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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt6 - February 2010]

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  • Mecca Weekly - Peace In Our Time

    Saladin has offered a cease fire with the proposal on the table. I will keep the captured city on the coast. I will return 6 workers to Greece. If you accept the cease fire consider it done ... workers are already being sent back to your lands.


    Originally posted by Greece (DoC) View Post
    Rip van Greekle rejoices at the news!!

    Greece is prepared to leave the last remaining Greek city in Arabian hands if it quells a wider war. We would like some of our workers back though.

    Greece has lost much and details may be forthcoming but for now our pride is restored and we wish to see a new peace!!


    • Originally posted by England (DoC) View Post
      Rip van Greekle we are happy to see you willing to talk peace.

      I will immediatly send orders to our western armies and have them return to England.

      It is good to see your readiness to compromise so that this continent can find again peace.

      I hope that by returning you one of your cities we have fulfilled our debt to you.

      PM Frank
      Yes. We thank England and trust we will build a solid peace with Arabia.

      A cease fire has been signed.

      Greece extends the hand of friendship to all her neighbors and cries for the suffering by all families effected by the bloodshed.

      Rip is proposing talks with Arabia to try to understand where things went wrong and to work together in achieving a stronger Arabia and stronger Greece.

      Diplomacy to air grievances is crucial.

      "I would like to ask those that can to contribute to a peace fund for both Arabia and Greece.

      Arabia will be returning our workers and we are very grateful for this.

      What Greece needs is a few settlers, if anyone can oblige, and some gold.

      Do not worry if you can not help.

      Arabia may need assistance too.

      May peace prevail and all gods be blessed."

      Rip van Greekle.


      • this is a story about New Persia

        Crowning of Darius starts golden age

        The people of New Persia, inspired by their new king, were more productive then ever! A spirit of happiness and enthusiasm filled all people. The commercial revenues raised a lot. New Persia now was definitely the largest and most productive colony on earth. A strong army had been trained to defend the nation.

        Darius made some changes to the administrative structure of the nation.
        - Free Market
        - Representation

        While Achmal had controlled the market, Darius decided to release it from governmental control. This immediately resulted in a growing economy.
        While Darius was the monarch of New Persia, he gave all citizen of Persia (both those from Russian and Persian offspring) a vote. Every city of the nation would elect a representative to rule New Persia, with Darius as the chief of the administration.
        Persians are allowed to elect representatives.

        The Golden Age inspires all people to work harder!

        this is a story about Media

        Medians drafted into the army

        Hairy Guru (while scratching his ears) can't believe Media is a 'Hairy Nation' again!

        Fat Guru's killed during Hairy Revival.
        Hairy Hastogianism Inspires Medians

        Oroetes shortly after his self-installation as Steward of Media, reinstalled Hairy Hastogianism as the State Religion of Media. The Fat Gurus protested! "This can NOT come from Guru Beli'Az!" they yelled. But Oroetes entered the chamber of Beli'Az, and when he left it again, he ordered to kill all the Fat Guru's to be executed, in the name of Guru Beli'Az of Media.

        "Beli'Az has switched sides" he told the people. "Hastog has spoken to him, while he was meditating, and showed him the true nature of Hastogianism, which is Hairy!"

        The majority of the Medians was Hairy, and not many asked questions about the real deal with Guru Beli'Az and his ever ongoing meditations. They cheered in the streets and were inspired by the new Hairy Hastogianistic administration.
        The people produced more and earned more money.

        Apart from changing the state religion once again, Oroetes also installed a drafting system. All young men had to be available to serve in the army during times of war.
        The new Free Market also boosted the economy.

        New times for Media! Some expected Media to start flourishing under Oroetes more then ever before!
        Oroetes, being mesmerized by all the kind words, felt like he could rule the world. He started to make plans to bring New Persia under Median control gain, in secret. He dreamed about being the Emperor of Media and New Persia.
        Last edited by Persia (DoC); February 12, 2010, 11:28.
        Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
        <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


        • ooc: when I google image search for 'hairy gurus' or 'fat men' our story threads start to pop-up among the first
          Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
          <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


          • Darius, people of New Persia,

            We are happy to inform you that the Indian high command has approved your request to join the glorious Indian Empire!
            Well, we know of course that there were no official request yet, but we know your sentiment, your wish to unite with our people, to be part of the great Empire with all the benefits, without giving up anything.
            -Your autonomy will be granted along with all the existing Indian colonies, you will have complete freedom in domestical matters and naturally you would enjoy the protection of the greatest power on earth.
            -By joining the empire you could ensure that you will be trained in the ways of Sha'Tao well, so your soul would be safe from the evil forcess when they come to devour the world.
            -A great chance to cut yourself free from the corrupted Media.

            We are waiting for your official request so we can celebrate.

            Empress Shakti

            Don't dissapoint us..


            • this is a story about New Persia

              Empress Shakti,

              We are delighted to receive this invitation from you!
              Some of our spies report that soon Median ships filled with Grenadiers will arrive on our shores to reclaim us as a Median colony.
              I would die before New Persia would become a colony of Media again!

              Please protect our cities with the teachings of Sha'Tao to protect us against Hastogianism.

              In response to your request: Yes! We do want to become a part of the Indian Empire!
              Please send 20 of your finest Infantry armies to my control immediately so that I can protect New Persian cities against the Medians!
              As soon as all our cities have been converted into Taoists, I will hand over the control of all New Persian cities to you.
              I will open our borders immediately so that you can send your missionaries, and hand over your defence troops.

              In friendship,

              King Darius I of New Persia
              Last edited by Robert; February 12, 2010, 18:26.
              Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
              <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


              • tis lal so confusing


                • King Darius,

                  You shall not worry! We won't let those greedy hastogianists reclaim and exploit your fair cities! Only over your dead bodies..ehm.. I mean over our soldiers' dead bodies!
                  We did not know that the situation was such dire, we of course will send our army to protect you, even bring the fight to Media so they will learn not to threaten freedom ever again.
                  I suggest you start putting your colonies under Indian authority for the more efficient cooperation. Hold on untill our forces arrive and try to stall for time.

                  Empress Shakti


                  • this is a story about New Persia

                    Queen Shakti,

                    I am disappointed that you can't send this help at once.
                    Apparently the Medians are able to send more and stronger reinforcements to New Russia then you can. My hope was on you, but now I fear that both New Persia AND New India may fall if the Medians continue their expansionism, inspired by your public messages. Who can be sure now if the Medians will stick to their mutual non-aggression pact with you?

                    God forbid that the Medians hear about this and send their ships immediately to your poorly defended New Russian shores! WHO WILL HELP US THEN, when you are gone?

                    Next time you invite us into the Indian Empire, please put your money where your mouth is and be ready to welcome us. Now you brought the both of us in an impossible situation.

                    Word has reached me that 4 galleons and 2 indianmen filled with Median grenadiers and canons are about to land somewhere on New Russia!
                    If you can't send armies, please send all your money immediately! And please take my advise, defend yourself as well!
                    I will place my cities under your direct control as soon as you have proven to be able to defend us, and teach all our cities the ways of Sha'Tao!
                    If I place them under you control now, they will fall to the Medians immediately since their armies outnumber yours.

                    King Darius of New Persia

                    (in response to msg below received in private)

                    Originally posted by India (DoC)
                    Dear King,

                    I did not know that the situation was such dire, we of course will send our armies to protect you, but it will take much time.. I'm afraid as migty as our army is, but even we don't have 20 infantry units yet, we start mobilizing asap.
                    England helping Media.. unbelievable.. Those bastards!

                    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                    • this is a story about Media

                      Shakti of India,

                      My armies are about to enter New Russia and end the Persian uprising against the Median empire. Do not interfere or I will consider our non aggression pact because of a violation of the pact by India. I will also call upon my allies to counter your expansionism. New Russia is Median. Don't be mesmerized by the Median aspiration of independence. The highest ranked soldiers of the New Persian armies are Median generals.

                      We will however continue to respect your New Russian colonies if you will live up to our non-aggression pact and keep your hands of our colonies.
                      But don't be mistaken, a war between India and Media could not start under better circumstances then the current ones for Media. If not for the pact we signed, I would invade you unprovoked and take your weakly defended cities straight away.

                      Steward Oroetes, on behalf of Guru Beli'Az of Media
                      Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                      <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                      • ((Last edit, shorter version: not happy about publishing pms, but alright.. however the one up there is out of context without the other letter I was refering to ))
                        Last edited by India (DoC); February 12, 2010, 19:46.


                        • Steward Oroetes,

                          Despite what you might have heard we are not planing to take any military action against You, and you too should avoid breaking the sweat peace we have in the colonies. You know as well as I do that none of us could fully controll and defend those cities right now, so a conflict only would led to bloodshed and destruction.
                          We urge you not to send military units to the region because that could endanger the peace between us.

                          Empress Shakti


                          • there should be no problem publishing pms.... you can deny them and claim they fake if you like.. but it al lpart of diplo...


                            • this is a story about Media

                              Shakti of India,

                              Do not interfere with Median internal business, and we will not break the 'sweat peace' in the colonies.
                              I will punish King Darius for leaking your secret communications to him. It shall not happen again when I'm done with him.

                              Steward Oroetes, on behalf of Guru Beli'Az of Media
                              Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                              <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                              • Offer of Peace

                                Russia welcomes the new ruler in Ottomania and offers Peace as a first initiative to repairing relations.
                                Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                                The Russian Dynasty:
                                Samo the Headbanded
                                Catherine the Progenitor
                                Dominika Ekatarinova
                                (Konya the Lost)
                                Igor Exilaskaya

