OOC ... you sure it wasn't the garlicy breath of French that killed the lions?
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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]
Originally posted by Arabia (DoB) View PostI was able to play just fine. I think its fixed now. The barb animals suck BTW. They seem too strong. Ive lost 3 warriors to mere lions, most recently I lost to a lion with 75% odds in my favor,
Then again, we WERE warned.
Since my early losses, my warriors are staying at home until we have better weapons.
Now is the time to vote for the April Diploscore winner.
Since I have been too busy (lazy) to set up the voting progam,(I will try real hard to get it going for next month.
) Everyone can just PM me your votes. Each Civ has 5 points to allocate anyway you choose, except you can not vote for yourself. So you can give 1 point to five different Civs or 5 points to one Civ or anything in between. If you don't vote there is no penalty, but you can't use the votes later.
I'm not picky about which account you use to send your votes as long as you just don't give away what nation you are, and as long as you dont't be a scummy double voter. Also please don't vote for yourself if you are subbing for anyone.
So for example, if China is casting votes for China and Japan, then Japan should not be voting for China, and China should not be voting for Japan.
I am thinking that for this first Month we should leave the voting open all month, and announce the results at the end of the Month at the same time that we open the voting for next month. That way everyone gets plenty of time to read, catch up, notice that voting is going on etc. I will send everybody a PM.
Happy VotingLast edited by Sommerswerd; May 2, 2012, 12:48.
Originally posted by Celtia (DoB) View PostOOC: Would you be so kind as to set font colour to automatic (or not use white/black at least) in your posts, Sommerswerd? I prefer the black theme, and while not exactly a chore it is a bit cumbersome and hard on the eyes to have to press ctrl+a and read the text inverted. Thank you.. At first I thought "What is he talking about? I DO post in black!"... But after rereading your post, I think what you are saying is you like to set your post windows to be black with white writing, instead of white with black writing.
So when I pick "automatic" as my colour choice, then the text automatically shows up as white for you, but when I choose black, it shows up as black on black and you cant see it unless you highlight the text... Is that right?
If so, then OK I will try to remember to always use "auto" instead of black (I've never used white AFAIK). If not then I don't understand, please explain what you mean.Last edited by Sommerswerd; May 3, 2012, 13:23.
Originally posted by Sommerswerd View PostI had to think for a while to figure out what you meant by this. At first I thought "What is he talking about? I DO post in black!"... But after rereading your post, I think what you are saying is you like to set your post windows to be black with white writing, instead of white with black writing.
So when I pick "automatic" as my colour choice, then the text automatically shows up as white for you, but when I choose black, it shows up as black on black and you cant see it unless you highlight the text... Is that right?
If so, then OK I will try to remember to always use "auto" instead of black (I've never used white AFAIK). If not then I don't understand, please explain what you mean.When you set text as black, I'm reading it on a black background, so I have to highlight it to read it indeed
If you leave it at auto, then the forum theme should make it black/white automatically based on what theme is used.
Originally posted by China (DoB) View PostWhat flag is that for your country?
If anyone wants another game, DoE2 has an opening for Spain. It's still the early game (1000AD Earth scenario) and Spain, under careful tutelage, has been doing well, capturing Mali's capital, expanding along Northern Africa, and recently finishing the all-too-awesome Statue of Zeus. Good position in the game, and it's 100% open for the taking. Diplomacy is also open, so you can mold it to your liking.
PM me if interested.
Also, G&H has an opening for someone up for more of a challenge that requires some aggressive expansion, if anyone is interested therethe civ is Roman in a nice little corner, and the game is reaching the Renaissance right now.