Calanthian, you haven't seen the map yet... Spain and Portugal both have plenty of room to expand to, and we can tweak them to have more without adding extra land (a lot of the map is plains and fairly marginal, realize). (slight spoiler
Carthage's situation will rely heavily on not expanding west but expanding northeast into Sicily and Corsica and Sardinia if it can manage, both for early REXing and for later strategic value in holding the primary water corridor for itself (I think this is obvious to anyone that's seen a map of the Med, so I'm not worried about spoiling it
There are two people working on the map to ensure balance, and although I might suck at resource placement (I did, however, create an allocation system similar to yours), I think I've done a half-decent job in balancing starts and creating competitive zones. Still, some could be better, which we're working on, and then Ozzy's going through and fixing what I get wrong, and then we're talking about the issues throughout. We want to make sure no one's getting a huge advantage from their start.
I think before final release, I'm going to go through with BUG and plot cities to make sure everyone's got a pretty even start and REX opportunity.
Which is half the reason it's taken so long. The other half being issues over getting the mod. I will do the mod within 24 hours or so (I had a long doctor's appointment today so I couldn't get it done today), and then everything should be about ready. Hopefully, this will kick off within the next few days...

There are two people working on the map to ensure balance, and although I might suck at resource placement (I did, however, create an allocation system similar to yours), I think I've done a half-decent job in balancing starts and creating competitive zones. Still, some could be better, which we're working on, and then Ozzy's going through and fixing what I get wrong, and then we're talking about the issues throughout. We want to make sure no one's getting a huge advantage from their start.
I think before final release, I'm going to go through with BUG and plot cities to make sure everyone's got a pretty even start and REX opportunity.
Which is half the reason it's taken so long. The other half being issues over getting the mod. I will do the mod within 24 hours or so (I had a long doctor's appointment today so I couldn't get it done today), and then everything should be about ready. Hopefully, this will kick off within the next few days...