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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt5 - January 2010]

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  • #16

    Pharaoh Ramesses,

    We have been waiting for your answer long enough. All we see are promises and meanwhile Byzantine troops are positioning themselves in your cities. We must assume that the Egyptian government is under the influence of Byzantine heretics and all your promises about that you are preparing to the conversion is nothing but tricks. You can still prove me wrong: accept our terms -NOW- and then lets celebrate together. Don't let Byzantine use you to their purpose.

    If you refuse we will have no choice but to make a swift military action to remove those who deny their people's right to enlightenment. We won't wait any longer, the whole world must worship Sha'tur in the interest of all mankind.

    Queen Shivali


    • #17
      For years while others plotted and fought wars, Kane kept himself secluded within the
      palace walls reading the vast books within the libraries and reviewing the ever changing
      maps of the world. With the exceptions of the coordination he did with the domestic
      advisors to organize a more focused approach to building improvements on the eastern
      side of the empire no one heard from him.

      More time passed yet still Kane did not come out of the palace libraries. When
      gunpowder became available Kane ordered all the city guards to be replaced by muskets.
      When literature was discovered he ordered more ships and workers to be dispatched.
      Many grew worried of what he could be doing hidden inside the Palace walls but others
      close to Kane say they have seen him with a strange glowing orb with writing unlike any
      they had ever seen.

      The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


      • #18
        A messenger from the Pharaoh arrived on the Square of the Gods. He rang his bell, and read his scroll out loud:

        "Hence, from this day forth, Egypt is a Taoist nation! The Pharaoh demands that all citizens shall go the Taoist Temples once a week on Sundays to learn the great teachings! All hail mighty Ramesses!"


        • #19
          Ramesses sat on his throne. His advisor, Pteh Scriptus II, was standing attentively in front of the throne. In the corner, a painter was busy capturing Ramesses' profile.

          "Great Pharaoh, are you worried?", Pteh asked, noticing the frown on Ramesses' forehead.

          "I did not like converting our nation, but India is too powerful for us. It seems religion is slowly starting to play a far greater role in global affairs than I had anticipated. Who knows, the Hastogianists might feel compelled to respond to these 'conversions'."

          "That could get ugly, great Pharaoh. Both nations are well-armed, and well-supplied. The recent victory over Russia was a frightening demonstration of power."

          "Yes, it was. But it pales in comparison to what would happen if these two titans strike each other directly. Holy wars are deadly wars. Faith can compel both man and rulers to go far beyond their normal boundaries. I wish to have no part in that. Our conversion to Tao keeps us out of the crossfire for now. But I fear for Justinian. His nation is just as powerful, yet his Christian faith makes him both a thorn in the eye of India as well as Persia. Whoever allies with wise Justinian, will be the winner of this...this 'cold war'."

          "Great Justinian is very wise my lord, I am sure he will find a way to keep his nation safe."

          "Yes, wise he is. His leadership is remarkable. Theodosius would be proud of him, I am sure. Perhaps his diplomatic and military strength will be all that keeps our continent from being the theatre for the final act of this complex play. I think I will visit Justinian soon, I need to discuss these issues with him directly, my mind sees too many possibilities. Send a messenger to Justinian, telling him I would appreciate it if he would welcome me to discuss matters of state with him in Byzantium."

          "Yes, great Pharaoh."

          "And, tell my son, Ramesses II, to ready himself for a journey. It is time he meets other rulers, and who better to start with than Justinian?"

          "Yes, great Pharaoh."

          The painter finished his last strokes, and turned the tablet around to Ramesses. Ramesses sighed, and coughed into a cloth. He looked down, and saw a bit of blood on the white cotton. He quickly folded it, and clenched his fist. He looked at the tablet.

          "Great work. Have it placed in my tomb, along with the rest of it."


          • #20

            All praise Sha'tur!

            An other nation has accepted Tao into their hearts. Our final victory over the Evil is one step closer.


            • #21
              The Korean High Priests warmly welcome the conversion of Egypt to the true faith.

              More Korean delegations will be sent to Egypt to help them ease through this conversion process.

              With the whole of the Eatern Hemisphere now Tao. It was time to send more missionaries to the west.


              • #22

                180.000 enthusiastic missionaries have arrived to Egypt to help in the conversion and spread the relgion even further. Armed only with holy books and their faith...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by India (DoC) View Post

                  180.000 enthusiastic missionaries have arrived to Egypt to help in the conversion and spread the relgion even further. Armed only with holy books and their faith...
                  and a musket ...


                  • #24
                    The grand old duke or India
                    he had 180,000 missionaries,
                    he marched them upto to the top of egypt
                    then he marched them down again

                    and when they were up they were up
                    and when they were down they were down
                    but when they started killing people they were neither priests nor msisionairies


                    • #25
                      Queen Shivali,

                      I have noticed that you have brought 15 military units into our land. Yes, we are brothers of the faith, but you have never asked me for permission for military units to be stationed in our lands, nor are the people of Egypt happy with such a military presence. I see it as a great insult that you choose to do this without consulting me. I was under the impression that we had a sound diplomatic relation, and am therefore very much surprised concerning this blatant abuse of our open border-agreement. I kindly but urgently ask you to move your troops out of our lands immediately. In addition, you have revealed delicate information about Luxor in the communication that you have spread to other nations. Please refrain from doing this in the future.

                      Ramesses, Pharaoh of Egypt.


                      • #26

                        Pharaoh Ramesses,

                        Those men mean no harm to you, on the contrary: they are there to help you and protect you if necessary. Spreading Tao further must be our commom goal so soon everyone on the world will be our brothers.

                        Queen Shivali


                        • #27
                          King Wallace, as a brother in Tao, the Mali nation wlecomes you into the brotherhood and now consider you an ally. May peace be with you as you spread the word of Tao throughout the land. If we may be of any assistance, please contact us.

                          Sum Dak, Mali High Priest of Tao.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by India (DoC) View Post

                            Pharaoh Ramesses,

                            I of course understand your grief, but we can't ignore those who are living, their souls needs to be saved from the darkness. Many of your people are already following the true faith, their wish to introduce Tao as state religion so more of your man can learn about the truth. Listen to these wishes as we are listening to them, which is of course the wish of all Taoists and the will of our Lord. Soon everyone will follow our ways, it's inevitable. Resisting it just would make the otherwise enlightening process quite.. unpleasing.

                            Hope to hear from you soon,

                            Queen Shivali, Priestess of Sha'Tao
                            Pharaoh Ramesses,

                            We would like to help you in spreading the faith to your people and helping them to understand the true God. Your previous citizens in Maligypt are very happy with this religion and they daily practice the faith. They are at peace which allows them to be more productive citizens. We encourage you to become a brother in Sha'Tao and enjoy the rewards of this network.


                            • #29
                              To Queen Sivali and the Indian people,

                              We were very saddened to learn about the death of King Kaliph. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with him as the bond between our two nations grew. We hope that our nations can continue to grow under your leadership of India. Do not hesitate to contact us for anything.


                              • #30

                                Justinian of Byzantium,

                                We have heard that you no longer have state relgion but you let your citizens decide what they want to belive in. It is actually even worse than let them belive in fairy tales as they did before. People don't need freedom in these matters; it makes them confused, disoriented.. they need our guidance and you should help them. Help them to learn about the blessings of Tao, to accept it and live according its teachings. Together we can make the world a better place: without fear, without war, without evil. But first everyone must worship the God, Sha'tur.- And they will.. it is inevitable. It is our quest to bring the truth to everyone, do not resist it.

                                Queen Shivali

                                Last edited by India (DoC); January 5, 2010, 11:13.

