As I said before, the sub will do what the sub will do. Im not sure how we know exactly how long Arabia has been away, but it seems to me that I just recently saw some unit action by him. Maybe I am wrong. Anyway maybe the courthouses were placed in the building queue, because Israel has huge espionage from the great wall and is running monster size espy against its neighbors. Perhaps Arabia is trying to even it up a little. Or maybe Arabia has a long term espionage strategy and needs to start running a bunch of spies to implement it. Anyway Incans have exposed this to satisfy the curiosity of Arabia and Russians enemies, because they feign outrage that Arabs sub might god-forbid keep doing what Arabs were doing, ie support Russia.
To me it would be better for subs to just play as they will, answer no questions allay no fears, address no suspicions, because as I have said, there is no "fairness", only my interests versus someone else's. Why is Neandor any more entitled to an explanation of Russian Arabian trades than Turks are of Neandor-Israeli trades? Can I discontine the commercial relationship between Neandor and Israel because I feel its not "fair" to me? I'm sure England feels its "unfair" that a nation without Astronomy keeps showing up with Ships of The Line. Just let the sub play without all this accusations and innuendo. If Incans wants to take and run the civ their way then so be it.
I get it, Russia is in the lead, so we want to disadvantage Russia in some meta-game way. But consider that Turkey is at the bottom and losing Arab support hurts us too, because Russia is our friend. Why hurt Turks for the benefit of civs who are all way ahead of Turkey? Is that "fair"? What is "fair?"
The bottom line is that this game is supposed to be about telling stories about the "destiny of empires" not how much money Russia gets and if that's "fair" because it disadvantages somebody else. Someone who is worried about that is too focused on the simple MP goal of winning. If you focus on storytelling, you would not even worry about stuff like that.
So all of you taking time to argue about who should control Arabia... when was the last time you made a good story post? Why don't we start directing more energy there.
To me it would be better for subs to just play as they will, answer no questions allay no fears, address no suspicions, because as I have said, there is no "fairness", only my interests versus someone else's. Why is Neandor any more entitled to an explanation of Russian Arabian trades than Turks are of Neandor-Israeli trades? Can I discontine the commercial relationship between Neandor and Israel because I feel its not "fair" to me? I'm sure England feels its "unfair" that a nation without Astronomy keeps showing up with Ships of The Line. Just let the sub play without all this accusations and innuendo. If Incans wants to take and run the civ their way then so be it.
I get it, Russia is in the lead, so we want to disadvantage Russia in some meta-game way. But consider that Turkey is at the bottom and losing Arab support hurts us too, because Russia is our friend. Why hurt Turks for the benefit of civs who are all way ahead of Turkey? Is that "fair"? What is "fair?"
The bottom line is that this game is supposed to be about telling stories about the "destiny of empires" not how much money Russia gets and if that's "fair" because it disadvantages somebody else. Someone who is worried about that is too focused on the simple MP goal of winning. If you focus on storytelling, you would not even worry about stuff like that.

So all of you taking time to argue about who should control Arabia... when was the last time you made a good story post? Why don't we start directing more energy there.
