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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt6 - February 2010]

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  • neither is th eother one , they are chinese soldeirs

    and who said what my raceof people look like


    • Guru Beli'Az,

      We have received disturbing rumors about a great army of yours marching toward New India's capital. Note if you move a massive army closer than 4 "tiles" away from our border we have to take it as an aggressive action and you will be responsible breaking the peace between us.

      Empress Shakti


      • this is a story about Media and New Persia

        Empress Shakti,

        I send you this letter on behalf of Guru Beli'Az.
        Yes, our army is marching towards the Indian border.
        We intend to secure the border, but we will not cross it.
        Media and New Persia seeks no expansion of it's territory.
        We are aware of your late attempts to incorporate New Persia into the Indian empire though.

        Therefore we have the full right to place our armies in our border cities. And believe me, if we would plan an invasion of your territory, we will make sure that you won't see us coming.

        But if the presence of Persian armies terrifies you, I will keep them away from your border at distance, but only if you publicly renounce the Indian aspirations to incorporate New Persia, and apologize for the inappropriate proposal you made to the late King Darius I of New Persia.

        As long as such a statement won't be made, Media and New Persia can't be hold responsible for bringing armies to our mutual borders, to defend it.

        I once again state that Media and New Persia seek no war with India, nor do we have any aspirations to invade the New Russian colonies of India. On contrary, we are fully prepared to live up to the non-aggression pact we signed in the past. Not because we don't hate you, since we do. No, we will keep our word because we seek no expansion of our already large territory.

        Steward Oroetes
        Last edited by Persia (DoC); February 15, 2010, 05:19.
        Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
        <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


        • Steward Oroetes,

          We are glad to hear that Media don't want war with us. But forgive us we can't really understand how could you call that massive army just a reinforcement when we have no standing army in New India at all. We have an average 1,5 units defending in each colonies, most of them equiped with obsolete weapons.. yes we are worried.. just as New Persia was and as it was shown it was not fictitious..

          We have nothing to apologize for. Our offer was made to an independent nation and while we disapprove your actions against New Persia we don't wish to start a destructive war.. we value peace more.

          But if you endanger New India's capital by moving your army so close that they could cross the border in one cycle we will have no choice but to assume they wont stop there.

          Empress Shakti
          Last edited by India (DoC); February 15, 2010, 07:11.


          • this is a story about Media and New Persia

            Empress Shakti,

            Thanks for your formal statement about your peaceful intentions,
            and your desires to live up to the non-aggression pact.
            As promised I will now keep my forces away from the New Indian borders.
            We are not seeking war either. Like I wrote to you before,
            Media and New Persia already covers the largest territory of the world.
            We do not seek to enlarge it. We seek time and rest to fully take advantage of it.

            The former New Persian government was replaced because it had revolted against the official administration in Media. We had to get it in line with all of the empire.
            New India is not considered to be a part of our empire.

            Steward Oroetes
            On behalf of Guru Beli'Az of the Median and New Persian Empire
            Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
            <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


            • Palatium Africanum

              In an effort to draw the Roman African Provinces more into the realm of the civilized world, and prevent provincial unrest as the Persians have been experiencing lately, the Senate has commisioned a palace to be built in the African capitol Roma Africanus. With great pride, the tireless efforts of our Great Engineers and use of gorgeous Malinese marble we present

              Palatium Africanum

              Any and All leaders of our fellow nations are cordially invited to rest and taste Roman relaxation when passing through.
              Last edited by Rome (DoC); February 15, 2010, 12:20.
              Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


              • Baron Ozious is excited to see the completion of the palace. It looks more beautiful than he imagined. He hopes one day to visit it.
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • this is a story about Media and New Persia

                  Prince Igor,

                  I expect you to not have forgotten your part of the deal that required us to upgrade your cannons.
                  Please send all cannons that survived the war to us immediately as agreed.

                  Steward Oroetes on behalf of Guru Beli'Az
                  Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                  <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                  • NEWS FROM KOREA

                    The Taoist priests have restored order to Korea nad have encouraged the military administration to stand aside. High Priestess Mo Ning Yu Nam has been appointed the new leader.

                    Mo has decreed that growth is now Koreas goal, Korea aims to be the biggest and wealthiest nation.

                    Korea want s ot oofficialy attract all Taoists to come join us, living in the calm and peaceful provinces.


                    • To all nations of the world

                      Korea wishes to apologise for the centuries of mismanagment from our military leadership. The was not the Tao way. We have now begun processes for undoing all the past mistakes. We wish to establish trade with all nations, especialy our long lost freinds th Byzantines.

                      Brothers of the world , we greet you in the name of TAO.

                      High Priestess Mo.


                      • Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
                        Baron Ozious is excited to see the completion of the palace. It looks more beautiful than he imagined. He hopes one day to visit it.
                        The Lord Baron is always welcome in the palace he inspired.

                        The Roman Senate
                        Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


                        • The high priestess decided to sail the world to deliver a message fo peace and joy to all that would recieve her.

                          She boarded Koreas finest ship and set sail to the west. First stop was the English, she needed to assure them that despite achange of leaders, all agreements were still binding on the Koreans.

                          After England she planned to sail to Rome a place no Korean had ever been.


                          • Your Korean Priestess is welcome in Rome. We will honor her arrival with a grand banquet

                            Senator Aureus
                            Senate Foreign Affairs Subcommittee

                            Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
                            The high priestess decided to sail the world to deliver a message fo peace and joy to all that would recieve her.

                            She boarded Koreas finest ship and set sail to the west. First stop was the English, she needed to assure them that despite achange of leaders, all agreements were still binding on the Koreans.

                            After England she planned to sail to Rome a place no Korean had ever been.
                            Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


                            • this is a story about Media and New Persia

                              Hail Steward of Media and Persia,

                              No answer has been received from Prince Igor.
                              Combined with the troublesome secret information we got from our friends,
                              I can, as your chief adviser on foreign affairs,
                              only advise you to bring a strong defense force to our southern borders.
                              Please also send money to upgrade all obsolete troops when needed.



                              All our main military production cities are now producing at their full potential.
                              Passagarde and Media are now on speed to deliver one army of grenadiers per turn.
                              Your request to send more armies to the south will be answered immediately.

                              I will also free some money to upgrade old armies when needed.
                              For now I wish to continue a peace-attitude towards our southern neighbors.
                              Therefore I do not allow any army improvements yet.
                              But if an attack will be launched indeed I will immediately free all needed money.
                              I will then also start drafting new armies to the battle fields.

                              Peace is our objective, but if agreements won't be fulfilled or assaults will
                              start at our city, we shall not shy away from finally seizing those cities from our neighbors
                              that cause most cultural pressure on our territory.
                              Therefore please be prepared.

                              Steward Oroetes of Media and Persia
                              On behalf of Guru Beli'Az
                              Last edited by Persia (DoC); February 16, 2010, 10:46.
                              Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                              <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                              • Sum Dak and his descendants had controlled Mali for many years. The power of Sha'Tao was strong in the boundaries of Mali, but the people were pushing more and more for a say in the government. The high priest position was losing power fast as talk of free speech and liberation were common topics among the markets. It would not be long before a revolution would begin if something was not done soon.

                                To accompany this revolution, Science was beginning to thrive in Mali. After successful consultation with the Native Americans and India, Mali was learning of a new material called Steel by the Native Americans. In the spirit of Sha'Tao, the Indians had shown Mali how this steel could be used for transportation. Something called Iron Horses were currently being constructed which would quickly transport people across the continent. If only a faster way to sail across the seas could be created to transport goods between the homeland and the colonies.

                                The colonies were doing well with the third settlement discovering a vein of silver on the hills next to them. Rumor has it that small furry creatures with fine pelts were not too far away either.

                                Major changes are on the horizon. Who will step up to lead the Mali people into the dawn of a new era? Will Mali continue to flourish or will this new leader bring the civ crashing down?

