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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • I missed the last turn as well, with.. consequences. I'd ask for a reload, but like China I was tired, my own fault. Have to suck it up.


    • @ China - I don't have everyone's email, and it would probably be a little unfair for me to email some players but not others to tell them the game is up, but what I can suggest, is if you set your options to get an email notification whenever there is a post in this thread, you will always get a notification of my post so you will know that the game is either back up or when you can expect it to go back up.


      • Originally posted by Sommerswerd View Post
        @ China - I don't have everyone's email, and it would probably be a little unfair for me to email some players but not others to tell them the game is up, but what I can suggest, is if you set your options to get an email notification whenever there is a post in this thread, you will always get a notification of my post so you will know that the game is either back up or when you can expect it to go back up.
        I am subscribed to this thread, but have recieved no email updates after the last Apolyton downtime (23rd of January) so I've been checking in on this thread when I can. Does anyone else have the same issue?


        Every email has this at the bottom:
        There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again. All the best, Apolyton Civilization Site
        Even with visiting the forum, I have not gotten any new updates. Something wrong with the notification-by-email?
        Last edited by Japan (DoB); February 2, 2013, 11:56.


        • Originally posted by Japan (DoB) View Post
          I am subscribed to this thread, but have recieved no email updates after the last Apolyton downtime (23rd of January) so I've been checking in on this thread when I can. Does anyone else have the same issue?


          Every email has this at the bottom:

          Even with visiting the forum, I have not gotten any new updates. Something wrong with the notification-by-email?
          I did some digging and found this thread. Hopefully we can get some assistance on this soon.


          • I can now post, and receive and send PMs again.


            • France is once more fully capable to PM and post. Vive la France!


              • Excellent! Prais-ed Be to the site Admins!

                Email notification should be restored as well according to my understanding of what they did.


                • Will a new thread appear sometime in the next few days?


                  • On the first day of the new month, Hardrada looked out at the sea. Something smells different. It is as if the months have not passed in their normal fashion. Whatever could cause such a strange event...


                    • Sorry everyone I have been busy feeling sorry for myself that my team lost the Superbowl

                      I also was trying to get France and Byzantine squared away before starting the new thread. I should have it up today or tomorrow


                      • Originally posted by Sommerswerd View Post
                        Sorry everyone I have been busy feeling sorry for myself that my team lost the Superbowl
                        Oh, quit feeling sorry about it. Heck, the 49'ers are 5 and 1 in Super Bowls.

                        I'm a Vikings fan. 0 and 4.


                        • Now is the time to vote for the January Diploscore winner.

                          You can send your vote to me by PM or use this program to vote
                 , but please dont use both as it is a little confusing to sort out.

                          Each Civ has 5 points TOTAL to allocate anyway you choose, except you can not vote for yourself. Remember that is 5 points total, not 5 for each Civ. So you can give 1 point to five different Civs or 5 points to one Civ or anything in between. If you don't vote there is no penalty, but you can't use the votes later.

                          Remember don't be a scummy double voter and please don't vote for yourself if you are subbing for anyone (for example, if China is casting votes for China and Japan, then Japan should not be voting for China, and China should not be voting for Japan).

                          As usual, we will leave the voting open all month, and announce the results at the end of the Month at the same time that we open the voting for next month. That way everyone gets plenty of time to read, catch up, notice that voting is going on etc. I will send everybody a PM.

                          Happy Voting

                          Most Importantly, Here is the current Leaderboard:

                          Japan = 63

                          Netherlands = 62
                          France = 48
                          England = 37
                          China = 35
                          Arabia = 27
                          Celtia = 24
                          Russia = 23
                          Spain = 20

                          Ottomans = 16
                          Byzantium = 15
                          Rome = 14
                          Portugal = 10
                          Vikings = 8

                          Greece = 6
                          Persia = 3

                          Holy Roma = 1

                          Here are the Final Results of the December voting:

                          Arabia = 10
                          Russia = 6
                          Netherlands = 6
                          Ottomans = 5
                          Japan = 2
                          France = 2
                          England = 2
                          China = 2
                          Spain = 1
                          Rome = 1
                          Greece = 1
                          Celtia = 1
                          Byzantium = 1

                          As a recap Here are the Final Results of the prior voting:
                          November: Spain = 12, Netherlands = 6, Russia = 6, England = 5, France = 4, Japan = 3, Rome = 2, Arabia = 2
                          October: Russia = 9, England = 9, France = 5, Celtia = 4, Japan = 3, Netherlands = 3, Portugal = 2, Arabia = 1, Byzantium = 1, China = 1, Greece = 1, Ottomans = 1
                          September: Netherlands=12, China=9, Celts=7, England=6, France=5, Japan=5, Greece=3, Portugal=2, Arabia=1
                          August: China = 8, Portugal = 4, Japan = 3, Netherlands = 3, England = 1, Ottomans = 1, France = 1, Russia = 1, Greece = 1, Holy Roma = 1, Spain = 1
                          July: Japan = 14, Netherlands = 12, China = 6, Byzantines = 5, France = 4, England = 3, Ottomans =2, Celts =2, Rome=1, Russia =1
                          June: Japan = 24, Netherlands = 6, Rome = 2, France = 2, Portugal = 2, Arabia = 1, England = 1, Vikings = 1, China = 1
                          May 2012: France = 15, Arabia = 9, Rome = 8, Celtia = 6, Netherlands = 6, England = 4, Byzantium = 4, Japan = 5, China = 3, Persia = 3, Vikings = 2
                          April 2012 - France: 11, Netherlands: 8, Ottomans: 7, England: 6, Spain: 6, China: 5, Vikings: 5, Celtia: 4, Japan: 4, Arabia: 3, Byzantium = 1

                          Congrats to Japan, the score leader . Well done everyone and keep it up!


                          • I am unable to connect to the game


                            • Me neither, the game appears to be down.


                              • Not able to connect but civstats is still up.

