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ToT Scenario Bugs

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  • ToT Scenario Bugs

    These're some known bugs I've discovered in various ToT scenarios. Some are easily fixed, some I have no idea how to fix.
    These're only the bugs I've spotted. There may in fact be more.
    I write these here in hopes the authors or some good samaritan will see them and make an effort to rectify them.

    Final Days, by MagyarCrusader:
    In the events file, there's a trigger when "Budapest" is captured. This is impossible, as there're the cities "Buda," and "Pest," but not one connected. The solution: change the trigger to be when "Buda" is captured. Another solution would be to try and use an @AND command so that it's triggered when "Buda" and "Pest" are captured, but I don't know how to do it.
    Also, the wonder "STALIN" is buildable by the germans from the start, which is clearly supposed to be a wonder owned by the soviet union. This could be fixed by placing the wonder in a soviet city, but that entails messing with the scenario directly... something I'm hesitant to do.

    Europe in Flames, by Michael Jeszenka:
    There're certain conditions that need to be fulfilled before the game declares Germany has won the war. Unfortunately, it seems there is a problem with the flags, as "winning the war" is a simple matter of taking the "London" city. The game then announces that "britain and russia have been significantly smashed that no real threat remains to the Third Reich."
    Clearly there were intended to be other objectives, but a bug prevents this. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue how to fiddle around with ToT flags and such, so I can't fix it myself. However, it probably could be easily rectified by anyone who knew how the flags worked.

    Hispaniola, by Alex the Magnificent:
    Quite a lot. Spain starts out with a horrible reputation, so holding a peace with any civ is impossible (although this may be intended). This involves messing with the scenario directly to fix it. It's also impossible to irrigate the "tobacco" terrain (I don't think this is intended, but you can argue it is). This can be fixed by going through the rules file. There are also some problems with the events. Your "king" collects money from you annually. This is represented by a changemoney command. However, the amount the events tells you it's taking and the amount it actually takes are different. It'll say: "Give me 100 gold." when in reality it takes 300 or more. This is easily rectified by going through the events.
    Also, through the events, terrain is suppose to change from productive "gold" and "silver" terrain to more worthless terrain after time. I think this is workable, but there's also an event for when a new "silver" mine is discovered. However, the Change Terrain command doesn't work, and I'm not sure why. Because the "silver" terrain is not a normal terrain type, I think. I'm not really sure how to fix this problem, but it'd probably require extensive work.
    Also, there's something really weird with the city screen. It's hard to explain, but anyone who looks at it can see the problem. I have no idea how to fix it.
    Finally, the timescale... the game begins in 4000 BC, according to the date indicator. A minor problem.

    Anyway, these are what I've observed, at least...
    Last edited by Cal; May 14, 2003, 03:24.
    The strategically impaired,

  • #2
    Is Hispaniola a pretty good scenario? I can give it a debugging if:

    1) You think it's worth it,
    2) and you'll give it a test afterwards.

    This assumes Alex remains long gone. I don't even know his email. What's the Civ etiquette here?
    El Aurens v2 Beta!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Boco
      Is Hispaniola a pretty good scenario? I can give it a debugging if:

      1) You think it's worth it,
      2) and you'll give it a test afterwards.

      This assumes Alex remains long gone. I don't even know his email. What's the Civ etiquette here?
      It's a good scenario. To put it succinctly:

      Playing as either Spain, portugal, france, england, or the dutch (the game is optimized for the Spanish), you start out with a few ships full of settlers and good units. With this, you must meet the natives, and begin colonizing the area. The scenario is not America, but only Hispaniola and Puerto Rico.

      Read about it and download here:

      I think as long as you make it clear that the original was done by Alex and you only made modifications, then it would be okay. I think it'd be worth it. And I'd gladly playtest.
      The strategically impaired,


      • #4
        I dl'ed it. Most of the changes look as simple as you say. I'll check about the new silver mine at 44,30.

        Give me a few days and I'll PM you the corrected files. If they pass, I'd suggest creating a HISPAN~2.txt file (it looks like he has neither HISPAN~2.txt nor a readme). It would contain Alex's byline, some of the text from the Cradle of Civ description (or is there a better description elsewhere?), and a single sentence mentioning that I corrected some minor bugs found by you. At that point we could zip it and send it to...Techumseh for CoC?

        Tech, time to put on a mod hat. Does this sound fair?

        This event's kinda slick. Looks like it keeps the Natives from ever learning anything.

        El Aurens v2 Beta!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Boco
          It would contain Alex's byline, some of the text from the Cradle of Civ description (or is there a better description elsewhere?)
          I'm pretty sure that was taken directly from Alex's download site, but that page has disappeared now. It might be good to fix any grammar or spelling errors.

          The main one is here:
          The strategically impaired,


          • #6
            That link timed out on me.

            I've fixed the incorrect gold texts. I'll play with the ChangeTerrains next.

            Also, there's something really weird with the city screen. It's hard to explain, but anyone who looks at it can see the problem. I have no idea how to fix it.
            That's the most serious bug! It look's as if the Labels.txt has been corrupted. My Norton Crashguard doesn't like it at all, and kills ToT when you try to get details on the info in the upper left. It could take a little time to pinpoint the cause.
            El Aurens v2 Beta!


            • #7
              Some of his ChangeTerrain events specify map 1, when only map 0 exists. That includes the new mine.

              Looks like 44,30 can create a silver square now. I tested the ChangeTerrain event by changing the trigger to Turn=Every. Oddly setting the trigger to Turn=1 or Turn=2 didn't work.
              Last edited by Boco; May 14, 2003, 22:51.
              El Aurens v2 Beta!


              • #8

                What do you think he's after here? Each turn is a day? I'm not sure how he wanted to use 'Age of Discovery'. Does this scenario really last 500 turns?
                El Aurens v2 Beta!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Boco
                  What do you think he's after here? Each turn is a day? I'm not sure how he wanted to use 'Age of Discovery'.
                  I'm not sure... I think he was trying to represent the "age of discovery". You might just want to call the first turn "Day 1," then "Day 2," etc.

                  The events indicate he wanted the game to be 500 turns long.
                  The strategically impaired,


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Boco
                    Looks like 44,30 can create a silver square now. I tested the ChangeTerrain event by changing the trigger to Turn=Every. Oddly setting the trigger to Turn=1 or Turn=2 didn't work.
                    I think that may be because the game doesn't begin on turn 1. Turn 1 in normal civ is 4000 BC, but if I remember correctly, Hispaniola begins when the date says 3850 or so.
                    The strategically impaired,


                    • #11
                      Good news!

                      After taking a look at the events in Europe in Flames, and better acquainting myself with the ToT Events language, I believe I've located the cause of the bug.

                      There are two triggers that check for when Germany has won the war, they both have this command:


                      Change this line so it looks like this:


                      If you do this for the two triggers, I believe it should work properly. Will test it myself...

                      edit: Doesn't work. I'm now not sure if this is fixable.
                      Last edited by Cal; May 15, 2003, 19:06.
                      The strategically impaired,


                      • #12
                        Sounds like you've found the guilty event code.

                        What's the complete event? Does it look for threshold, which IIRC doesn't work right, or count? Looks like you've change the mask from flags 0-3 to 28-31. Are the flags associated with CityTaken London and that Soviet city in the 28-31 range?
                        El Aurens v2 Beta!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Boco

                          That's the most serious bug! It look's as if the Labels.txt has been corrupted. My Norton Crashguard doesn't like it at all, and kills ToT when you try to get details on the info in the upper left. It could take a little time to pinpoint the cause.
                          I remember this scenario: a Tot scenario about my favourite historical period by the great Alex Mor, i was excited...
                          Unfortunately after playing it i was really disappointed and it was a pity since the scenario is well done, but it suffers of the "beta syndrome".

                          The bug you're talking about is a typical example, at that time i also wrote a mail to Alex but never received an answer:

                          Alex wanted to use days for Civ turns instead of years or months, Tot (and Civ i believe), allows designers to use months (and in the labels.txt at row 437 & followings you'll find month names), Alex though that he could replace month names with a pair of weeks (instead of Jan, Feb, ... he placed Sun, Mon, ..., and again Sun, Mon,...) the only problem was that Months are 12 while 2 weeks have 14 days so he inserted too much lines (2 for precision) in his labels.txt, and this fools Tot.
                          Remove two rows from labels.txt (between 437-450 line) and the city screen will come back to normality, now how you can change his scenario to make it work is a mistery for me ( maybe reverting back to months is a solution but then the scenario became too long historically, or you could simply cut two days from the turn sequence but it will be odd to have a week every two without two days...), anyway removing the offending lines you should be able to read a correct city screen without crashes.

                          Anyway if you want a beta tester for it sign me in!
                          "If it works, it's obsolete."
                          -- Marshall McLuhan


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Boco
                            Sounds like you've found the guilty event code.

                            What's the complete event? Does it look for threshold, which IIRC doesn't work right, or count? Looks like you've change the mask from flags 0-3 to 28-31. Are the flags associated with CityTaken London and that Soviet city in the 28-31 range?
                            If I've read the events right, Germany is considered to have won the war when it has taken London, El Iskandariya, Magnitogorsk, and Perm.

                            Whenever you take one of those cities, a flag is set. (0-3) When all four are set, the events announces you've won, and declares Germany the victor of the war. The bug came from that the game sets flags 0-3, but that mask checks for flags 28-31. By changing it back to 0-3, it should now work. To my knowledge, there are no other flags set for Germany, so there was a bug that whenever you got one flag, the "win" command was activated anyway.

                            ....wait, I changed it to 28-31? Are you sure that's right? I thought I changed it from 28-31 to 0-3... hold on, I'll check.

                  're right. Now the event doesn't work at all.

                            The original events don't use threshold or count. I tried it with count, and the event stopped working altogether. Will try threshold later.
                            Last edited by Cal; May 15, 2003, 19:50.
                            The strategically impaired,


                            • #15
                              @Angelo. Thanks, you saved me a lot of time. The easiest fix is to 'take weekends off'. I'll play with it a little to see if I can come up with an alternative.

                              @Cal. Maybe try Count =x (where x=1-4). If you put in 4, then all four cities must be captured.

                              Thanks for the heads up on the turn=4 at start.

                              I couldn't get a colonist to irrigate either Tobacco or Tobacco Plantation. That's consistent with the Rules.txt as I read it. Can you get a little more specific about that bug?

                              I'll look at what Alex used for Civ reputations, etc., but I'm hesitant to change Spain's reputation from rotten unless that's historically appropriate. What do you guys think?
                              Last edited by Boco; May 15, 2003, 20:13.
                              El Aurens v2 Beta!

