Originally posted by Israel (DoE)
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Again I am not confusing OOC with IC when I say "I cant believe you have the audacity to claim you are NOT Complaining"... 90% of your complaining has been OOC. Yes sure you do some nice IC propaganda too, but I dont regard that as complaining... That is just good storytelling and roleplaying which I enjoy (and always give you 5 points for BTW
For example, as I understand it, it is completely OOC to say something like "people arent respecting the diplogame spirit" and "you cant compare Israel's points to Turkey's, because points mostly come from tech so Israel is still behind Turkey even if Israel has more points" You were basically arguing this earlier. There is no way to say that is IC AFAICT, especially when it was in the organization thread. Your OOC arguments went on and on and on to the point where people were calling for "Cold Turkey Time"
And I AM NOT saying you dont have a right to do this. I agree with France that long OOC arguments are good for clearing the air and having debates on things. All I was pointing out was the very narrow, very limited, very specific, point that it is PREPOSTEROUS for you to say you're NOT complaining. You ARE complaining... A LOT. Not IC, but OOC... constantly. Go ahead and complain, just dont complain and complain and then say your NOT complaining. That's all Im saying.
Originally posted by Israel (DoE)
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But you are using it in your constant OOC arguments in the organization thread, which seems misplaced. Let me illustrate what I mean:
If you say that "Yes I am arguing in the organization thread, about Jerusalem's razing and how damaging that was to Israel and how that is a justification for bla bla bla, but all that argument is still IC because Im only talking about IC stuff"... then fine, I dont agree, but that dosent matter, because even if I did, you still shouldnt be arguing IC stuff in a discussion about a Measured War vote right?
If on the other hand you agree with me that some of the arguments are OOC, then that is exactly my point... stop complaining OOC complaints and then claiming "I'm not complaining", and "Its OK I accept that" and "its no Big deal I'm willing to deal with it.", because you ARE complaining, It IS a BIG deal to you, and you ARE NOT accepting it. Accepting is saying "well played, play on" not endless OOC complaining. Again complain all you want. Just stop complaining and simultaneously trying to portray yourself as some kind of martyr, good sport that never complains. Does that make sense?