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Destruction of Foes (DoF) - Diplo Light [Story Thread 1]

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  • The most important ongoing debate among the Hungarian generals was about what to do after defeating the combined Roman/Portuguese army.

    The group of generals, nicknamed the "Sunset-group" favoured the route straight to the west with the sole purpose of heading into the heart of the Portuguese empire. "We will march till we will see the sun set in the sea" they insisted.

    The 2nd group of generals, nicknamed the "oath-group" wanted to go down straight into Rome and insisted on destroying the entire Roman Oathbreaking empire.

    The 3rd group was the "group-of-weasels" who did only want to defend the Hungarian mainlands and sign peace with all foes to continue to live in peace.

    That last group was nicknamed the weasels mostly because no sane general would consider not using this huge advantage against their enemies now they were ready for being slaughtered. The weasel group wasn't very big. Both members were also partially mentally ill.


    • The pilot of B-52 Lucius Crassus looked down at the ground. He was returning from another mission of the Hungarian city of Kassa (if smoking ruins could be called a city). He saw Hungarian reinforcements which were hurrying to the front, "Oh wretched Egyptians, and Bulgarians where you're headed to certain death. You must have slaves in your country otherwise I can not explain why you come to fight so far from your families." Lucius Crassus still think "I hate to shell innocent Hungarian citizens, but there is no other way to stop the Asian hordes who want to seize the sacred Europe and ancient Rome."


      • Declaration of war on Bulgaria

        Bulgaria is sending massive amounts of troops to our enemy Hungary. And we can't agree with that.
        Therefore we have ordered our air force to hit them as hard as we can.

        We shall not flag or fail.
        We shall go on to the end.
        We shall fight in Hungary,
        we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
        we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
        we shall defend our country,
        whatever the cost may be.

        We shall fight on the beaches,
        we shall fight on the landing grounds,
        we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
        we shall fight in the hills;
        we shall never surrender.
        Last edited by Carthage (DoF); March 27, 2012, 19:54.
        Trade is the name of the game..


        • The Roman historian Livy mentions an interesting sight which can be seen on the Hungarian side of Adriatic sea from Roman land over the water. The approaching Bulgarian reckon Konnik units were flying interesting banner on their spears which does not looks exactly like a normal banner. Later on, a word have spread amongst the Romans that this thing put on the spear is the document on which the agreement was written where the treacherous Carthaginians have put their sign, promising peace between Bulgaria and Carthage for 50 more turns.

          In his "The History of Rome, Vol. 4" Livy describes a conversation in the Roman senate in which the Carthaginians were about to sign some treaty with Rome. The most indicative part being:

          "By what gods will you swear to observe the treaty, since you have been false to those by whom you swore before?"

          The Carthaginians had difficulties answering to this of course, as they have broke all kinds of deals numerous times already to their sole benefit.

          Later on the Livy's writing evolves in something closely resembling comedy, as he quotes the same Carthaginians stating they will fight to defend their country, as it is known widely that actually Carthage are the aggressors and the other nations have to make decision to either fight along them groaning under their iron heel to avoid destruction, or fight bravely against them at low odds to try defend their homelands and the free world.


          • If it comes from Bulgaria,
            talks Bulgarian,
            looks Bulgarian,
            it must be Bulgarian.

            All this weaponry has been found in large numbers on the Hungarian battlefield.
            So don't tell us Bulgaria isn't involved.
            Trade is the name of the game..


            • In the Roman senate to discuss recent events: Consul Gaius Marius reported Bulgarian aggression. "Dear Senators, our reconnaissance aircraft saw a large group of Bulgarian mechanized infantry accompanied by helicopters that slip with the obvious aim to hit the Roman army and their allies surprising although Bulgaria has signed the NAP. We do not for a moment we thought that they were Bulgarian tourists in Hungary with strange vehicles. "Among the senators burst of laughter," We declared war on aggressors to protect our soldiers. "Consul's speech provoked a storm of applause from the senators.


              • - Tzar, the Orcs have been absolutely out of the road lately - they speak about Bulgarian aggression when their combined armies are marching deep in to Hungarian territory and they outright declared war to us.

                - Mmm, and the Romans pretend that they had NAP with us - the old Tzar Simeon said playing with his beard - They so long forgot what a given word and NAP means, that they even cant recognize it anymore. Everything connected with man words and obligations is melting and wash away in their diluted minds. Even worst if they believed we had a NAP - now they are NAP breakers with us, not only with the Hungarians.

                - Well, they are nothing more than a pawns and war-dogs to their masters the Carthaginians - what is the master, such becomes the servant after all.

                - Yes, General, but dog which barks a lot, he don't bite. Don't waste your breath replying to them. Words spoken to those dishonorable low-hands are words thrown at the wind. Let the gun muzzles speak for us from now on.


                • official announcement of the foreign ministry of the Roman Republic:
                  Cassius Longinus Minister announced to all interested parties that Rome mentions the word "aggressor" Bulgarians because their armored divisions were near the Roman borders, not the Roman army near the Bulgarian border (not yet


                  • Glorious Hor'Aha announces:

                    We couldnt stand that so many lives lostfor thefight for the so called greek independency. So to solve this question we offered the last greek city to join us which they had happily accepted.

                    A more important matter: from this season we are stepping into the direction towards world peace. By declaring war on Rome we will ensure a nice new order.. governed by us and our friends.


                    • Alarming news filled the Roman Forum, among citizens floated rumor that the barbarian hordes invaded southern Italy. The stand out consul, who confirmed the rumors but called for calm and said "The army will come out boldly against the enemy and defeat him, please people what they can to help the army."
                      People quietly went home and Rome not slept that night.


                      • The sun was about to set west in the sea trough the huge clouds of smoke marking the ground of the tremendous battle. Bulgarian and Hungarian soldiers and war machines were staying still and the dust and the tension was slowly draining down from them. No sign of enemy on the horizon, only the creaking of the dying melting metal was filling the air.


                        • The Roman Senate met in extraordinary session. Inside the Capitol came more army forces commander, and two consuls. Expected later in the Senate to issue a formal message.


                          • We have long stood by and watched the evil Egyptians ravish the Hungarian and Italian landscape.
                            Now the Roman people have come to us in a time of need.
                            As so many of the pride and joy of our nation have fallen in the Hungarian fields.

                            In Hungarian fields the poppies blow
                            Between the crosses, row on row,
                            That mark our place; and in the sky
                            The larks, still bravely singing, fly
                            Scarce heard amid the guns below.

                            We are the Dead. Short days ago
                            We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
                            Loved and were loved, and now we lie
                            In Hungarian fields.

                            Take up our quarrel with the foe:
                            To you from failing hands we throw
                            The torch; be yours to hold it high.
                            If ye break faith with us who die
                            We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
                            In Hungarian fields.

                            We have said to Rome too many times, we can't help you as we Carthaginians stand by our agreements.
                            But now the time has come. We can no longer look the other way. The blood of our sons has intermingled on the same soil, thus shall the futures of our nations..

                            Therefore we are honoured to accept the Roman offer of vasalisation.
                            Sadly this vasalisation lead to the cancellation of the treaties we had with Egypt.

                            The Egyptian ambassador has received a formal reception in honour of his true dedication to the Egyptian-Carthaginian Friendship Program. After he left Carthage orders were given to frontline troops to make the first action count.
                            Trade is the name of the game..


                            • Celebration in Circei

                              Carthaginian and Roman troops managed to wipe out a sizeable Egyptian invasion force in a joint offensive.
                              5 armored units, 1 mechanized, 1 SAM, 4 jet squadrons and a missile cruiser have been destroyed at virtually no cost to the PoCaRo units.

                              Worn out troops celebrate a great victory; a much needed boost for morale after the Debacle of Pecs.
                              Trade is the name of the game..


                              • In a small scale side action two desert outposts of the Egyptian militairy have been destroyed.
                                Trade is the name of the game..

