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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • Well, if it's truly over..(and you wont take he city with a last warrior or something )
    I want to thank you too and to everyone involved, it was really great, something I'd wanted to see in diplogames. Tbh last turn I did not think you will be this close, Now I see you did some great coordination to empty those transports and refill them for amphibious assault (I even told my allies that no need to send more units because the transports I've counted cannot be enough. btw there were 19-20 foreign units defending me, they might well be what was needed)


    • Thanks India. I was kind of counting on that - that you would have thought the transports next to the shrine were empty rather than having been refilled. And hoped that might lead you to make a miscalculation which could have made all the difference. But no, even with those refilled boats, you were too strong.

      Thanks for the data on the foreign units. Actually slightly more than I thought. And yes, they represent about half your current defenders in the shrine. If they weren't there (and you had made the same moves last turn, whcih I know is a big if) we would have captured it. Which is a good diplo-game result - the Tao shrine survives because of diplomacy (you getting other nations to help with your defence).
      Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


      • St Jon - not sure how the attack is iniquitous. I agree and have said publicly many times that India deserves a massive win - I can assure you he will be getting 7s from me too. To be honest the moment he landed his massive army to attack Byzantium long ago, it was clear to me that he was completely way ahead. But whats the fun in simply giving up? I didn't try to organise and supply the largest ground continentsupport for an attack on India to deprive the person playing India (no idea who) of winning in game - I simply don't play that personally - the attack was about keeping drama in the game, and keeping India pushed - which he rather seems to have enjoyed (and was completey in character in story - I disagree with you Korea - my stories about india were clear from teh moment they attacked Byzantium. Remember all I needed to do was convert to Tao which I had in most of my cities. No loss to me at all. But Byzantium was arrogant and wasn't going to roll over like everyone else. Which set up a great cross continental power game. Well great until I lost it!) Indias attack on Byzantium was not sensible in-game terms, but really added to the game. I think that our attack back was equally great for the game. Others disagree - fair enough.
        Last edited by Byzantium (DoC); March 26, 2010, 18:59.
        Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


        • Originally posted by Inca (DoC) View Post
          I think you are being hypocrite Persia. ok for to have smaller nation must give city when you gain but bad when rome gives city with oil? Why not sell the oil?
          No, it's never good.
          I'm not a hypocrite, I have opposed it all the time.
          As a matter of fact, I am supporting my enemy, India here. I'm not advocating my own benefit but the benefit of my enemy.

          Maybe I deserve the title 'balance whiner of the decade' but certainly not the 'hypocrite of the day' award.

          Congrats India!
          I never expected England/Byzantium/Korea to beat your Shrine city, but I did expect myself to be able to slam a whole in your defence.

          All may want to know that India and Persia were 5 seconds away from a deal in which India would give up half of New India to Persia.
          But then at the last moment India said that he actually liked it to wage the war. Then I said that we should then have the war.

          That's why India and Persia were online at the same time that long.
          Then he saw how his armies won the battle against all odds
          Having said that, it's amazing how India was able to get a very good defence that quickly in New India while also be able to defend his shrine.

          I never would have been able to beat him in one turn, most probably in 2. But now I don't have a chance. (unless there are no reinforcements for India and my armies will not fail a shot, which is not going to happen now I know that the gods are with India )

          Bottom line: I think india will win a SS victory, not a cultural victory. His 3rd city is too far way from 75000 points. But maybe I'm wrong

          Congrats India!
          You played AWESOME both strategically AND diplo-attitude wise. 3x 7 for you this month.
          Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
          <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


          • guys, too much ooc! and not enough ic !

            Too much being revealed...




            • I knew you have the marines somewhere but not about the rest... hard to admit, but I've started to send back the troops i got so there was less than twenty in the country. And I wanted to protect the rest of the cities from a marine assault/quick raze. If I really wanted to concentrate just on the holy city thats an other 20 defender in Taorisha.. but then my other cities would had been undefended.

              Actually I expected your attack after upgrading your airships to be able to intercept my bombers.. on the other hand i was close to bring back the New Indian army which would had increase my strengt at home significally. ( I guess Persia would had been more happy if you wait a bit )


              • Originally posted by Greece (DoC) View Post
                guys, too much ooc! and not enough ic !

                Too much being revealed...


                It's good to cool down a bit, then we can think about where to go. As I have said I'm not in hurry to finish, I could find other goals, go to offensive and spread the Sha'Tao again.. if you would like.. if not I can continue with this speed and finish as soon as possible.


                • talking about bad luck!
                  I have replayed the battle 9 times.
                  In 7 out of these 9 times I forgot to use one artillery. (stack attack, discovered it on the screenshots)

                  The bottom one is the start-stack. (the red arrow shows that I forgot to check it! During the first 2 runs I did it manually, not stack attack.)

                  The bottom one of the 10 results (with the red square) is the official/real result.
                  The 9 ones above are the replay results.

                  Not only did I got the worst possibility out of 10, it's by far the worst if you keep in account that: 1. in reality I only got 6(!) infantry left; 2. I did not use 1 artillery in 7/9 test runs!

                  The worst replay run had 10 infantry left, the best one 16.
                  In none of the cases did I got the city after the attack, but in many of them the Indian defences were all at 1-3 strength points down. (compared to one 7 and one 9 pointer now!) Too lazy to show India's leftovers. (got it all on screenshot).

                  Anyway, I'm just shocked at how bad my odds were
                  Had to share it here

                  Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                  <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                  • Originally posted by St Jon View Post
                    Don't be a baby here Raz!

                    I wanted you in the game, I said so from the start, even though you can be a PitA I still reckon you contribute far more than the majority, myself included!

                    I do believe this war against India is the most iniquitous I have ever witnessed in any game. They have outplayed the rest of the World from the start and deserve the win far more than any of the top 3 that oppose them. They have fought the most fantastic war against huge odds and yet not crumbled as would have been so easy.

                    I'm only a puny power in the game but I watch and read what happens around me. Some of it involves me and it is great fun but this kind of war really only serves to cause me to give 7's to India.
                    You don't know half what happened behind the scenes

                    Anyway, we tried what we never did before, a huge world war between the top players instead of peace between the top who continue to suppress the less fortunate.

                    And you should know that when I invaded India I had infantry and cannons and ships of the line while he had bombers, tanks and battleships. Just to bring it all into perspective

                    Having said that, India deserves the 7's imho.
                    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                    • Wow.

                      I hope you guys took lots of screen shots! I want to see this epic battle! 96 units??!?!? This seems like it may be the biggest diplogame battle ever. Whew. Especially for it to be a two-front war with two massive battles. Wow! I'm impressed!

                      In my small way I contributed as a Natives sub earlier. I'm glad to hear foreign fighters made the difference! So.. since I helped build some of those foreign fighters (and more so built the infrastructure that allowed those foreign fighters to be built) I claim personal victory in this war.

                      Ozzy won the biggest war in diplogame history.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • It wasn't like a real battle the way you are thinking - only one side fired.

                        Our alliance landed a lot of units.

                        Then India shot them. Only India could take any screen shots...

                        End of


                        • Originally posted by India (DoC) View Post
                          It's good to cool down a bit, then we can think about where to go. As I have said I'm not in hurry to finish, I could find other goals, go to offensive and spread the Sha'Tao again.. if you would like.. if not I can continue with this speed and finish as soon as possible.
                          Trouble with this ooc is we are group discussing on how the game should be moulded.

                          It should not be moulded but organically grow from within character.

                          imho. And I don't think anyone in this game is running their civ based on who they think the player is.

                          India should make a judgement ic whether it chooses a rush for the cultural victory or other options. Not discuss it here.

                          Nor should there be discussion in this thread about rules that haven't been broken.

                          Next game is next game.

                          And all this ooc about fair play and balance is not good either - it definitely changed the game a bit. Any ooc chat that influences in game is counter to diplo.

                          I may have erred in this regard as well, I'm not sure but just a thought to keep up the integrity of the game.

                          Edit added: However, I must add that I see the victory condition as something that should not be ignored. Even though a diplo game it is competitive and is the undercurrent goal for the in game win.
                          Last edited by Greece (DoC); March 26, 2010, 21:06.


                          • Personally, I thought you contributed greatly to the game by your awkward questionning on issues and your varied loyalty (or the way you played it).

                            Annoying yes, but keep it up.

                            Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
                            just my .02 cents worth.

                            thisstopepd being a diplo game when the allaince blatantly told me that they only targeting the shrine city to stop the cultural victory so you can al lstop your bleating ,

                            depsite persias war in the coloniied and byxs expalantion of a revenge attack on india,

                            this is a war to stop someone winning ingame

                            i as the oppositon way of tao to indias tao am the only nation truly justified in a diplo style to attack his shrine city, but seems ozzy beleive i taken this game into un diplo

                            i realise i not wanted in this game by toni and ozy possibly others so this is my last game, i fed u pwith the personal attacks

                            lets get this over and down with..
                            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                            • I agree.

                              Originally posted by Greece (DoC) View Post
                              Trouble with this ooc is we are group discussing on how the game should be moulded.

                              It should not be moulded but organically grow from within character.

                              imho. And I don't think anyone in this game is running their civ based on who they think the player is.

                              India should make a judgement ic whether it chooses a rush for the cultural victory or other options. Not discuss it here.

                              Nor should there be discussion in this thread about rules that haven't been broken.

                              Next game is next game.

                              And all this ooc about fair play and balance is not good either - it definitely changed the game a bit. Any ooc chat that influences in game is counter to diplo.

                              I may have erred in this regard as well, I'm not sure but just a thought to keep up the integrity of the game.
                              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                              • Civstats is down and England (subbed by Byz) forgot to end turn**.

                                Only Arabia to go otherwise...

                                ** PM me if you want me to sub to end this turn?

