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ToT Scenario Bugs

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Boco
    @Cal. Maybe try Count =x (where x=1-4). If you put in 4, then all four cities must be captured. If you want them to be held simultaneously on the turn of victory, then each CityTaken trigger must not have 'Continuous' in the associated action.
    That might be it. I'll try it a few more times.
    If a city is recaptured, the flag is removed, so I think the intent is for the four cities to be held simultaneously. Not necessarily all be taken on the same turn, just held.

    I couldn't get a colonist to irrigate either Tobacco or Tobacco Plantation. That's consistent with the Rules.txt as I read it. Can you get a little more specific about that bug?
    I saw sample pictures of Hispaniola, and in them, the tobacco terrains were both irrigated. But in the game, you can't do it. I'm not sure if Alex intended it or if it's a mistake. Why shouldn't tobacco be irrigatable? The only reason I can think of is that it encourages you to build your cities there.

    I'll look at what Alex used for Civ reputations, etc., but I'm hesitant to change Spain's reputation from rotten unless that's historically appropriate. What do you guys think?
    Even if a bad reputation is historically accurate, it's still a pain. The civ you're allied with will break off the alliance whenever they can speak with you, the other civs demand money and any tech you have if you want to maintain peace... it's impossible to avoid total war.
    I know some other civs don't have their reputation so low, so I think it's a mistake. At least change it to "questionable" if you think it's historically accurate that the Spanish have a bad reputation.

    edit: More on Europe in Flames:
    With the count=4 tag, if the cities are captured in the same turn, then victory is declared, but not if you capture some on one turn, and some on another. All of the "citytaken" tags have the "continuous" tag. It should work, if I'm reading it right... will try it without the continuous flag.

    edit2: removing the "continuous" tag had no effect. Now I don't know what to do.
    Last edited by Cal; May 15, 2003, 20:55.
    The strategically impaired,


    • #17
      I'm pretty sure the Continuous modifiers should be in. If the cities are captured on different turns and if Count=4, is victory declared the turn after the last city is taken?

      I suspect that these events should not have JustOnce modifiers. They're probably not there, but just in case...
      El Aurens v2 Beta!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Boco
        I'm pretty sure the Continuous modifiers should be in. If the cities are captured on different turns and if Count=4, is victory declared the turn after the last city is taken?
        Victory isn't declared unless you capture all four of the cities on the same turn. That's with the addition of the "count=4" tag. If you don't add that in, then victory is declared if you capture any of the cities. All four cities have the "continuous" tags, and not "justonce".

        Here's the original unmodified events. I suspected the problem was one of the flags forgot a "who=" tag, but I don't think that's it...
        Attached Files
        The strategically impaired,


        • #19
          Okay, I'm getting desperate. Maybe it's the position of Continuous. What happens if you put the Continuous line immediately after the Flag line?

          I've found that the exact positions of Delay and JustOnce are critical. If they don't follow @THEN or each other, they don't work.

          Also, on p212 of the ToT manual, they mention putting Continuous in the trigger of CityTaken events. Never done it, but maybe it could help here.

          Six year olds are dangerous. I got a 'need to clean your glasses' cough in the face yesterday, and today I'm hurting. Time to go collapse.
          El Aurens v2 Beta!


          • #20
            I think that might be the problem! I'll go back, change all of the continuous lines, put the count=4 tag in there, and then if it doesn't work, I will cry.

            Well, not really, I'm just tired of hearing the Hitler: "Sieg Heil!" scream whenever you take a key city.

            Take care of yourself.
            The strategically impaired,


            • #21

              It works.

              Anyone who wants to play a debugged version of Europe in Flames should download these edited events.
              Attached Files
              The strategically impaired,


              • #22
                I just wanted to post here and say that I have always found the idea of a "debugger" hilariously amusing.

                Also, where can I get one of these debugging programs? I need one for my ToT scenario. I think I've made an error in the tech tree somewhere.
                "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                • #23
                  The only civ2 debugger there is, is the @DEBUG thing for events...

                  Well, the other debugger is of course this forum. Post your tech tree and you're bound to get a fixed one back.

                  A bug in the tech tree is probably one of two things:
                  (1) You either made a typo somewhere, missed a comma or something. The only way to find that is to carefully look through it again line by line.
                  (2) There's a loop in the tech tree. That's probably easiest to locate by writing down your tech tree on paper.

                  (or something)
                  Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Boco
                    I'll look at what Alex used for Civ reputations, etc., but I'm hesitant to change Spain's reputation from rotten unless that's historically appropriate. What do you guys think?
                    I think that Spanish reputation should be raised:

                    The scenario starts with 3 ships for Spain and no colony so one could assume it depicts the first Columbus voyage, but probably, since the ships are loaded with artillery and settlers, it is the second Columbus voyage, anyway it can't be after 1494 and Spain reputation went down long after this year:
                    The main source of the infamous "black legend" is the "Short Account of the Destruction of West Indies" written by Bartolome de Las Casas and published only in 1552.

                    So, IMHO, if you want to raise Spanish reputation you're going to make the scenario more historically accurate, not less.
                    "If it works, it's obsolete."
                    -- Marshall McLuhan


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                      I just wanted to post here and say that I have always found the idea of a "debugger" hilariously amusing.

                      Also, where can I get one of these debugging programs? I need one for my ToT scenario. I think I've made an error in the tech tree somewhere.
                      He has a French accent.

                      As far as I'm aware, you have to debug a tech tree manually.

                      In ToT you can debug your events by simply typing @DEBUG at the start of your events file. When you load your scenario, it gererates a seperate 'Report Txt.' file. If there is an error, it will be at the end of that. Note that many errors involving flags and masks do not appear in this parser, they simply don't work in the scenario.
                      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                      • #26

                        Thanks for the input on reputation. Looks like I'll raise it. Sorry for the delay, but I'll get back on it shortly. As for the turns, what about "x days after landfall"?

                        I found the US-censored-for-TV-version of "Four Weddings and a Funeral" amusing, too. In the opening scene Hugh Grant yells 'Bugger' every 2 seconds instead of 'Fire Truck'. Really tones it down, don't you think.
                        El Aurens v2 Beta!


                        • #27
                          Re: Hispaniola

                          "land spotted" might be good too. Though that may be too many words.
                          The strategically impaired,


                          • #28
                            Okay, here's the Hispaniola checklist

                            Fixed the text for the King's petty larceny
                            Fixed city screen bug (removed Saturdays from Labels.txt)
                            Removed the incorrect map references from many ChangeTerrain actions
                            Changed Spain's rep from 80 to 0.
                            Changed time scheme to "Days since 'Land Ho': 1-500"
                            Edited @Terrain to allow irrigation of Tobacco terrains

                            Cal, do you still have the same email that you had when you tested my scoresheet for Case's Cruel Sea back in 9/2001?
                            El Aurens v2 Beta!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Boco
                              Cal, do you still have the same email that you had when you tested my scoresheet for Case's Cruel Sea back in 9/2001?
                              The strategically impaired,


                              • #30
                                Final Days, by MagyarCrusader:
                                In the events file, there's a trigger when "Budapest" is captured. This is impossible, as there're the cities "Buda," and "Pest," but not one connected. The solution: change the trigger to be when "Buda" is captured. Another solution would be to try and use an @AND command so that it's triggered when "Buda" and "Pest" are captured, but I don't know how to do it.

                                There's a way with continuous flags

                                If buda (anyone) taken by (one country) --> Flag x=1
                                If Pest (anyone) taken (one country) --> Flag y=1

                                If buda (one country) taken by (anyone) --> Flag x=0
                                If Pest (one country) taken (anyone) --> Flag y=0

                                If flag x=1 AND flag y=1 ---> event !

