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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Russia and China, I offer you this deal.
    1. I rebuild a city on Beshbalik, my capital is far too exposed if I do not have that city.
    2. I assume Russia wants it for the Horse resource, if so I will trade Horses to Russia while peace remains.
    3. Russia can build a city on Pacific ocean, but I must have space to build one there too. ( I have no map of area, so details must be sorted out, Probably Russian city to the north of mine.
    4. Return of workers Russia have captured.
    5. China and myself retain existing borders, I capture 1 barb city to SE of one we fought over (China has 2 other barb cities to the south it can conquer for expansion.
    6. I can build East but not South of that barb city, China has all land to the Sout of that latitude.
    Considering Russia has failed to maintain a military presence within my lands I believe my offer to be very generous. With China it basically maintains the status quo. With only minor skirmishes, no reason for the status quo to change.


    • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
      The game has been paused to deal with the Mongolia/Russia situation.

      I don't hope that Russia decided to not hold the city b/c he wasn't allowed to b/c of 'unmeasured war'. That would not be the case.
      IMHO does Mongolia have every right to be unreasonable hatred and refuse any peace.
      I understood from Russia that Japan is not a factual part in this game.
      I would have been sooner if i would have gotten on.


      • Can we unpause now please?

        I can't see any reason to debate any further?
        The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


        • Until now I kept all the diplomacy and negotiations in private, but when Mongolia brings the debate here, I will do the same.

          Its interesting how everyone interprets one and the same facts.

          Russia razed Beshbalik, that was because my reinforcements were guaranteed to recapture it next turn
          That is true, and thats why I kept the game 7 hours running with the window asking me to raze or keep the city open, waiting for you to say will you agree to peace or not. When you did not took the peace, it was necessary to raze the city. And it was not to hurt you, but there are the 2 strategic resources, which would let you to continue the war. Now I think you can build only archers and thats why you came to talk about peace at last.

          Now he wants as part of a peace agreement the resurrection of Beshbalik under Russian control
          I dont want resurection of Beshbalik - it was badly placed city.

          I have resecured the terrain around the city
          You have only 1 unit there and no possibility to reinforce, quicker than me - your army is badly wounded and healing in your capital, fearing to come out, so resecuring is a strong word. It is just your unit is the last standing man there for this moment.

          Razing a city deliberately, then asking for its resurrection under their control, surely that is not the way this game should be played
          I wanted the city to be resurrected, IF you take peace and to use it as a bargaining chip. I dont even like the city as I said. Now the city is gone and I have just suffer losses - no gains.

          Can we unpause now please?
          I can't see any reason to debate any further?
          I wanted the pause only to have time to discuss possible reload where Beshbalik is still alive, but now when Mongolia says it is thinking of rebuilding it, the pause is no longer needed.

          I will negotiate peace terms with Mongolia separately, as I dont want to make it harder for coordinate the wishes of 3 countries. 2 nations negotiating is simpler.


          • Game's up again
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • Now I think you can build only archers and thats why you came to talk about peace at last.
              I still have horses available and enough melee units to act as a defence to my Keshiks against spearman, so I have no urgency for peace.
              All the items I listed as part of a peace agreement for you are independent of suggestions for China, so your thoughts or response to or acceptance of individual points would be useful.


              • Why are we discussing this in the Organisation thread?

                Since you asked though, no, China does not accept your terms. We have not even brought our punishment for your slaughter of our troops yet.

                Get ready, it's coming.


                • I think it is being discussed in the Org thread because some of us expressed a concern that China and Russia appeared to be focused on pursuing sensible in-game tactics for them, regardless of whether this crippled Mongolia permanently. I have no independent knowledge of whether this is what is happening. I trust that it is not.


                  • I refuse to read French posts until the name of my kingdom is corrected!

                    Damnanglais subversions of French thinking
                    The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                    • Comment

                      • Originally posted by Germany (DoE) View Post
                        I refuse to read French posts until the name of my kingdom is corrected!
                        Corrected. Please forgive Genevieve. She is young. Be thankful she is not blonde.


                        • Time to Vote!
                          We vote for the happenings of this thread: Story Thread 3

                          You can vote right here (please read instructions below first)

                          Voting ENDS January 19th end of the day

                          1. go to the site
                          2. click your civilization name
                          3. fill out the password you once selected in the civ-picker (the original password of your DoE account at Apolyton)
                          4. Vote!

                          You have to award EXACTLY 20 points in both categories or you can't submit.
                          You can give comments to every individual civ.

                          This is what the rules say about voting:

                          After every month all players are invited to vote on the stories and role playing of all players.
                          Using a special web application a total of 20 'points' can be assigned, with a max of 5 points per player.

                          The 2 categories:
                          - Story Telling
                          Story telling is about how a player tells the story of his civilization and how he communicates with other leaders. How he handles his characters, shows the relation between story and in-game actions, explains the behaviour hof his civ, includes graphics and images, is able to entertain it's readers, etc.

                          A great part of the fun of a diplo game is the creation of an amazing story thread. This contains everything from national epics to diplomacy, newspaper articles to lies, text, screenshots and images. A player gets votes for storytelling for their contribution to the story thread. There are no rules as to what marks out a good contribution - we all have different tastes - what is too much detail for one person, may be exactly what another person values, some people will give more votes to one brilliant piece than to someone who produces lots of mediocre material, someone else will value quantity more. When voting its simple - give people votes if you personally enjoy their contributions.

                          - Role Playing
                          Role Playing is about how the in-game actions and the tone of his messages reflect the role of the player. Is the fascist dictator really playing as a fascist? Does it make sence that the fanatic orthodox jewish leader has an alliance with the fanatic orthodox buddhist leader? Is the peaceful friendly leader really friendly and peaceful to his neighbours? In short: do the actions of a player compare to the story role he assigned to himself.

                          The definition of a diplo game is "A Diplomacy Game is a game in which all players lead their civilization as if they're leading a real nation". Under 'role-playing' people are given votes for the degree to which they do this. Is there a consistency and belieability about the actions of that civ - its in-game actions, its diplomacy, what it says about itself. What nature a civ has is up to the player to decide and to evolve as the game progresses - but they get votes for the believability and consistency of this, and the interest it gives to the game. If you act as if you are 'playing a game', you won't get many votes; but if you can give the rest of us the impression your nation actually exists, you deserve to get lots.

                          Per month all points a player receives in both categories will be calculated.
                          Based on this a score list will be created per category.
                          The #1 on that score list will receive X scorepoints. (X = the number of civs in the game). The #2 will receive X-1, etc.

                          The rest of the score-explanation only uses examples to get the point through, but is too much to place here. Read it in the first post of this thread.
                          This all comes down to the following:

                          Based on the scorepoints everybody received in a month, a ranking can be made for that month, per category.
                          The #1 on that ranking receives 18 gamepoints, the #2 17 gamepoints, the #3 16 gamepoints, ..... the #18 gets 1 gamepoint.
                          The sum of all gamepoints for both categories for all months determines the winner.

                          Good luck!
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • The Aztecs haven't played a turn in the last week...


                            • They missed another one...

                              Anyone out there? Can we get a sub for Aztecs? Should I sub for them, like France subbed for Arabs? Any other ideas?


                              • The aztecs, did Germany not sub for them before?
                                The password should still be the same. Perhaps best if Germany subs again for them?
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

