Originally posted by LzPrst
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Trying to be an "independent" is exactly the same as planning to be fodder... So, unless you WANT to be Fodder, (ie, you think being Fodder is fun), you should not plan to be Fodder, or you will end up feeling that the game is not fun. The game is not fun because you are Fodder and being Fodder is not fun for you. Get it?
This is why "independent" and Fodder are the same... As I explained before, Superpowers always emerge. The REASON they become Superpowers, is because they skillfully develop to the point where they have sattellites that support them and depend on them for trade, defense, upgrades etc. If you are big and strong, these relationships develop naturally, and almost unavoidably.
As I said before Superpowers always begin vying against each other for dominance via proxy. The way they do this is by slowly taking control (either directly or indirectly) of the spaces that are not "claimed" by other Superpowers.
This is where the Fodder comes in. When you are Fodder (Independent), YOU are the OPEN spaces that the Superpowers are competing to take control of in their quest for dominance. That is why it impossible to be a peaceful builder when you are Fodder. EVERYONE will always be kicking you around. The Superpowers are the Coaches, Pawns are the Players and Fodder is the BALL. That's why nobody would speak up for India or help India. You were like the Ball asking Liverpool to stop Manchester-United from kicking you, only to then be kicked by Liverpool. It's ironic that you joked/complained about this without actually realizing how wise and insightful your words were... I remember you saying exactly "It has become near World Sport to screw over India"... and how spot-on right you were
That's the game. If you dont want to be the Ball, then dont be independent.
There is no "gentleman's agreement" to just leave anyone alone to let you accomplish your goals. If my goal to have fun is to be a dominant Superpower and yours is to peacefully build, then we are going to butt heads, and if you want to have fun continuing to peacefully build then you have to fight to keep from being dominated so you can go back to peacefully building.
Let me give an example: I sometimes play Age of Empires, an RTS game, with my relatives. They are not as good as me, but I play with them anyway because its good to do things with relatives. So what I generally do is I go make myself a sandwich or something when the game starts while they start building up their towns. They can't deal with rushes, so I just let them build their cities up and I wait for them to start attacking me before I do much of anything. Then I just settle in and play a normal game.
So basically, I tank the game because they are poor players and otherwise I will elimminate them too fast and they wont have any fun. But I only do this because they are family, and we talk on the phone and such while we play. The point is to spend time doing something together as family.
So is that what you are wanting everyone to do? You want everyone else to tank the game so that you get to do what you want? Is that what you mean by "gentleman's agreement?" Maybe not, but that's what it seems like to me.
Originally posted by Toni
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