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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt5 - January 2010]

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  • #61
    Originally posted by India (DoC) View Post
    Lord of Korea,

    We are saddened to hear what happened. We will send our best architects to build a new temple, bigger and even more magnificent. With your permission we would send our investigators too to find those who are responsible for this atrocity and make sure they won't cause any more trouble.

    Queen Shivali
    Dearest beautiful Queen Leader of the Tao world

    We were shocked and saddned by the loss of so many good men of the faith, we ahve been fortuante in that one young man who had been trained by the High priests has stepped forward t olead the Taoists in this nation.

    a full investigation is under way but any help you can send our way to bring the culprits to justice is warmly welcomed.

    I am planning a meeting in the new year to viist your fair lands and will bring the young man with me to be trained further in your temples.

    Till we meet

    Lord of all the Koreas


    • #62
      The boy was becoming a man. He was now the leader of Taoism in all of Korea. No one would stand against him. His charisma could turn al lheads i na room as he entered. He was alluringly beautiful and women secretly lusted after him.

      With his appointment as head othe Korena Taoist church he gathered round him a band of priests who supported him. Those that opposed him seemed to be rather clumsy or just donw right unlucky and met untimely deaths.

      He read with delight the note from the Lord Of Koreas. The Lord had organsied the meeting he had requested with the Indians.

      Now to go visit the Lord himself and ask the Lord to step aside as Leader of Korea. God had called him to be the new Lord. He had heard Gods voice clearly. It was time.


      • #63
        Queen Shivali,

        It is almost abundantly clear to the whole world, that you care nothing for Tao'ism at all, but are simply a warmongering tyrant who seeks the conquest and domination of the world.

        Two obvious facts:

        1. You finally set out clearly your wishes, and then within 12 hours, when Byzantium has not yet even read your demands, you claim them are unfulfilled. That is not the action of someone who actually wants demands fulfiled, but someone looking for a smokescreen to cover their naked aggression.

        2. The facts about the spread of Tao'ism have been accepted by other Tao'ist nations - recently both the Koreans and more recently the Mali accepted the need to send actual missionaries to Byzantium which would be most welcome here. Details on a plan for that are being worked out. It seems that others actually want to spread Tao'ism, but not you.

        And finally. You demand an immediate conversoin of the state to Tao'ism. This is a physical impossibility. Because of previous major changes within Byzantium, it is impossible for such an announcement to be effected immediately. (ooc - I can't change civics/state religion currently).

        So building on the two obvious facts, we now have a completely impossible demand.

        I said "It is almost abundantly clear to the whole world, that you care nothing for Tao'ism at all, but are simply a warmongering tyrant who seeks the conquest and domination of the world. "

        The proof for the whole world comes now. Do you maintain what everyone knows is a physically impossible demand? Thus proving all of your talk and demands are pure pretext and deception. Or do you actual talk about reality?

        The world wants to know, for it will evermore judge and respond to India accordingly. Religious devotee or warmongering tyrant? Which is it dear Queen?

        Last edited by Byzantium (DoC); January 7, 2010, 18:54.
        Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


        • #64

          Your so called facts can be easily disproven:

          1. You finally set out clearly your wishes, and then within 12 hours, when Byzantium has not yet even read your demands, you claim them are unfulfilled.

          I've always been clear. and what is fact: you have closed your border long after we made our last "clear wishes". That was your answer.

          2. The facts about the spread of Tao'ism have been accepted by other Tao'ist nations - recently both the Koreans and more recently the Mali accepted the need to send actual missionaries to Byzantium which would be most welcome here. Details on a plan for that are being worked out. It seems that others actually want to spread Tao'ism, but not you.

          Words words words..The fact however is that only we sent missionaries to you. And you are missing the point: we not only want the free spreading of Tao: we want it to be the law, the only way of living.

          ((And finally. You demand an immediate conversoin of the state to Tao'ism. This is a physical impossibility. Because of previous major changes within Byzantium, it is impossible for such an announcement to be effected immediately. (ooc - I can't change civics/state religion currently).
          this is a purely ooc thing, your word that you accept what we want would have been enough))

          I said "It is almost abundantly clear to the whole world, that you care nothing for Tao'ism at all, but are simply a warmongering tyrant who seeks the conquest and domination of the world. "

          Conquer? Domination? where do you see among our demands anything like that? We have explained many times that our mission is the saving of the world from evil and you have no idea how much my people have sacrificed to carry out this quest.
          You say we are warmongering, yet you must realize that no one has to die: be reasonable, accept our terms and this war will be over before it really started.

          Queen Shivali


          • #65
            How can I accept your terms when they are a physical impossibility?

            Your prove yourself a warmongering conquerer using religion as a pretext if you will not answer this question.

            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


            • #66
              As the Monk walked away the palace he prayed and he heard gods voice.

              He spoke to god and walked, and walked more and talked more.

              The meeting with the Lord ok Korea had not gone well, the Lord had refused to hand over his title.

              The Monk sat at the egde of town and watched the parade of musketteers . The new units were dispalying to all of Korea the new and improved guns.

              The monk wathced as they lined up infront of the castle and the Lord of korea gazed from his balcony on the neew Korean army.

              The yslauted the lordd and the nraised there guns inthe air to give the traditional slaute.

              Jsut as thry went to fire the ground shook and their bullets were spalyed in al ldirections

              It took about five minutes for someone to notice the Lord had fallen.


              • #67
                You CAN accept our terms, convert to Tao immediately.

                ((IG it means ofc as soon as possible-this limit is an ooc thing, the conversion must be made IC, not physicaly to fullfill my terms))



                • #68
                  Persia removes illegal Colony

                  The Native American colony, Nacogdoches, on New Russia has been removed by Persia. The colony of Nanih Waiya will be removed soon. If the Natives hand this colony over voluntarily, Persia will abstain from a penalty raid on Native American homeland and it will give the Galleon, worker and two soldiers in New Russia an unharmed journey home.

                  Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                  <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                  • #69

                    Persian Dove Mail (d-mail)
                    Great Guru,

                    We have spotted two unprotected cities.
                    One other city is hardly protected and can be taken before reinforcements arrive.
                    Do you want us to secure these colonies at once before the enemy awakes?

                    Admiral Shafah



                    We will not consider them our enemies as long as they do not consider us their enemies.
                    No need to secure these cities, there is no need to take them.
                    Keep your ships in position so you can strike immediately if necessary.
                    If things remain as the are, we will stick to the two colonies only.

                    Last edited by Persia (DoC); January 8, 2010, 03:20.
                    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                    • #70

                      This is outrage!

                      You dare to attack unprotected colonies under New Russian flags, but you are fools if you think that attacking our allies won't break the non aggression pact we made with New Russia. Attacking the Natives is the same as attacking us, we made an oath to defend our brothers and we will do so.
                      I'm saying this knowing that my colonies there are at your mercy. Destroy them and I will burn whole New Russia...first...then the rest of your kind.

                      Russians were always our friends, we let the settle in peace and even support them financialy-we did not expect them to attack. We still think they have nothing to do with it, but we cant allow that our people and our friend's live under threat.

                      I let you and the Natives to try to solve this conflict peacefully, but both of you shall know that I will be here supporting our brothers in every possible ways.

                      Queen Shivali


                      • #71
                        Greeks I have received your settler, please continue sending us more if you wish. The first settlers party is on their way to the southern lands. Expected time of colony delivery will be around 10 cycles.

                        Inca do you wish us to aid you in locating new homes for your people? There is much land in the south.



                        • #72
                          Wars were starting to erupt again! It seems the world can’t live in peace for too long. Some feared that this war will be nothing the world has ever seen. Millions would die... Our Indian brothers have attacked Byzantium; Persia has invaded the Natives colonies. The holy leader has threatened Persia of retaliation.


                          • #73
                            Chaos! Brother Fyodor! Chaos! What shall we do!?
                            Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                            The Russian Dynasty:
                            Samo the Headbanded
                            Catherine the Progenitor
                            Dominika Ekatarinova
                            (Konya the Lost)
                            Igor Exilaskaya


                            • #74
                              Justinian read the latest diplomatic post and laughed.

                              Queen Shivali, dear queen shivali, how the mighty and once respected have falled.

                              You who invade Egypt a peaceful nation - trampling its fair land with your weapons of war, against the express wish of its ruler.

                              You who are exposed as caring nothing for the actual spread of Tao'ism, but are using reglion as a pretext for war, destruction and hell. Building armies not missionaries. Declaring war before people have even read your messages, making impossible demands.

                              You who are content to plot evil against a nation, Byzantium, who has always had good relations with you, yet for a century you secretly plot its destruction.

                              and then,
                              Justinian couldn't help laughing again, when someone threatens one of your cities ... it is apparently "an outrage", causing you to spit out vile, impossible, threats, exposing once again how you live in a twisted world of your own construction.

                              Not just a warmongering conquerer using religion as a pretext, but a shameless hypocrite.
                              Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                              • #75
                                The War Council in Constaninople

                                Justinian looked round his advisors, and called the council to order. "Gentlemen, first I want reports on the last periods, then we will look at strategy for the future"

                                "First, please, the basic facts"

                                "Ten periods ago, the Indians threatened Egypt. Looking back we see the character of Queen Shivali even then. For while the Egyptians were disussion adoptign Tao'ism, Ramesses delayed slightly to attend the funeral of Theodosius the Pious. This was enough to make the the Vampire Queen Shivali threaten that she would feed on the corpse of a destroyed Egypt. We responded to the call for help from our friends the Egyptians, while advising them that what religion egyptian people follow was not a question for us, but warning them that they should be wary of trusting the words of the Vampire Queen. The Egyptians accepted the Vampire's words ..."


                                "No, Ramesses is no fool. He knew the Vampire was likely to break her promises the moment after she had given them, but he had no choice to save his people. He is our friend still - this correspondance shows how much he hates the Vampire who is abusing his land. Please continue"

                                "... they accepted her words and ordered the people to adopt Tao'ism. Then the Vampire Queen broke her word and invaded his land anyway, landing a massive technologically adept army on his shores. Since then that army has been force-marching west to Byzantium. There has been no delay or pause for discussion or treaty. As soon as the army landed, it was set on invading Byzantium and has proceeded to a pre-arranged timetable."

                                Theodosius nodded "and the other army?"

                                "We have been tracking it through Incan lands, with the support and permission of the Inca, who also hate the Vampire Queen but feel equally unable to stand against her army. It is much smaller, but equipped with seige engines, which prove again what the oringal purpose was when this army was put together across the sea."


                                "When the Indian army reached the Byzantine border it immediately declared war - they crossed the border massacring the customs officials without pausing for breath. The stream roller build across the sea was not going to stop regardless of what was said or done."

                                "Thank you". Turning to his diplomatic advisor "And on the diplomatic front?"

                                "Good news my Lord. We have sheaves of correspondance from almost every nation on earth expressing their hatred for the Vampire Queen, their sympathy for Byzantium. Their recognition that the Vampire is not interested in religion just in blood."

                                "But what of the Tao'ist nations?"

                                "No my lord, you misunderstand me, much of this correspondance is from them. Some nations are genuinely devoted to Tao'ism and hate that the Vampire has perverted it in this way. Others hate Tao'ism itself and have only adopted it as a shame while the Vampire stands over them ready to suck their blood. This is not a Tao'ist war, but an Indian grab at world domination"

                                "But are all too frightened to act?"

                                "No my Lord. Here, correspondance from three nations who are committed to war to defend us - the generals are in discussion of strategy with them currently. And there are two or three others who will take non-offensive action like strategically closing borders when we ask."

                                "Good". Justinian turned to the next man around the table. "Now my dear spy, what can you tell me?"

                                "Sire", said the man in the voice of the Eypgtian deserts, "because of our long friendship with India - the true India before this Vampire sank its teeth into her, we had little inteligence against India beforehand. This has now been rectified. The Indian intelligence network within Byzantium has been dismantled. I can't promise that some elements don't remain, and the effort to root it out is made more difficult by your decree that Tao'ist must remain welcome in our land, just not Indians. But the Indians will get little intelligence about us now, and we have just landed two agents in India".

                                "Good. Science?"

                                "Well my king, on the invasion of Egypt we put our resources into finalising our Chemistry. Then our priority was supporiting the intelligence operation and the refit of some of our older troops. Now we are full steam ahead on teh development of canonry. Just a few more periods and these rifles will seem like pinpricks compared to the real gunpowder weapons."

                                Pleased Justinian turned to his general, "and finally, last but not least, what of the military situation. Presumably things are dire?"

                                "Not at all my Lord. Adrianopole has been evacuated except for volunteer local people who know the forests. I cannot prevent the Vampire feasting on its corpse. We should expect that, and prepare for the publicity."

                                Justinian nodded, remembering the fine city on the great lake shared with our friends the Eyptians, the border with the Inca and the English. One of the most cosmopolitan cities on earth.

                                "Otherwise there are two scenarios - the choice between them lying with the vampire herself. She can push on towards the great city of Thesssalonica or even Constaninople herself. They are her great prizes. If she does that I am condifent that our army can give good account of itself."

                                "does that mean the cities will fall?"

                                "Not with the spirit of Constanine defending them. Otherwise the Vampire can sit tight in Adrianopole feasting on its corpse as her second army catches up with her."

                                "That sounds wise, and deadly for us."

                                "No my Lord, that sounds like delay which she has refused to give up to now, because she too knows that our canons will blast her to hell".

                                Justinan laughed.

                                "And the navy? Presumably there is little you can do?"

                                "We have a number of operations - intelligence and guerilla against the Indian mainland, supported from harbours in our friends ports, even though they are Tao'ist. And" he smirked at the general "a few others".

                                Justinian caught the message between their eyes, but was happen to let it go.

                                "Good. The Vampire is exposed and caught. Let us eat before we plan the annihilation of her army, which will release all who are caught in her power".

                                The diplomat coughed "but what of the religon question?"

                                "My friend, Tao'ism is free to spread to every city in this land. The Tao'ist nations know this. Look what happened when the Eyptians accepted her words - she betrayed them within minutes. She has no interest in peace, but in attacking and cutting down every nation who might be able to stand against her. When the world is faced by a Vampire, true men know to reach for the stakes. Taking of steaks, I believe the chef has somethign special for us tonight ...
                                Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων

