Setup of mod APT2011
[Configuracion para administradores de partidas]
(translation of this article [insert url once i have 20 posts], contains the orginal spanish version in small font size and light gray)
Since this mod is not compatible with and their client, it adds its own client and homepage.
[El mod a partir de su verion APT2011 hace inncecesario el uso de civstats y añade un cliente que permite el paso de datos a la nueva web.]
Instructions to setup a pitboss game using any version of the APT mod:
(These steps are only necessary for the admin of the pitboss server, NOT for the players)
[Instrucciones de administracion de una partida con mod APT*.
Estos pasos son solo necesarios para el administrador de las partidas no para los jugadores.]
Install the client APTMOD:
1 - download the client: [insert url: see post nr6]
2 - unzip in any directory $INSTALLDIR$
3 - if not already installed, get the java runtime: [insert url]
[Debemos tener instalado el cliente APTMOD:
1- descargar el cliente:
2- descomprimir en algun directorio.
3- descargar si no esta instalado ya el runtime de java : ]
1 - set up a regular pitboss game (load the APT mod in the section) and start the game (you should see the counter running)
[1- Arrancar de la partida pitboss de forma normal. Este paso termina cuando sale la ventana del pitboss ya creada con el contador de turno en marcha.]
2 - Edit the configuration file aptmod.txt to your settings. (which is located in $INSTALLDIR$ ???)
[2-Configuracion del fichero aptmod.txt del cliente.
Nos vamos al cliente y editamos este fichero y lo configuramos con nuestros datos.]
The file should look like this:
[El fichero tiene esta pinta:]
Base_dir=C:\\Program Files\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\\Beyond the Sword
URL_SERVIDOR=[insert url]
PITBOSS1=gamename1 ???
NICK_ADMIN1=NicknameOfAdminOnHomepage ???
... and so on...
- NUM_PITBOSS: the number of pitboss servers / games you are running (using the altroot method?)
- Base_dir: the install directory of BTS
- URL_SERVIDOR: the url of the stats webpage (standart: [insert url], but it could change in the future)
the next items will occure in groups of 3, one group for each game/server you are running:
- PITBOSSxxx: exact name of the game (replace xxx with a ascending number: 1, 2, 3, ...)
- NICK_ADMINxxx: the nickname of the game administrator (on the webpage)
- PASS_ADMINxxx: the administrator passwort (on the webpage)
BASE_DIR=C:\\Archivos de programa\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\\Beyond the Sword
En NUM_PITBOSS pondremos el numero de partidas que tendremos activas.
BASE_DIR el directorio base del BTS
URL_SERVIDOR tendra la url de la web que podra cambiar, nos la debe suministrar el administrador de la web.
a partir de aqui hay un grupo de 3 elementos que se repetiran para cada partida que tenga en marcha este server.
PITBOSSxxx= tendra el nombre exacto de la partida
NICK_ADMINxxx tendra el nick del usuario administrador de la partida en la web
PASS_ADMINxxx tendra el password del usuario administrador de la partida en la web.]
3 - After setting up the client (by editing the text file) start the client with aptclient.bat (found in $INSTALLDIR$ ??? (If it is already running, close and restart it)
Please note: the client window needs to remain active {??? does it really, or does this mean, you shouldn't close/minimize the window?}
[3- Una vez configurado el fichero ejecutamos el aptclient.bat del cliente (si lo teniamos arrancado hay que parar antes y volver a arrancar) y debe quedarse una ventana activa.]
4 - The client generates logs in it's $INSTALLDIR% (pay attention: they will be deleted every time you restart the client ???)
[4- El cliente genera unos logs dentro del directorio en el que fue instalado y que borra cuando arranca. ]
---------- original post --------
Hi there
Sorry for posting in english in the spanish forum, but I've got some questions about the mods you are using, and it seems like there are no english informations around.. (or are there?)
We're hosting a 14player game, with your pitbossmod319, basically to prevent "double turns". Now we would like to start a second game, is there any way to change the port where the pitboss runs on (using the /altroot command line parameter?)
By the way, i saw you have some never versions of it? apt mods? are some english (or french or german) information about it around?
Thanks and best wishes from swiss civ4 community around zuerich
[Configuracion para administradores de partidas]
(translation of this article [insert url once i have 20 posts], contains the orginal spanish version in small font size and light gray)
Since this mod is not compatible with and their client, it adds its own client and homepage.
[El mod a partir de su verion APT2011 hace inncecesario el uso de civstats y añade un cliente que permite el paso de datos a la nueva web.]
Instructions to setup a pitboss game using any version of the APT mod:
(These steps are only necessary for the admin of the pitboss server, NOT for the players)
[Instrucciones de administracion de una partida con mod APT*.
Estos pasos son solo necesarios para el administrador de las partidas no para los jugadores.]
Install the client APTMOD:
1 - download the client: [insert url: see post nr6]
2 - unzip in any directory $INSTALLDIR$
3 - if not already installed, get the java runtime: [insert url]
[Debemos tener instalado el cliente APTMOD:
1- descargar el cliente:
2- descomprimir en algun directorio.
3- descargar si no esta instalado ya el runtime de java : ]
1 - set up a regular pitboss game (load the APT mod in the section) and start the game (you should see the counter running)
[1- Arrancar de la partida pitboss de forma normal. Este paso termina cuando sale la ventana del pitboss ya creada con el contador de turno en marcha.]
2 - Edit the configuration file aptmod.txt to your settings. (which is located in $INSTALLDIR$ ???)
[2-Configuracion del fichero aptmod.txt del cliente.
Nos vamos al cliente y editamos este fichero y lo configuramos con nuestros datos.]
The file should look like this:
[El fichero tiene esta pinta:]
Base_dir=C:\\Program Files\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\\Beyond the Sword
URL_SERVIDOR=[insert url]
PITBOSS1=gamename1 ???
NICK_ADMIN1=NicknameOfAdminOnHomepage ???
... and so on...
- NUM_PITBOSS: the number of pitboss servers / games you are running (using the altroot method?)
- Base_dir: the install directory of BTS
- URL_SERVIDOR: the url of the stats webpage (standart: [insert url], but it could change in the future)
the next items will occure in groups of 3, one group for each game/server you are running:
- PITBOSSxxx: exact name of the game (replace xxx with a ascending number: 1, 2, 3, ...)
- NICK_ADMINxxx: the nickname of the game administrator (on the webpage)
- PASS_ADMINxxx: the administrator passwort (on the webpage)
BASE_DIR=C:\\Archivos de programa\\Firaxis Games\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\\Beyond the Sword
En NUM_PITBOSS pondremos el numero de partidas que tendremos activas.
BASE_DIR el directorio base del BTS
URL_SERVIDOR tendra la url de la web que podra cambiar, nos la debe suministrar el administrador de la web.
a partir de aqui hay un grupo de 3 elementos que se repetiran para cada partida que tenga en marcha este server.
PITBOSSxxx= tendra el nombre exacto de la partida
NICK_ADMINxxx tendra el nick del usuario administrador de la partida en la web
PASS_ADMINxxx tendra el password del usuario administrador de la partida en la web.]
3 - After setting up the client (by editing the text file) start the client with aptclient.bat (found in $INSTALLDIR$ ??? (If it is already running, close and restart it)
Please note: the client window needs to remain active {??? does it really, or does this mean, you shouldn't close/minimize the window?}
[3- Una vez configurado el fichero ejecutamos el aptclient.bat del cliente (si lo teniamos arrancado hay que parar antes y volver a arrancar) y debe quedarse una ventana activa.]
4 - The client generates logs in it's $INSTALLDIR% (pay attention: they will be deleted every time you restart the client ???)
[4- El cliente genera unos logs dentro del directorio en el que fue instalado y que borra cuando arranca. ]
---------- original post --------
Hi there
Sorry for posting in english in the spanish forum, but I've got some questions about the mods you are using, and it seems like there are no english informations around.. (or are there?)
We're hosting a 14player game, with your pitbossmod319, basically to prevent "double turns". Now we would like to start a second game, is there any way to change the port where the pitboss runs on (using the /altroot command line parameter?)
By the way, i saw you have some never versions of it? apt mods? are some english (or french or german) information about it around?
Thanks and best wishes from swiss civ4 community around zuerich