in Sippar, Women's Suffering in Samarra. The French have Colossus and Cope's in Paris, STWA in Lyons.

        build orders? We change a lot of them, concentrating on engineers, cannon, dragoons, and dips. Some Barracks and Temples. Much rushing.

        ENTER 1842
        Babs change govt, kill 3 rifles and 2 crucs. French chat. We agree to a CF so that we can break it.
        --Dip investigates Uruk. It has Walls and 7 more improvements, defended by 3 rifles and a dragoon. We take out their stock market and coloseum.
        --Paris dips sabotage production, granary, temple, coloseum, market.
        --Rheims revolts for 1312 (102 plunder, 3 muskets). Causes incident.
        That wasn't satisfying at all.
        We decide on a policy of total conquest. Self-imposed No City bribe rule.
        For fun.

        Babs are now Fundy. they kill a dragoon, 3 crucs, and 2 rifles.
        Barbs land near Karakorum.
        --silk (d), Shanghai to Lagash, 360 GP. More deliveries net about 900 more.
        --Our DD takes out stack of 3 ironclads, makes vet.
        --Much moving about, attempting to aling massive transworld transport system.
        --Many units rushed.

        Carths, with only one landlocked city to their empire, learn the secret of Steam Engine.
        Babs kill engineer, freight (oops), 3 rifles. more reinforcements arrive.
        --Dip finally sabotages city walls at Uruk. City captured, 130 plundered.
        --Cartenna falls, Carthaginians civ destroyed. 49 plunder.
        --Babs chat, demand Magnetism - no. Request CF - yes. But they somehow don't trust us enough to sign a peace treaty...
        --Dips sabotage Lagash repeatedly, each one causing a fresh international incident. Production, stock ex, barracks, temple, WALLS. We are publicly condemned.
        --We lose about 15 crucs (several vets) and 4 rifles trying to take Lagash.
        --Build orders shift dramaticall toward massive reliance on cannons, plus dips and engineers.

        French clads sink two empty transports. this will slow our delivery of diplomats. We rush some more boats. clads head back to their home base in Lyons.
        --babs take out two rifles.
        --Mass troop movements. Very boring, and every time I get casual, another shipchain breaks...

        Babylonians take out a rifle and a cruc, losing two dragoons in the process.
        --Carthage builds engineer, getting it down to the requisite Size 8 max.
        --dips sabotage Lyons. It takes 6 of them to bring down the walls.
        --Deliveries to doomed Babs yields 198+160+462(d)+618(d)

        We discover STEEL. Either Tacktics or Espionage would push to huge military superiority. We go with Spies.
        --Bribe French transport @Avignon for 427.
        Lyons (Sun Tzu) captured. size 7. engineers will be rushed until the evil WOW is gone. Until then, we build vets everywhere...
        --anothe French CF negotiated and broken.
        --Paris attacked by sabateur-diplomats. Everything but the walls go down. we are publicly and repeated condemned.
        --Cities of Eridu and Izibia spotted.
        --dry dusty Canal founded to speed transport.
        --Lagash is dipped again. It takes 7 of them before we take down the rebuilt walls.
        --Some minor deliveries.
        --Lagash attacked with fortressed cannon, inevitably captured, along with 139 GP, plus Magellans and Shake's. These will have to be destroyed, but in the mentime out transports are becoming much more viable.
        --Babs chat. We agree to, then violate the Cease Fire.
        --As with every turn, we rush huge numbers of units and transport them toward the front. Backwater cites build for tithes, or freights. some switch to Capitalization, since their units are just a pain to get to the front and shouldn't be needed.

        Population now 14.47 MM. A few deliveries happen. Zamua mapped.
        --Sabotage of Ur eats up 8 dips before walls come down. Cannons volley until they say uncle. Ur yields 153 GP, JS Bach's Cathedral.
        --Paris is similarly taken. We capture 99 GP, Colossus & Copernicus' Observatory.
        --The attack continues at Orleans, which falls and pays 51 GP.
        --French ask for and receive a CF. Dips promptly sabotage Chartres 5 times, eventually getting the walls and achieving great public condemnation of our terrorism.
        --More dips at Izibia. Walls down, along with a few other things.
        --At Kish, it takes 8 dips, but the walls come down. Cannons do their dirty deed. Kish yields 196 GP.
        --Babs chat, request and get CF. But we are out of units to break the CF!

        It seems no matter how many units we rush, we end up with about the same treasury. For the heck of it, we sell some unneeded libraries and granaries and such.
        We are now landing troops on the Bab continent at a furious pace.
        But producing them faster than we can move them!! (NOTE: Jump-ff point is city of Skanky on ex-Chinese continent.
        --Babs take out a rifle and an engineer.
        --Frozen Canal disbanded, engineer heads to the Bab front.
        --We turn off the science and go to a 50-0-50 regime. 36 cities celebrate -- not bad for such a far-flung bunch of small cities.
        --Lagash builds engineer, drops to size 4. Another one to be rushed!!
        --violate CF, attack French.
        --Chartres captured, netting 206 GP. FRENCH CIV DESTROYED.
        --DD sinks a Bab caravel with 2 aboard, makes vet.
        Isibia captured -->> 169 GP.
        --Akkad sabotage: prod, barracks, temple, mkt, CH, aueduct, harbor, lobrary, then finally WALLS.
        --We found the city of UNdead. Build the UN there. To be disbanded with rushed engineer!!
        --City of Ellipi (12) is mapped.
        --Akkad captured (258 GP)
        --Chat with Babs. Just to review, they are a Fundy with 3429 GP, capital in babylon, studying Magnetism. They have 14 cities left. We give them a CF, then demand tribute. They declare WAR!
        --Need RR to Nippur for smooth attack.
        --Paris down to size 5. Another Engineer to be rushed.

        And... I'm spent.
        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


        • Nice work, JRabbit. I particularly like the way you repeatedly got them to sign ceasefires with you. You must be a real charmer!


          • Re: THE LOG AT LONG LAST!

            huge portions of log cut....

            Originally posted by -Jrabbit

            And... I'm spent.
            Groovey Baby....
            "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
            "Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."


            • STYOM, are you ready to be drawn back into the maelstrom of Succession gaming?


              • Originally posted by duke o' york
                STYOM, are you ready to be drawn back into the maelstrom of Succession gaming?
                I'm getting closer. I feel like I should finish the game I started (Second Sailing) before jumping into any others. So for now, I'm still a lurker. And RL is still somewhat busy; hopefully less so by fall...
                "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                • It is amazing how the lazy summer ..... isn't. I'm almost back as well.

                  At least in my case, RL has been good so far.

                  Great work JR -- hope your mom recovers fully (and my mom has similar risks...) we are of an age...

                  -- Peace.
                  Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                  • *bump*

                    C'mon someone!
                    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                    • Per the last-four-barred rule, I'm still barred. But if no one else jumps in, I'll try to make some time for it.


                      • Whoops! I forgot, this one's not a free-for-all. The play order is

                        1) Old n Slow
                        2) JRabbit
                        3) STYOM
                        4) Lafayette
                        5) SG1
                        6) Zedd
                        7) debeest
                        8) Duke of York

                        But I think at this point we should make it a free-for-all. What do y'all think?


                        • Definitely.

                          Has anyone seen La Fayette recently?


                          • I think that we could allow SG in here....
                            Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                            • I am busy winning a scenario ("Dominion War") that has never been won previously AFAIK.
                              Ready to play this one within a few days .
                              Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                              • Great news about your Mum - the civ was pretty fair too

                                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

