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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • I'm sorry for slacking with the administration.
    I have a couple of pretty fine excuses:
    - my wife was in the hospital
    - I had the worst computer virus /trojan ever existed
    - my daughter was born

    anybody wants to say my excuses are not good enough, speak up now
    Seriously, I feel covered pretty well by my excuses. First time ever that my excuses even satisfy myself

    Please someone make a new story thread.
    Reserve the first post so that I can copy/paste into it later.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • No, I would never argue that, having a son myself.

      Congratulations on your daughter being born.

      I'll post my own story thread.

      EDIT: Hmm, can't seem to do it as the Vikings (it tells me I don't have permission to make new posts). And if I do it as my normal login everyone will know who I am.
      Last edited by Vikings (DoE); August 3, 2011, 13:20.


      • Thanks for the new story thread Rhoth. Posting now.


        • *sigh*

          once again the world completely ignores India. I wonder why I even bother. Does anyone even know we exist? HELLOOOOOO!!!??

          I lost turn 1758. No major problem (actually, potentially big problem) but if Japan would do for me what I did for him and agree to swapping the turn order, we're ok.


          • Who are these Indians you speak of?

            Seriously though, the game often turns when it still shows that several people haven't finished their turn, though in truth they have been in the game and finished their turn. I can never keep straight who this happens to.


            • Please view Sophie's video and click "like" or "leuk" on youtube!
              It gives us a chance to win a prize!
              Last edited by Robert; August 5, 2011, 03:45.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • seriously, screw this. I'm gonna take a cold turkey break and go off for a week or so. the reason: I asked for a turn swap and no one even answered and while waiting I lost another turn. I'm off.


                • Ok, we need to get this right.
                  With whom is India at war, what was the turn order.

                  Can the enemy of India respond to the things India asked here?
                  I'm pausing the game till we have figured this out. We cannot have India miss 2 turns so we have to reload somewhere anyway.
                  The swap seems to be a great idea. In that case I must just reload before India's enemy(enemies) played last turn so that India can go first.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • India is at war with me but since my laptop is still in the shop for repairs there is not much I can do. I'm not sure what has been going on, why India lost his turn or even if my sub is playing all of my turns. It is going to be another week until my laptop is back (hopefully) so maybe the pause would be best. That or the game can be reloaded. I just dont want the turn order to change especially while i'm out because it then affects the times I can play.


                    • What I don't really understand is why India didn't just play their turn. When I played yesterday (about 8 or so hours after India's #2584 post) Japan's sub had already played. That left some 18 or more hours on the turn clock.

                      Plus, India was the one that missed the first turn anyway, and didn't come on here asking that someone pause for them. No one KNEW that you were about to miss your turn.

                      No offense to you India, it just seems like it is your own fault that you missed two straight turns.


                      • India, as far as I understand, Japan is being subbed. The sub expected that the real Japan would answer, but apparently the real one wasn't around (untill a couple of hours ago when he posted).

                        According to the sub your units and Japan's units aren't near eachother at all.
                        If you can confirm that, then there's no problem if there was one DM. (the DM only harms if units are within striking distance of eachother).

                        Do you agree? Or is this not a correct description of the situation?
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • Theoretically you are right RP, but there is another issue that is not related to Double Move that is important for me. An agreement was made that the war should end after a fixed amount of turns. Because of people ignoring me I have now lost a considerable amount of those turns (2, but that is actually a lot given the total). There are also tactical moves that are of importance. Losing 1 turn was my own fault, but I asked for a turn swap that I granted Japan when he lost a turn. I couldn't do this without approval so I waited for a response. It was the right thing to do I thought.

                          I tried to make it clear in my previous post that losing a turn was a big deal, but I could live with a turn swap. Now I considered that to be an important thing worth settling before advancing the turn and I tried to say that I did not want to ignored regarding this.

                          I was slightly annoyed that no one had paused the turn for me as is usually done when a civ at war has not played their turn towards the end of the timer, but when I asked for a resolution to that problem I expected at least then that the next turn would not be advanced until my request had been answered. Then no one answered me and I lost another turn. I foolishly expected someone to step up to the plate and either pause the game or answer me.

                          You could say that is my own fault, but I wanted my request answered which I made abundantly clear. When then no one answers or considers to pause until I get an answer, what should I do? Pause it myself? Which would have required a login which would then have messed with the turn order swapping.

                          The main issue now is that I specifically asked not to be ignored and that is exactly what happened. I needed to be answered and considered that people adhered to the gentleman's conduct and would allow for the time for this to be sorted out. I was not given that courtesy and it angers me as I myself always try to be a good sportsman and give people time and goodwill when they have an issue.

                          Now I do not know what the situation is (a lot of serious things can happen during 2 turns of war, even if no attacks are made). This puts me at a disadvantage that I specifically requested a resolution to before it happened. Now it has happened and I am pissed.


                          • If the host reloads to the last turn when you are ready to play, will this solve at least the technical aspect of you missing 2 turns or you need a turn swap?

                            As soon as you guys manage this, the game can continue normally - we want to play too.


                            • I think Japan has responded that they dont want to swap. If Japan doesnt want to swap then I dont see what other solution there is besides reloading the game for India. I dont think reloading for India is such a big deal, and I am certainly supportive of it. If I missed a turn at war, I would want a reload.

                              Plus anything is better than this endless pause. Cant we just reload and continue the game?

                              Also, I would like to start talking about a rule change that will elimminate the need for pauses. Like maybe strict turn order that divide the turn in half and puts warring factions into blocs automatically depending on who the warring parties are. Maybe make the rule that if the 1st postition fails to move in the first half of the turn, then they just miss their turn and vice versa. I dont mind the pauses so much, or the reloads, but its clear that many of us are annoyed with them.
                              Last edited by Ottoman Empire (DoE); August 7, 2011, 20:13.
                              Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                              • Originally posted by Ottoman Empire (DoE) View Post
                                Also, I would like to start talking about a rule change that will elimminate the need for pauses. Like maybe strict turn order that divide the turn in half and puts warring factions into blocs automatically depending on who the warring parties are. Maybe make the rule that if the 1st postition fails to move in the first half of the turn, then they just miss their turn and vice versa. I dont mind the pauses so much, or the reloads, but its clear that many of us are annoyed with them.
                                I would agree to that. We have a ridiculously long timer. If people still miss turns with such a long timer then I don't have much sympathy for them. Especially when they hold up the other 16-17 players in the game.
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

