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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 12 (July 2009)

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  • #76
    Shinichiro and Alexandra,

    You may have noticed that the largest military power in the world has just declared war on Rome and invaded part of the empire. Forgive me if I am giving more priority to protecting the citizens of Rome from Portuguse nueclear attack and defending the northern border against Vasco's massed armoured divisions, than I am to your war of words.

    I too hope, Shinichiro, that this is not in fact a real invasion by Portugal, but until that becomes clear my attention is on the defence of the Roman homeland.

    Samos will be resolved. I would ask you both to be patient.



    • #77

      From: Prime Minister Daniil Aleksandrovich, Council of Transition and Stability
      To: Greece, Japan, Portugal, Wyandot and Rome
      Subject: Suspicious Communiques and War on Russia's Doorstep

      Ladies and Gentlemen,

      Russia is concerned as to where these promised Tanks, or worse Modern Armour, were to be employed? Why does Greece wish to land 16 Modern Armour in Piercia? Who is destined to be the happy recipient of the pleasures from the gun barrels of these monstrous beasts?

      Why, likewise, does Rome seek to equip a, supposed, recent enemy with such munitions? The Greco-Roman War was the worst piece of fabrication ever to have been staged and an insult to a babe in arms not to see though! The plot was clear - simply give pretext for the murder of the first true and honest Head of State that Greece has ever known and place yet another war-monger upon the Throne. Why are there Roman Troops wandering across Russian lands and her choosing to station half her Navy in Russian Ports?

      Why does Japan wish Tanks at all? They have no defensive value and are but weapons of conquest. Whose Cities were to be lain waste by these tracked killing machines?

      Why does Portugal seek to provoke another War when already fully committed against Khmer? Where is the gain in an oil-rich state taking an indefensible outpost on a far distant island that is of no interest to anyone? Why has Portugal kept Transports at hand opposite Russia for decades whilst supposedly of good faith and facing the weakest nation in the World? Why does Portugal place a Tank next to a small Russian City with scant defence and no strategic value?

      Why are Wyandot mustering Troops along the Piercian border? Are these Troops on Parade? Do not think that Russia is an idiot nation that does not watch her borders Tarhe!

      Who is still employing Privateers to terrorise Russian fishermen? Is it the Maya again who seek to disturb the peace of Russian Cities? Why is this farce of phony Wars and phony border tensions being played?

      I am intrigued.

      Prime Minister Daniil Aleksandrovich
      For, and on behalf of, The Russian Federation


      • #78
        Prime Minister Daniil Aleksandrovich,

        Thank you for your communication. I too would be very pleased to hear answers to the questions you raise. I hope that you are right in supposing that Rome and Portugal are not about the end up in all out war. I wait to hear from Vasco.

        Regarding the points you make about Rome - all I can say is that Sparta is in fact quite capable of making and upgrading to modern armour itself, and I can assure you that the ships passing through your ports are by no means half the Roman fleet. Just a small defence force for the sea-lanes to our northern cities.



        • #79

          There was an agreement about Samos.
          I quoted the messages and you confirmed they are genuine. What's more to say about this?

          You now call me a liar? That's intersting.
          You say that my predecessor said that I was willing to give up Samos to you....
          My predecessor is dead. Are you making things up now?

          Now there are about 4 requests from you on the table:
          1. give me Samos
          2. you keep Samos but give me oil, coal and some tanks
          3. you keep Samos but give me lots of money/turn
          4. you keep Samos but give me all Samos resources

          What is it that you want?
          We agreed that Japan would get oil, coal and some tanks.
          That's the deal.

          So now you throw all these insults in my face?
          Despite the thousands of gold Sparta gave to Japan, the many soldiers and tanks we gave?

          I am making up my mind now.
          Don't expect my decision regarding you to be light. When you insult Sparta be prepared to face the consequences. I had no intention to ever attack Japan but now you force me to consider such an option.



          • #80

            You never agreed on anything
            You never gave us anything

            But just answer one question:
            If-as you claim- we made an agreement then why did you said after that that you are still willing to give up the city just making it pretier for us.
            the answer is clear ofc- there was no agreement, no payment - ever

            Then you accuse and threaten us.. you do realise as the vassal of Rome cannot declare war on us right? You do realise that by threating us you violate the treaty of Durango itself.. (denying the city is also the violation, but we were open to agreement which you ignored)

            about the options: i offered to choose from the first 3, you did not..
            Thats the truth and when i say it you threaten us with war?

            Japan is mobilizing. I call upon Rome to stop this maddnes and protect the treaty now.



            • #81
              Metalhead Attempt to get Religious Dominance FAILED

              The Metalhead attempt to poison the entire world with their malicious religious doctrine failed! Because of the Spartan will to sacrifice the city of Samos instead of defending it against the Portuguese, Sparta is now the only nation on earth that's not been poisoned by this Rockin' religion of the east.

              Sparta has saved all nations on earth from being lead in tiranny by Ozzy the Bateater. All rejoice!
              Rumours say that the Funglish were the puppet nation through which this religious world indoctrination would work, but it's all history now.

              Sparta will from now on kill all Rockin' missionaries on first sight.

              Alexandra also has offered the nation of Japan a solution to end our problems.
              After her initial rage agianst Shinichiro, she found, with the help of her friend Cleopatra, her sence again and decided that despite Japan's outragious insults, a solution must be found. For the sake of her father Alexander she decided to be mild to the Japanese, and she offered 40gpt immdiately.

              The new age of the world has started.
              Some say it's going to be the last age.
              Portuguese, Roman and Khmer Space Ships may soon be launched to reach Alpha Centauri.

              But there are also rumours of war.
              What will be victorious in the end? Technical and scientific brilliance or domination by pure Power? Since Sparta is a scientific and military nation both are acceptable to it.

              But all rejoice! We are saved from religious dominance!
              The modern world will not be lead by insane ideas from the past!
              Last edited by Guest; July 15, 2009, 05:19.


              • #82


                We are glad you finally found "your sence"-however your words are still insulting. We cant accept this payment while you are still insulting us and call us liars our honor worths more than that. (I'm referring to those words what you sent us with your money offer) Even if the 40 gold/turn is not much lower that we are tought and since we hate haggling especially with a friend (at least as we thought we are) we would have acepted it-if you were willing to talk about it.
                We are still ready to accept it and close this matter for once and for all- if you send it with an apology instead of insulting words.

                And for "proof" once again we are presenting this:
                1, In those letters you've posted we only said we were ready for compromise-there was no word from us about a concrete agreement
                2, you admit that you never gave us anything
                3,after the "supposed" agreement you were still posting that you are just preparing the city to hand over.
                4, you said we never contacted with you in private channels which as we presented a lie itself

                And it will be hard to forget that you threatened us with invasion..

                Now who insulted who?

                We expect an aplogy from you or we may reconsider our current trade and diplomatic treaties with sparta...



                • #83

                  I tried to find a solution and I was willing to give in by paying you 40gpt.
                  Apparently you have decided to walk the path of war.
                  You will not get apologizes, except for your #2 accusation; Sparta indeed failed to deliver the promised goods to Japan, which I'm willing to correct.

                  But tell me, how can you speak about "Not delivering the promised compensation" while at the same rejecting that there ever was an agreement?

                  Yes, you contacted me in private when the Romans were building pressure upon Sparta regarding Samos. Opportunist. You never contacted me in the many years after we made the agreement. That's what I was referring to.



                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Pitboss Greece View Post

                    Apparently you have decided to walk the path of war.
                    .. We?? you are the one who constantly threaten and inuslt us.. and even then we dont want war even if we wont get Samos and anything else we wont declare war.. you are looking for the opportunity.

                    You offered the 40 gpt but accompanied with insults.. we are more honorable than to accept some pity payment...

                    "..But tell me, how can you speak about "Not delivering the promised compensation" while at the same rejecting that there ever was an agreement?"

                    Please quote me on this as i never said that nor here nor in private- there was not a concrete agreement. In our letter we said that giving us resources would be a good start. Then you offered the coal for money- much higher price than we are selling our goods to you. We get disgusted in your behavior and didnt pressed the mattter further. Then we saw that you told Cleapatra that you are still willing to give up Samos just making it prettier-then we send our letter that for a good offer you can keep it- you havent answered again...

                    But I'm tired of this- in next opportunity we will close every trade relations with you untill a new leader with more sense will be willing to apologize for you actions.


                    • #85
                      Shinchirio and Alexandra,

                      My friends. I believe that Samos is currenlty under the control of Portugal contrary to the treaty of Durango. You may also remember that Portugal is technically at war with me. I will except Vasco to hand it over the Japan as in the treaty.



                      • #86
                        Vasco of Portugal,

                        I believe you currenlty hold Samos. This belongs to the Japanese under the treaty of Durango. Please hand it over to them.

                        Cleopatra of Rome


                        • #87
                          Nations of the World,

                          We have seen a recent attempt by religious authorities in Meduia to try to impose their control on the whole of this world. I am glad to see that this has failed.

                          Rome has always believed in freedom of choice. Particularly in matters of religion. Back in the medieval period, many nations had state religions, but we have matured, believing in the freedom of conscience for all our citizens. I know that most of you agree with this.

                          Until know I have not given second thought to the nations who hold medieval views of the relationship between church and state. However, this recent attempt to impose Metal dominance on the whole world has highlighted the dangers. Religion should not be wedded to power - power corrupts and corrupt religion stinks.

                          Therefore as secretary general of the UN I have proposed that the whole world accept freedom of religion for all its citizens.

                          I have no doubt that many in Meduia will choose to follow the Metal religion. Many in Rome will continue with their Jewish practices. Both are good. Both are not my business. But as a world let us renounce political interference in religion and religious interference in politics and embrace Freedom of Religion.

                          Cleopatra, Secretary General of the UN.


                          • #88
                            To the current ruler of Spain,

                            As you are aware in the recent past, the Celtic people took over Zaragosa after a joint military operation against Spain and her previous ruler. We now see that the Spanish descendants are clamoring to rejoin the motherland. I would like to open negotiations to return this city to its previous owner. At your earliest convenience, please contact me either here or by private message to discuss.


                            • #89

                              You ask for a lot.
                              You claim that I have insulted you, I claim that you insulted me.
                              Now you require a one-sided apology from my side?

                              I am not going to declare war on you. In my initial anger I was about to, but Cleopatra talked me out of it. Now I realise that a war with Japan is not what I want, both for the sake of our history and your Japan's good relations with my father, also for the sake of more important matters right now.

                              Like Cleopatra said, Samos is gone.
                              I do not have any interest in Samos anymore, the filthy metalhead poisoned city.
                              If Portugal admits it's error and wants to return the city, you have my blessing to get it after all. I propose that you, if that happens, return Alcetas to Sparta. After all the city has became more or less worthless to you anyway b/c of the cultural boundaries of the Spartan cities nearby.

                              We won't have a marriage of love, like our mutual predecessors had with each other, but we must compromise. I am sure that the more important matters I have at hand right now will be received with applause by you.



                              • #90
                                Portugal. NEWS FLASH

                                Devine intervention! The gods saw it and they were not pleased…..

                                The complete Portuguese fleet went through a black hole and re entered in a inner lake next to Granitsa…

