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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • France, I will need to play in 8 hours from now. If you will not have enough time to play after this, you, or someone who is reading this can go on and pause the game right away, so you to have more time to play your turn. I will be most probably stuck in a diplo-screen as usually, so I will also need someone to unpause the game for me, as I will have only half an hour or so window to play my turn.

    Or I will play my turn and pause the game for you if you prefer this.

    Thanks for the understanding to all the other players.


    • Inca subs for Arabia now.
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • Originally posted by Russia (DoE) View Post
        France, I will need to play in 8 hours from now. If you will not have enough time to play after this, you, or someone who is reading this can go on and pause the game right away, so you to have more time to play your turn. I will be most probably stuck in a diplo-screen as usually, so I will also need someone to unpause the game for me, as I will have only half an hour or so window to play my turn.

        Or I will play my turn and pause the game for you if you prefer this.

        Thanks for the understanding to all the other players.
        Question - will it make a difference if I play first for this turn only? I will be asleep in 6 hours (given that I am just reading this now.) So if it is not feasible given the game situation that I play before you, then we will need something done, as that essentially gives me the last two hours of a 24 hour turn timer to play.


        • Playing now. If this is a major problem, then RP can reload. My main 'war' contact is with the English, so hopefully this should not be an issue with Russia. I trust Russia not to use its double move to any strategic advantage.


          • Originally posted by Aztecs (DoE) View Post
            (we haven't seen a world war yet..)

            The 1st Coalition War.

            composed of:
            The 1st Coalition War - The African & Middle Eastern campaign
            The 1st Coalition War - The Brittish campaign
            The 1st Coalition War - The European campaign
            You forgot the Australian campaign, and the Japanese-English conflict.


            • Originally posted by France (DoE) View Post
              Playing now. If this is a major problem, then RP can reload. My main 'war' contact is with the English, so hopefully this should not be an issue with Russia. I trust Russia not to use its double move to any strategic advantage.
              I have played. Did not see any Russian units so should be OK. If it is an issue, please contact RP for a reload and I can replay. Cheers!


              • The 1st Coalition War.

                composed of:
                The 1st Coalition War - The African & Middle Eastern campaign
                The 1st Coalition War - The Brittish campaign
                The 1st Coalition War - The European campaign

                You forgot the Australian campaign, and the Japanese-English conflict.
                Well then it's closer to a World War then I realized..


                • I agree with Israel that a neutral sub take over Arabia asap.
                  The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                  • I am sorry for being so unavailable lately but I have been called in on a major project at work till June 30.
                    The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                    • Obviously "neutral" is a somewhat subjective term. Obvioulsy Russia would prefer a pro-Russia sub, and Israel would prefer a pro- Israel sub, but since Arabs are currently pro-Russia, a non-pro Russia sub would be inherrently pro -Israel, because it would mean that the sub was necessarily less pro Russia than Arabia was before, thus the sub would be helping Russia less against Israel than Arabs were before, which unavoidably helps Israel.

                      In other words, those who are asking for a "neutral" sub are really saying they want a sub, that is not pro-Russian, a sub that is not the way Arabia was before, but instead more inclined to help Israel by NOT supporting Russia as much. In that sense, there can be no neutral sub. There can either be a pro Russia sub or a pro Israel sub. If you are not as pro Russia as Arabia was before then you are pro Israel, as this will help Israel. There is really no way around this truth.

                      My point is that no matter which way the sub goes, choosing to maintain the status quo, or doing a 180 by withdrawing or reducing support, someone will say its not fair. If the sub continues to support Russia, Israel will say its not fair, and if the sub turns on Russia, Russia will say its not fair. No one has the morally superior argument. The sub will do what the sub does, and play will continue. Someone will be happy and someone will be mad and that's the point. Expectations, and hopes and deals and dissapointments and betrayals, revenge and retribution, ups and downs.

                      That's what makes the game fun. All that matters is that we get a human player to take over the Arabs so its not an AI or absentee civ. Russians volunteered, so they should have taken over, but they dont, because for whatever reason, a pro Israel sub is preferred over a pro Russia one, maybe its because Russia has a higher score than Israel, who knows but anyway, great, Incas take over. Whatever, play on, and see what happens. Thats what makes the game interesting. Sometimes things go your way and sometimes they dont. Sometimes your enemies defeat you and sometimes you win. Thats just how it goes. There is no "fair" there is only what I want and what you want, nothing else.

                      I like Inca as a sub BTW, they will at least be engaged in the game if nothing else.
                      Last edited by Ottoman Empire (DoE); May 26, 2011, 01:11.
                      Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                      • Hmm had a problem getting in the game.


                        • @Ottomans: the sub should be neither pro Russia nor pro Israel.
                          The reason behind rule 5 is that every player remains independant in any war and no player is in fact being dogpiled by multiple civs that are played by the same player. If A is on war with B and C, then A should be able to make a peace deal with B without C knowing or against C's desires. If C is playd by B, then that's impossible. If B is playing C then C is for obvious reasons possibly more a tool for B then an independant player. So that's why: no neighbors and no allies/enemies in current wars.

                          In this case I also wonder why Arabia isn't playing for so long while he apparently (didn't knew that) is part of this alliance. Wars are usually not situations where people drop out without notifying. Usually players only drop out if they're bored to death.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Yes, I just read this rule and it seems absolutely fine for me and I see the reason behind it. I will give it to the bad luck that my loyal ally Al Mualim have disappeared.

                            I guess this is much like as in the real history - if the dynasty or even only the ruler changes, the foreign policy of the kingdom may change, despite the past good relations with given other country or nation. I can think of few examples, where a sudden death of the ruler of a neighboring kingdom have mess up with the plans of the other neighbors.


                            • In this case I also wonder why Arabia isn't playing for so long while he apparently (didn't knew that) is part of this alliance. Wars are usually not situations where people drop out without notifying. Usually players only drop out if they're bored to death.
                              Oh, I just read this part of the message. If you are suggesting that Arabia was not part of the Alliance, you can ask France (if you are not France and just pretending you dont know this already ) that Russia had large portions of her army of Arabian mercenaries. Also, France gone so far, that insisted Arabia to obey the turn order, despite they never actually declared war to anyone. Neandor also considered Arabia an active member of the Alliance. I also have all our correspondence, proving our close relations.

                              The reason I did not noticed Arabia is not playing for the last 10 or so turns were that our deals were going on and the last time the Arabs have raised their concerns about the Ottomans razing cities and they asked me to make them stop this practice or other way they will have to stop support me while I am friend with the Ottomans. I did my best to avoid splitting of the Alliance, have talked with the Turks few times and assured the Arabs this will be not done anymore as an end in itself. Seeing that the Arabs continued to contribute soldiers for the defense of Damascus, I though the case was closed for good, but still I felt a bit of uncomfortable about this past tension and preferred not to dig in further.

                              And it is not very sudden disappearance - they were regularly missing 2-3 turns lately, complaining of RL schedule.

                              I hope this clears the case.


                              • I fell that I know very well who the org Arab player is, do not worry he will be back. By the way I feel that is no secret here that the Inca are an ally of Russia as well. I am starting to loss count of the many allies Russia has, anyway best that someone else subs like the Aztec, America etc

