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Destruction of Foes (DoF) - Diplo Light [Story Thread 1]

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  • -What are you watching, papa? - Simeon's youngest son pulled the ends of his royal mantle as he was staring at the horizon over the sea.
    - A harvest. - the king said without moving his eyes away.
    - What harvest you can watch at the sea papa?
    - Bloody harvest, son, fire and blood. They reap what they sow.
    - You scare me papa... Can I swim in the sea?
    - Yes son, you can now. It is all ours.
    Last edited by Bulgaria (DoF); February 29, 2012, 19:32.


    • Hungary and Bulgary have signed peace.
      Bulgary has returned all Greek cities to the Hungarian-Greek empire in exchange for peace. Hungary has immediately stopped all hostilities against Bulgary.


      • Portugal have attacked the peaceful Pacifist French Kingdom for NO REASON!!! And without warning! The children of France sleeps in their beds, their tiny practice bows hanging by the fire when the Rumble of Tanks and Automatic Rifle fire rips through the night.

        Portugal have taken five cities from France for no reason in wanton lust for blood...

        France wants no fights, no return of cities, no bloodshed, just peace. We will remove our forces from our front line cities and led the Portugese murderers come for us. We are a peaceful kingdom and we want only peace and hapiness. Our Axes and Arrows are no match for your mighty Tanks. We surrender! What does Portugal want from the peaceful people of France? What have we done to deserve this murderous rampage?


        • Egypt and Carthage sign peace

          Soon after the second egyptian assault to control the uranium fields Egypt and Carthage unexpectedly have agreed on ending the war.. for now.
          According to the treaty there is no winner. The desert will be shared, the City of Carharta will remain under egyptian controll, but for those Carthagenians who left Egypt will pay 40 gold/turn.
          Not everyone is happy, many egyptian questions why Hor'Aha agreed on peace when experts predicted that final victory was near.
          What is fact, the great war has ended, brutal destruction on land, sea and air demanded over 53.000 hammer worth personel and equipment.


          • In the Senate met several senior senators, the two consuls and army commander.
            Consuls situation report on the Roman borders, "we think" they said "that the situation is extremely complicated"
            "France disintegrated under the blows of Portugal and it scares us a little." What would you advise us Servius Tullius said one of the senators. Aval Plavtsiy Consul replied, "We want peace and are ready to do anything to live in peace, we think that we should pray for peace, but should not weaken our defense"
            We pray to Jupiter Servius Tullius said, I will pray to Mars, said Aval.


            • To the so called Pacifist French Kingdom, we have had enough of your spying, enough of you stealing our technologies. It is time that you pay for you deeds. At one moment you had gathered more then 9000 intel points against us, is that what you call peaceful Pacifist? What you thought that we will sit back and watch!


              • The winds shifted. So long had they come from the warm seas to the west. Now they blew from the Eastern Void. A cold never known to Persian men now fell upon the cities of the great empire. The king seemed ahead of this natural phenomenon, having reinstituted the ancient and long-forgotten practice of official slavery in recent years. Already the great cities were becoming awash in despair as more and more of the population came to bear the burden of arms manufacture. Many died in the great workshops now being constructed throughout the land, massive public works of steel and concrete devoted to one simple task: building the Persian machines of war.

                In a past era, before the second Great War, these cities had been centers of learning and advancement, of trade and business, but now that long heritage that had placed Persia... not quite at the forefront of the world (as far ahead of them as it had become), but somewhere near it at least, had turned back to the blood and iron focus of antiquity.

                Many lamented this new direction of the world. First, it was the Egyptians and Carthaginians, then the Bulgarians and Greeks, now the Portuguese, French, and Romans. And, of course, now the Persians, Ottomans, and Bulgarians again as well. Few places of the world were spared from war or thoughts of war, certainly none in Persia. The entire Plain of Existence appeared to be convulsing in violence and blood, and the (likely temporary) end of the Carthaginian-Egyptian conflict looked more likely to cause more suffering rather than to reduce it.

                The king's image slowly but surely shifted from one of a benevolent, modern wise man to a distant, cold, and troubling sort of thing. The sort that watched over all, directed all, towards purposes that were not for anyone's betterment. Yet, this had been the Persian way, one of constant conflict. Yes, indeed the past centuries had been a golden age of peace, Persia's borders free from worry or invasion, but it had ended, and the normal state of things returned: a military mindset and a few paces from annihilation.

                But for these modern people, industrial workers and businessmen, the fact that Persia had, on the whole, been a quite violent and aggressive society since the get-go made little difference, as they and their recent ancestors had known nothing but "good times". This abrupt reversal had a jarring effect that was difficult to appreciate for those who have never know it. More than jarring, it was a severe disturbance, like that which clouds and warps a mind in the fits of psychosis. What pillars still stood were quickly being broken up for materials for the war...

                In his palace overlooking Pasargadae, the king watched with an indifference of such frigidity that some blamed it for the recent weather. Few bothered him, save his ministers, now fully devoted to the tasks of military production and strategy. Some artisans came in quietly to make stunning portraits for the sake of state propaganda, but few were able to finish before the king banished them back to their origins. He was in no mood for such transient creations. He knew, more than any, certainly more than all but a select group of surrounding ministers, that there would be no escape from the coming torment. He alone knew the true depth of the phrase that was caught upon his lips and tangled itself free from time to time at regular intervals, the thought that pervaded every moment of his dark existence.

                As he sat in his marble and ivory chair and stared into the bleak and gray landscape that captivated him sometimes throughout the day - the sight of a stone and steel city rising from between the great bends of the Euphrates - he envisioned the future, and a smile curled itself upon his lips as he whispered to the gusts that carried into his room,

                "no prisoners, no future, only this immediate now and your destruction."


                • The strong northern wind was carrying the steppes wolves howling. The land of the Balkans was white and cold. Tzar Simeon standing on a hill wrapped in a warm mantle said to his High Priest:

                  - Turkey come after us with their master Persia. These who we became brothers in faith have attacked us. They have no fear in the gods, nor in the people. They will pay for this. We will make sacrifice to the Gods of Old, they have never deserted us in need and always gave us the victory in war.

                  - What sacrifice you would like we to make, Your Highness? A black dog?

                  - We need much greater sacrifice. Sacrifice those 5 Persian workers we captured. The human blood is warm and strong. Cold winds are rising.


                  • - Great Tzar, the sacrifices have appeased the Gods of Old and they have given us yet another victory over the Persians! Five of their terrifying iron beasts lie with eviscerated steel guts and the oil which drives their mighty hearts is leaking on the white snow, while we did not lost a single man in the ambush. They was trying to catch our workers while farming guarded by Konniks, but then suddenly the hunter became the prey

                    - Well done commander. It is much pleasing and very encouraging each time we meet you to have news of new our victory. And continue to drill those farms. We will need food. Winter is coming.


                    • - Report in, Generals - Tzar Simeon was smiling slightly foretasting the news for more victories his Generals was bringing him.

                      - We averted Persian attempt at embarking on our shores sinking a metal Persian transporter full of soldiers, my liege, while we managed to embark on the shores of Anatolia and we took another prisoners. Also their advancing tank and destroyer units near Tzarigrad we put at flight and now they are hiding behind their fortifications.

                      - That's good, my Generals, keep up with the defense. Anything else?

                      - The spirits are high, Tzar, we are fighting for just cause and the priests are calling amongst the knights for a crusade to regain the Holly City from those infidels, who call themselves our brothers in faith!

                      - Knights at least we have plenty. We can use the pious sentiments well.


                      • A once proud and migthy nation is no more.. Destroyed by her neighbour ruthlessly. And while they were outrunned without warning, with advanced warmachines what did the rest of the world do?

                        Nothing.. they were in silent..

                        Lesson learned.



                        • Egyptian forces are moving into position.Thousands of warmachines, aircrafts and ships are preparing a swift invasion of Otto-Persia.
                          Hor'Aha announces: "We welcome the citizens of Persia into the new Egyptian Empire. If your citizens lives dearto you do not try to resist us!."


                          • Xerxes: "resist? With what?"

                            Darius: "carpets."


                            • The Tzar have already felt his eyes tired and itching with pain, but he could not take them away from the road to Tzarigrad, meandering trough the high hills. After hours of peering finally a wounded horseman at the end of his stamina with horse barely alive covered with blood and lather showed up surrounded by dust. The clatter of horse hoofs was overwhelming the rider's weak voice as he was gesticulating and screaming something over and over again.

                              For few terrifying moments Tzar Simeon was standing on his foots straining his ears when finally he hear what the horseman was shouting.

                              It was "Victoryyyyyyy!"


                              • "We need your help" the Bulgarian king said.
                                "Why would we help you, you just invaded our province of Greece and seized all it's cities?"
                                "Because we will pay you for your help!" the Bulgarian king answered.
                                "What is the price you will pay?" Geza of Hungary asked suspiciously
                                "All of Greece will be returned to Hungarian authority immediately" the Bulgarian leader promised.

                                The deal was made and the Hungarians started to prepare their army.
                                The Army was just in time to aid the Bulgarians in the final big battle on the border of Turkey and Bulgaria.

                                After many many wars the Hungarian armies were well promoted. Very well protected against Tanks, Artillery and Infantry. None of the Persian and Ottoman armies could stand against the Hungarians. No Hungarian casualties were made at all, except one broken cannon that fired without officially being told to do so.

                                The already well decorated Hungarian armies earned many new promotions. +40% basic strength was common now for the Hungarians. Plus many anti tank and anti infantry promotions. The well formed Hungarian railroad structure now ensured that this killer army could show up at every corner of the empire within 3 turns.

                                Geza was satisfied.
                                Though Hungary still had a long way to go to even ever be able to stand against the real powers of the world.

