Originally posted by Boco
@Cal. Maybe try Count =x (where x=1-4). If you put in 4, then all four cities must be captured. If you want them to be held simultaneously on the turn of victory, then each CityTaken trigger must not have 'Continuous' in the associated action.
@Cal. Maybe try Count =x (where x=1-4). If you put in 4, then all four cities must be captured. If you want them to be held simultaneously on the turn of victory, then each CityTaken trigger must not have 'Continuous' in the associated action.
If a city is recaptured, the flag is removed, so I think the intent is for the four cities to be held simultaneously. Not necessarily all be taken on the same turn, just held.
I couldn't get a colonist to irrigate either Tobacco or Tobacco Plantation. That's consistent with the Rules.txt as I read it. Can you get a little more specific about that bug?
I'll look at what Alex used for Civ reputations, etc., but I'm hesitant to change Spain's reputation from rotten unless that's historically appropriate. What do you guys think?
I know some other civs don't have their reputation so low, so I think it's a mistake. At least change it to "questionable" if you think it's historically accurate that the Spanish have a bad reputation.
edit: More on Europe in Flames:
With the count=4 tag, if the cities are captured in the same turn, then victory is declared, but not if you capture some on one turn, and some on another. All of the "citytaken" tags have the "continuous" tag. It should work, if I'm reading it right... will try it without the continuous flag.
edit2: removing the "continuous" tag had no effect.