OK, so to keep things tidy I create this new topic here for Poland vs Spain PitBoss game only. Please do not post in the other thread ( http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...hreadid=172179 ) about PitBoss anymore
So, let's start to discuss the settings. What is the main problem in my opinion is who will host the game. We don't have a free server for now
Do you have one?
Rest of settings, which we propose:
1 turn per 24 hours, server should be up all the time
simultaneous turns of course
advanced start, default count of points
medieval era (?)
game speed: normal or quick
game level: prince
map type: ? (pangea, wheel, mirror - wide continents?)
how many players: we have a lot of volunteers
no random events (OOS problems)
If I forgot about something, please correct me.
Here is a thread in our Polish forum about it (feel free to post there too - forum interface might be switched to English): http://forum.civilization.org.pl/viewtopic.php?p=39073
I hope we will play an interesting game

So, let's start to discuss the settings. What is the main problem in my opinion is who will host the game. We don't have a free server for now

Rest of settings, which we propose:
1 turn per 24 hours, server should be up all the time
simultaneous turns of course
advanced start, default count of points
medieval era (?)
game speed: normal or quick
game level: prince
map type: ? (pangea, wheel, mirror - wide continents?)
how many players: we have a lot of volunteers
no random events (OOS problems)
If I forgot about something, please correct me.
Here is a thread in our Polish forum about it (feel free to post there too - forum interface might be switched to English): http://forum.civilization.org.pl/viewtopic.php?p=39073
I hope we will play an interesting game
