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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Setup Thread]

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  • I just spent most of the day play-testing this map as various civs in SP (deity level) and my results were surprising. The Tier 1&2 civs were much easier against the AI then even the Tier 6 civs. The AI did not attack so it was easy to optimize development with so many resources to win the cultural battle for Europe and claim more resource rich land. In contrast the Tier 4 & 5 civs were much more challenging to get anywhere with so many barb attacks and difficult to build the Great Wall (which may be the most important wonder race in this game) before some European civ does.

    Perhaps it was just the poor AI or my particular style of play but I do not think the Tier division accurately reflects the level of difficulties of the various civs. There is no guarantee that the crowded european civs will be more aggressive towards each other in a human game either (in fact it seems unlikely given that capitals cannot be captured) so central europe will appeal to Builders while the Fringe civs will appeal to WarMongers.

    I recommend reserving the Tier 6 for the weakest players in the game as they could be quite unbalanced in the hands of skilled players (I particularly fear isolated Japan's REX capabilities) but open up the rest of the civs to whoever wants them based upon their play style (Warmonger or Builder).


    • Looking at my obligations lately, I'm afraid I have to bow out. Sorry guys. :/


      • Ignore my earlier comment about the Great Wall. China seems to get it, if beelined, not sure how I got beat to it in my earlier attempt.


        • Originally posted by nabaxo View Post
          Looking at my obligations lately, I'm afraid I have to bow out. Sorry guys. :/
          Glad we got that stuff straightened out... So you're still in then right?


          • I still doubt my free time for a game of this magnitude, I can play for now but I hope for a sub. I'd hate to resign to AI.


            • As promised, here is my outline of some suggested approaches when testing out the starts on the Map. Again, these are only suggestions, based on my limited time to work with each Civ. I am sure you will be able to come up with better and different strategies. As promised, here is my outline of some suggested approaches when testing out the starts on the Map. Again, these are only suggestions, based on my limited time to work with each Civ. I am sure you will be able to come up with better and different strategies.

              Key - Aggressive Moves: Stuff I would at least consider to DoW you for if I was your neighbor, but others might not mind. It depends on the player.
              Peaceful: Passive stuff that would probably be tolerated by even an Aggressive neighbor

              I. Tier 1 - Western Europe Civs
              1. France
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Build Wonder to hard push Culture on all neighbors
                2. Squeeze a City in South to push Spain & Rome
                3. Violate England border to either
                  1. Found city on Britain and/or;
                  2. Found city in Iceland
                  3. Found city in Ireland
                4. Violate Netherlands border to either
                  1. Colonize Scandinavia or;
                  2. Colonize Western Asia
                5. Violate Portugal (& England) & possibly Spain border to either
                  1. Colonize North Africa or;
                  2. Declare War & capture a City that is already in Africa
                6. Violate German Border to found city in Western Asia
              2. Peaceful Moves - NONE
              1. Spain
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Found Religion to hard push Culture on all neighbors
                2. Build Wonder to hard push Culture on all neighbors
                3. Declare War on Portugal to prevent them from
                  1. Working tiles (that speed expansion) or;
                  2. expanding to Africa
                4. Colonize North Africa near Portugal Rome Greece or Arabia
                5. Found city in Sardina to push culture on Rome
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Colonize North Africa near Spain
              1. Portugal
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Build Wonder to hard push Culture on Spain
                2. Declare War on Spain to prevent them from
                  1. Building a Wonder
                  2. Working tiles (that speed expansion) or;
                  3. expanding to Africa
                3. Colonize North Africa near Spain
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Colonize West African Coast
              II. Tier 2 - Peninsular Europe Civs
              1. Netherlands
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Build Wonder to hard push Culture on France and Germany
                2. Found city in England
                3. Colonize Scandinavia
                4. Violate France, England and Portugal border to Colonize Africa
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Colonize West Asia
                2. Found a city in Iceland
              1. Rome
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Build Wonder to hard push Culture on all neighbors
                2. Found city in Sardina to push culture on Spain
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Found City in Southern Italy
                2. Colonize North Africa
              C. Greece
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Found City on Suez canal to push culture on Arabia
                2. Colonize Northeast Middle East to cut Arabs & Byzantines off
                3. Colonize Tigris-Euphrates River Valley
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Found City in Crete
                2. Colonize Egypt
                3. Colonize North Africa
              III. Tier 3 – Eastern Europe Civs
              A. Germany
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Settle Southeast to
                  1. cut off HRE and/or;
                  2. cut off Ottomans
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Start settling Northeast of Capital
                2. Start settling East of capital
              B. Ottomans
              1. Aggressive Moves -NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Settle Northeast
              C. Holy Rome
              1. Aggressive Moves - NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Settle Northeast
              IV. Tier 4 - Frontier Civs
              A. Russia
              1. Aggressive Moves - NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Beeline to Archery, build 7 Archers send 4 to found new city, rinse, repeat
                2. Tech to BW or AH then Expand to get strategic resource
              B. Persia
              1. Aggressive Moves - NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Beeline to Archery, build 7 Archers send 4 to found new city, rinse, repeat
                2. Tech to AH or BW then Expand to get strategic resource
              C. Byzantines
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Claim Suez Canal to Block Arabia from Africa
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Expand into Middle East
              V. Tier 5 - Isolated Civs
              A. China
              1. Aggressive Moves - NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Beeline to Archery, build 7 Archers send 4 to found new city, rinse, repeat
                2. Beeline to Great Wall
              B. Arabia
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Settle North to cutoff Byzantines
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Beeline to Archery, build 6 Archers send 3 to found new city, rinse, repeat
                2. Beeline Great Wall
                3. Beeline SH
              C. Vikings
              1. Aggressive Moves -NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Beeline to Archery, build 6 Archers send 3 to found new city, rinse, repeat
                2. Settle Scandinavian Peninsula
                3. Beeline to SH
                4. Beeline to Great Wall
              VI. Tier 6 - Island Civs
              A. Japan
              1. Aggressive Moves - NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Fully Settle Japan
                2. Colonize Korea
                3. Colonize Oceania/Polynesia
                4. Colonize Indo-China
                5. Colonize Kamchatka
              B. England
              1. Aggressive Moves
                1. Build Wonder to hard push Culture on France
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Fully Settle Britain
                2. Found city in Iceland
                3. Beeline to SH
              C. Celts
              1. Aggressive Moves - NONE
              2. Peaceful Moves
                1. Fully settle Ireland
                2. Found city in Iceland
                3. Beeline to SH


              • It has been 38 hours since the Tier 1 selection began and so far only 1 civ seems to have been chosen. What can we do to speed up the process? I would have thought the whole selection process could have been done by now. Perhaps every 8 hours or so release the next Tier of Civs and everyone can select on a first come first serve basis?

                Or perhaps release the Tier 6 civs and have anyone who considers themselves a weaker player start the selection? Work both extremes towards the middle (i.e. Tier 1 & 6 are available to start once tier 1 is picked then Tier 2 is released similarly once Tier 6 is picked then Tier 5 is released).
                Last edited by Exploit; March 25, 2012, 16:21.


                • I guess go ahead and grab a Tier 1 civ Exploit.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    The map is completely overboard in Eurasia. Fine, if that's the intent.The point is that the whole southern hemisphere seems rather neglected in comparison.
                    My approach was to put alot of food in Eurasia, and leave most of the happiness resources for expansion and colonization. Eurasia has an abundance, because Eurasia is where everybody starts. The European civs especially need alot of strategic resources in their starts because of the possibility that you may be fighting someone with only your capital as a source of units. the Southern hemi is not neglected at all, far from it, But I can see what you might be talking about... mainly the difference in food resources.
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    Fish - Big disparity between the Hemispheres. All the cold water areas need lots of Crabs. Alaska, Argentina, etc
                    With seafood, I wanted a food resource that would create larger, more important but also higher risk coastal cities. This was to make Navy more powerful and dangerous. Now in choosing what resource to give, I knew that going full boat on seafood would also tank the value of seafood as a trade resource all the way until Sushi Co arrived. So I thought the best way to counter this, was to pick one seafood resource to be the workhorse, so that the other two could retain some trade value. I decided that Fish would be the workhorse resource, because fish gives more food than crab or Clam.

                    So, based on your suggestions, I will add more Fish to the Southern Hemisphere
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    Big jungles in South America and SE Asia should have a few forests. Hardwoods are valuable.
                    OK, good point, however, China already has a huge advantage with all that food and land and starting with an exposed Stone. I cant give China more chops on top of that, it would be too much.

                    So based on your suggestions I, mixed some Forests into the South American Jungle. I was going for about a 70/30 Jungle to Forest ratio.
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    South Africa. More inland food (Deer? Flood plains?)
                    I thought a long time about that. However, what I find, is that giving Africa additional food resources will give too much GNP when you start working those Gold/Gem mines. There are spots in Africa where you would have the equivalent of 7 and 8 fully grown cottages, if only you had the food to work them. Now once you get a food Corporation in the city that's fine. We will be in the Modern ages and city populations will be exploding everywhere. But in the early game, I think that was just going to give too much early GNP. So the deal with Africa, is, you can claim the Gold and Gems for trade and some GNP, but you can't actually work all the mines because of the limited food.
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    Pacific Islands. Sugar, Clams.
                    See my comments about seafood. And giving a 1 tile island a sugar doesent do much, IMO since you have to put the city on the resource. Still, I did add some sugar, Bananas, and fish to the pacific Islands that were barren
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    And add a tile to the big island of Hawaii (or change the mountain tile to a hill?)
                    Done. I left it a Mountain originally, (because its a Volcano IRL, but really that doesent matter for Game purposes), and added that pig tile. So went ahead and also reduced the mountain to a hill
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    South America. Sugar,
                    Are you serious??? I almost felt like you didnt even look at the map when I read that... Look again at South America...
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    Again, look at South America again. Now If you mean Strategic Metal, then no, that's a waste. By the time Civs are arriving in South America strategic metal will be obsolete except for corporations. I only added it to North America to make those worthless desert hills more useful without adding food to them. And there is already plenty of strategic Metal available on the Map for the Corporations
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    I didnt want Corn to compete with South America's Sugar monopoly too much. I also didn't want South America to compete with North America's Corn Monopoly too much. Also, I dont want South America to grow too fast when colonized. Its already almost all grassland, Adding Corn and the seafood you suggested might make South America too powerful, but we can try it anyway. I will just add some more fish.
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    Northeast area (Venezuala/Guyana) needs Aluminum.
                    Aluminum is supposed to be rare on this Map to make the Aluminum Corporation more valuable. I originally went with zero Aluminum, and then decided that was too powerful for the one civ who founded the corporation. I also worried about what would happen in the HQ city got razed before building any franchises anywhere else, so I added a few sources in both hemishperes
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    Australia. Metals (including Uranium), Coal. Inland Sheep and/or Wheat for more food (yeah, they are imported..) New Zealand. Sheep?
                    Australia has all metals including Uranium. Copper is in Tazmania I would like to preserve the old world with a Monopoly on Sheep so I added more fish to Australia and New Zealand
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    I didn't count relative tiles, so not sure how Cereal Mills will stack up vs Sushi for food production. Cereal makes more food per resource, but I still suspect they are unequal.
                    there is definitely more Fish than Corn or Wheat or Rice but there is more of any one of those 3 than there is of Crab or Clam. Also, there is probably more combined Ceral Mills food than Fish alone for sure. Even if there is more Sushi food than Cereal Mills food, remember that the Sushi food is constantly imperiled because its in the water, while the land food is safer. The main point is that the food corporations will produce a very interesting population explosion right at the beginning of the Modern era.
                    Originally posted by Elkad View Post
                    The culture output from Sushi might be a bit out of hand too. Just the fish in Japan will make well over 50/turn before multipliers.
                    Remember that Sushi is not the only game in town for Cultural Corporations. Construction Co. and Jewelery Co. both have potential for hefty cultural output. Again, those who get the Corporations will be fine vis a vis the others. Those who do not will be in a tough spot, but that is the point. You have all game to plot and plan, and colonize, and strategize and make treaties etc, to get ready for the Corporate invasion


                    • Originally posted by Exploit View Post
                      It has been 38 hours since the Tier 1 selection began and so far only 1 civ seems to have been chosen. What can we do to speed up the process? I would have thought the whole selection process could have been done by now. Perhaps every 8 hours or so release the next Tier of Civs and everyone can select on a first come first serve basis?

                      Or perhaps release the Tier 6 civs and have anyone who considers themselves a weaker player start the selection? Work both extremes towards the middle (i.e. Tier 1 & 6 are available to start once tier 1 is picked then Tier 2 is released similarly once Tier 6 is picked then Tier 5 is released).
                      Sorry, I was out of town all day yesterday and today wife has been doing everything in her power to deny me from Civ. I also had to install a new router today. There was also an issue with one of the players dropping and then coming back after some convo... Anyway, I will start releasing the next Tiers now, and hopefully get them all done tonight... Hopefully...


                      • One quick suggestion about the map, I'd recommend switching the start spots for the Ottomans and Byzantines. The Turks came from out east, no one has a better claim to the site of Constantinople then the Byzantines.
                        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                        • Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
                          One quick suggestion about the map, I'd recommend switching the start spots for the Ottomans and Byzantines. The Turks came from out east, no one has a better claim to the site of Constantinople then the Byzantines.
                          I thought about that, and you are right of course. (Don't forget that Istanbul and Constantinople are essentially the same city though.)

                          The reason I put Ottomans inside and Byzantines outside is because Otts have stronger leader traits. Both civs are IMP which is especially strong for a frontier Civ in this game, but the Otts also are PHI, which IMO makes them too strong to give such easy access to the frontier IMO, not to mention the resources in Egypt. I mean they can still get it from where they are, they just have to work harder for it. So ultimately, I put Ottomans inside and Byzantines Outside to steer Otts away from Africa. That doesent mean the player will take the bait obviously, but it will just be a little more difficult for them.
                          Last edited by Sommerswerd; March 25, 2012, 19:22.


                          • Speaking of which, I am now thinking that Catherine might be better for Russia on this Map?

                            Peter has the best overall traits, but given the Russian start, Catherine is (IMP/CRE) which is absolutely perfect for REX .

                            This Question is mainly for Ozzy, but if anyone else has tried out the Russian start or has any thoughts I'd like to hear them.


                            • I forget who, but one of them is creative/imperialist. That seems ideal.
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • Dumb question - I am not getting the test map file to open. How is one supposed to do this?

