War declared on Nether 1145 AD.
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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]
Now is the time to vote for the May Diploscore winner.
You can send your vote to me by PM or use this program to vote http://www.warner-home.com/DoB/ , but please dont use both as it is a little confusing to sort out.
Each Civ has 5 points TOTAL to allocate anyway you choose, except you can not vote for yourself (Voting for Barbarian Civs is discouraged). Remember that is 5 points total, not 5 for each Civ. So you can give 1 point to five different Civs or 5 points to one Civ or anything in between. If you don't vote there is no penalty, but you can't use the votes later.
Remember don't be a scummy double voterand please don't vote for yourself if you are subbing for anyone (for example, if China is casting votes for China and Japan, then Japan should not be voting for China, and China should not be voting for Japan).
As usual, we will leave the voting open all month, and announce the results at the end of the Month at the same time that we open the voting for next month. That way everyone gets plenty of time to read, catch up, notice that voting is going on etc. I will send everybody a PM.
Happy Voting
Most Importantly, Here is the current Leaderboard:
Netherlands = 77
England = 51
China = 44
Holy Roma = 24
Persia = 24
Ottomans = 20
Spain = 21
Portugal = 15
Greece = 9
(Japan = 79*, France = 60*, Russia = 44*, Arabia = 35*, Celtia = 27*, Byzantium = 23**, Rome = 22*, Vikings = 16*, Germany = 1*)
* = Barbarian (AI Civ) , ** = Eliminated Civ
Here are the Final Results of the April voting:
England = 8
Holy Roma = 7
Persia = 7
Byzantium = 4
China = 2
Netherlands = 2
Celtia = 1
Germany = 1
Rome = 1
Russia = 1
Spain = 1
As a recap Here are the Final Results of the prior voting:
March: Holy Roma = 16, Japan = 9, France = 7, Rome = 5, Portugal = 4, Greece = 3, Netherlands = 3, Byzantium = 1, England = 1, Russia = 1
February: Persia = 14, Netherlands = 8, Arabia = 4, Byzantium = 3, France = 3, England = 2, Japan = 2, Rome = 2
Russia = 2January: Russia = 17, Vikings = 8, China = 7, Japan = 5, Arabia = 4, Ottomans = 4, England = 3, Celts = 2, France = 2, Netherlands = 2, Portugal = 1
December: Arabia = 10, Russia = 6, Netherlands = 6, Ottomans = 5, Japan = 2, France = 2, England = 2, China = 2, Spain = 1, Rome = 1, Greece = 1, Celtia = 1, Byzantium = 1
November: Spain = 12, Netherlands = 6, Russia = 6, England = 5, France = 4, Japan = 3, Rome = 2, Arabia = 2
October: Russia = 9, England = 9, France = 5, Celtia = 4, Japan = 3, Netherlands = 3, Portugal = 2, Arabia = 1, Byzantium = 1, China = 1, Greece = 1, Ottomans = 1
September: Netherlands=12, China=9, Celts=7, England=6, France=5, Japan=5, Greece=3, Portugal=2, Arabia=1
August: China = 8, Portugal = 4, Japan = 3, Netherlands = 3, England = 1, Ottomans = 1, France = 1, Russia = 1, Greece = 1, Holy Roma = 1, Spain = 1
July: Japan = 14, Netherlands = 12, China = 6, Byzantines = 5, France = 4, England = 3, Ottomans =2, Celts =2, Rome=1, Russia =1
June: Japan = 24, Netherlands = 6, Rome = 2, France = 2, Portugal = 2, Arabia = 1, England = 1, Vikings = 1, China = 1
May 2012: France = 15, Arabia = 9, Rome = 8, Celtia = 6, Netherlands = 6, England = 4, Byzantium = 4, Japan = 5, China = 3, Persia = 3, Vikings = 2
April 2012 - France: 11, Netherlands: 8, Ottomans: 7, England: 6, Spain: 6, China: 5, Vikings: 5, Celtia: 4, Japan: 4, Arabia: 3, Byzantium = 1
Congrats to Netherlands, the score leader. Well done everyone and keep it up!
Last edited by Sommerswerd; June 5, 2013, 11:06.
Originally posted by China (DoB) View PostI have a serious problem continuing this game when the people that abandon their civ, to leave it to an AI are winning. Just saying.
Ok I adjusted the leaderboard as requested by China, I also added the changes suggested by Persia. Hopefully that makes everyone happy
Now I have some updates:
1. My Power company is doing some kind of equipment changeout/upgrade around June 10. This means I will almost certainly lose power and so of course the game will go down. I have no idea what time of day this will happen. I suggest that if you play your turn on the 9th - 11th that you finish your turn, log out, and then log back in to create a new savepoint with all your turn actions intact.
2. I will be moving at the very end of this month/beginning of next month (June 28-July 2). Sometime during that time, of course I will need to take the game down and it will be down until the internet and computer are all set up at my new address. This will take a few days minimum, so please be patient while I get everything set up at my new address. I will remind everyone before I take the game offline for my move.
Connection timed out.
EDIT - Connection working.
It is good to get the advance update on downtime. Thank you Sommer. Hope everything works smoothly when you move.Last edited by Spain (DoB); June 5, 2013, 18:46.La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors
Appreciate the fast response. I think your adjustment to the leaderboard makes me happy again. Something I can't say very often.
In my opinion ... If in the unlikely event a warm human with blood takes control of the now barbarian civs, their points should be reinstated.
Originally posted by Sommerswerd View PostGood point. Technically, this vote was for April storythread, before all the Civs went to AI so it makes sense that some Civs who are AI now got votes for April (they werent AI in April). We are now voting on the May storythread so there shouldn't be anymore votes for the AI... Anyway, for appearances sake I guess I can just adjust the leaderboard easily enough to only include the player Civs, right? I will have to do it later though as it is already past my bedtime
Spain called for MMW (Major Measured War) from Portugal. In future, it might be a good idea to put this in the Org Thread too so it is not missed. As a reminder MMW is:6.4. Once a Civ has 10 cities total, they are considered a Major Nation, and can ask for Major Measured-War (MMW). Any Civ can ask for Standard Measured War (SMW), regardless of size. Only Defenders can ask for Defender’s Measured War (DMW) regardless of size.6.5. Major Measured War (for Defender Major Nations only)- Any turn after a Major Nation is attacked, they can ask for the attacker’s terms for immediate peace. This should be done in-character. The attacker can’t attack any of the defender’s cities, including units inside Defender’s cities, until he responds in-character. Respond means attacker has to ask for something that the defender can actually give and it has to be possible to give it either before a peace treaty is accepted or during the 10 turn peace treaty. If the defender accepts and does what the attacker asked for, peace must be accepted. If the defender refuses, war may go on 5 more turns, then, 10 turns peace must be accepted.
Originally posted by Sommerswerd View Post1. My Power company is doing some kind of equipment changeout/upgrade around June 10. This means I will almost certainly lose power and so of course the game will go down. I have no idea what time of day this will happen. I suggest that if you play your turn on the 9th - 11th that you finish your turn, log out, and then log back in to create a new savepoint with all your turn actions intact.
Well, kinda makes sense that they do it on a sunday to prevent too much interference with work and such..
I don't know if they did it already, I was at work, but the game did crash after Persia played. I put the game back up from the Persia Autosave. There was one for HRE, but it was corrupted and the game would not start from it.
So Persia has to replay their turn. There should be around 9 hours left on the clock.