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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 10 (May 2009)

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  • #91
    Yes Mikhailovich we slapped him a bit, but what would you do to the murderer of your President?
    And as you can see he didn't got the orders from your murdered president, but from you! Your stomach is too weak to see some footage of a man who gets some slapping, but you are strong enough to order the dead of a world leader?

    Sparta is a fair and honourable nations. I give you one chance to once again explain this.



    • #92
      Please tell me the updates in Spain/Metalland and all other updates this card needs.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Pitboss Greece
        [ooc: Rome dude, my statue was finished this turn, as was yours! so why did you get it and not me? grrrr!]
        Well I bribed the host, who disconnected civstats, booted you, logged in as you, swapped your production to something else, logged out, reconnected citstats, allowed Rome to build the statue, disconnected again, booted, logged in again, swapped the production back and reconnected Civstats. The host is a cheat! And anyone who disagrees - well look at civstats - what is the explanation of that suspicious disconnection???? Of course some naive people will think that the host is a nice guy and that unlucky things happen, but the truth is that behind every happening there is a conspiracy.


        • #94
          Alexander, Emperor of Sparta, Korea and Japan,

          I find this propaganda war you are conducting against Russians surprising and disturbing. Every nations knows that there is no way of proving who was responsible for the death of Menalaus. Even if the individual responsible was caught, there would still be no reliable way of knowing what regieme was behind it.

          Therefore it is hard not to conclude that you are attempting to create a reason for taking military action against the Pax Romana.

          I would support you in trying to obtain justice for your father, but his memory will not be honoured by a world war. Both Russia and Sparta have suffered the loss of their heads of state, the horrors of modern war will not help either to build a new future.

          I also find the timing disconcerting. So recently you were sending ships to support the Spanish. Now you are withdrawing them, in order to threaten one of the other nation who acted to save the Spanish.

          Lets build up peace, between equals, my friend Alexander. In accordance with your acceptance of my request, I am now embarking on board a Roman destroyer to come to Sparta to discuss the future of our planet in person.

          Marcus Custos of Rome


          • #95
            Lars Ulrich, Metalhead Foreign Minister,

            I have received your communication asking what response Penelope of Spain makes to your peace offer.

            I too have received little from Penelope since your invasion started. Some indeed claim that she died when her car was crushed by Metalhead tanks. Others that she is in hiding.

            Many spanish generals are asking that I conclude these negotiations myself. I would prefer not to, since the Spanish are a great and noble people who ought to control their own destiny. However, if there is still no response from Spain with the next year (occ turn), I will do so, for the benefit of all our people. I suggest such negotiation is done in private - my ambassador will be travelling to you forthwith.

            Marcus Custos of Rome, Guardian of Spain.


            • #96
              From: Chairman Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin, Council of Transition and Stability
              To: Alexander II of Sparta
              CC: Civilised Nations of the World

              These fairy-tales grow ever more ludicrous. How could I, when nothing but a common soldier, have ordered the assassination of anyone? The dates you quote bear no relation to reality at all. When President Vladimirovich was murdered there ceased to be any Russian Government. It took well over three weeks to just establish The Council of Transition and Stability and yet you would claim that within three days I personally ordered the assassination of your Father!

              You kidnap and brutalise an innocent man, you torture him such that he will say anything to avoid further pain and then demand an explanation for my actions? The fabrication is utterly transparent and the aims likewise. You desire a pretext for an unprovoked attack upon Russia that you can present as sham justification before the World Community and nothing more. You see the War in Spain as a perfect diversion for you to carry out your cowardly plan to send Tanks against Cavalry, Infantry against Rifle and Destroyer against Frigate.

              Remember, Alexander that Russia has been there before! Russia knows about being betrayed and attacked by mighty nations. Russia is no Japan that you might cow before Hellenic power for she will fight rather than capitulate like a battered pup! Russia is no Maya that will of its’ own will throw itself upon the funeral pyre! Russia is no longer the rustic nation of peasant farmers that you might think her – she is NO KOREA! Russia has survived for millennia as a small and impoverished nation assailed upon all sides but still she has grown. Her resolve is mighty and the bravery of her young fighting men knows no equal. When, I wish I could say if, you attack know that Sparta will pay a high price in blood for every inch that you might steal!

              Major-General Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin,
              For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic


              • #97
                ooc. The surname is Blokhin not Mikhailovich.


                • #98
                  Another death...

                  Surya slumped forward at his desk.

                  Blood trickled over the secret communique his father had written to Sparta, Rome and Russia. Another leader was dead.

                  Dear sirs,

                  I am writing to you to suggest an alternate climax on this planet. As it is there is only one that can lead into the seventh millenium and that is Portugal. Khmer will not beat them on SS and world rankings without help.

                  I take a risk in writing to you but am trusting in my instincts.

                  Portugal became the world power it is by selfish, aggressive and bullying tactics throughout eternity. Not once have they seriously considered the well being of all nations at large.

                  They road on the backs of several nations to get where they are today and now they steal Khmer techs. It is the only slight advantage any of us had in averting a Portuguese victory.

                  Khmer wishes to concentrate on building SS Meduian but will build units in all cities that do not SS construction.

                  I fancy you may wish to try your hands at undoing Portugal's smug plans. They are distracted by the Spanish war and there are less units in New Portugal now. I have full view of NP with airships and can report intell to you.

                  Khmer does not wish to lose Xristo City but we will enter a war against Portugal at some point if started by others. There is a sizeable defensive army in Xristo City however.

                  You may betray my trust here but without actions by yourselves as a combined force the end game is without doubt and Portugal wins (in-game)

                  If it results in a Khmer SS victory it is all our victories and diplomatically you will be credited accordingly - besides I think you may have fun with this.

                  Know that most of Meduian supports the building of "SS Meduian" and it is a victory for them also. The naming of the SS can include yourselves of course if a collective adjective may be found.

                  If you are with me on this remember your greatest tactic is subterfuge; but Pantev is very inutuitive and will suspect something from the slightest quaver.

                  Yours in trust,


                  NB I have many supplies if Uranium ready and mined once Fission is learnt. If you need it Khmer can supply it.
                  Another more anonymous missive could be seen on the floor as the blood dripped off the edge of the desk and splattered over it. It had lots of strange text on it and insulting comments about Khmerish women.

                  She screamed!

                  The daughter of Yurya was hoorified at the gruesome sight of her brother's brain bubbling up.

                  Vomit was added to the mix and the Russian line of Khmer was almost gone.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
                    What does Spain have to say about the peace offer?
                    There is only one suitable outcome for this and that is to return all Spainish lands to our control. This was an illegal action on a civilazin tha had no threat or any interest in your affairs., we had been very peaceful towards each other, until your madness.


                    • Marcus, Mikhailovich,

                      Sparta does not desire war, especially not against Russia AND Rome.
                      I am not a fool.
                      But the honour of Sparta has been harmed by Russia. First by the endless insults, now by this Russian man who killed our former Emperor. Then the Korean king was also murdered. And Russia is not helping at all to investigate this matter.
                      All Russia does is denying and talking about war.

                      The recent history between Russia and Sparta shows that Russia hates Sparta.
                      Many unfounded claims were put forward, including claims of Spartan genocide on the citizen of PyongYang.

                      Marcus and Mikhailovich, if peace is your true desire, then I expect some cooperation from the both of you.
                      Once again, Sparta does not desire war. We have not attacked any nation unprovoked, ever.

                      Alexander II
                      Emperor of Sparta, Japan and Korea


                      • She feinted.

                        And fell into a deep dream. She was a strategist who constantly argued with her father Yurya and in her dream she saw blocks or tiles each with different advantages. There was mist and forces and energies at work. She saw Pax Romana. She saw Roman troops moving away from Russia. She saw Portuguese units readying for upgrades. She sees Spartan troops and a navy near Russia. She sees Portuguse and Roman troops in Spain. She sees her fathers last smile to her on the outskirts of Xristo City as she lit the fuse...


                        Her father was no more...

                        She awoke. The screams had brought her aids who were taking her on a stretcher out of her brothers office. Now fully awake she thought to herself "Surya must have discovered it was me and now I am alone".

                        Now she could prepare a more vigilant amd military society in Khmer.

                        Whilst her father was a star gazing dreamer she was a realist and her sabotage of the SS Docking Bay yields Composites.

                        Modern Armour was flooding the extent of Khmer land and it would not stop.


                        • Durya

                          Greetings to this troubled world.

                          I am Durya, daughter of Yurya.

                          I hereby proclaim control over all of the Khmer representative state. I decree that I represent all Khmerians.

                          It is with regret that I announce the postponement of the Khmer Space Ship, SS Meduian. It is still under construction however.

                          Because of the troubled world circumstances I am running Khmer as a military regime intent on Khmerian protection asnd defence. Khmer has no designs on any nation but the defence of the Khmer homeland and Meduian as a whole is paramount.

                          I urge Spain to negotriate a realistic peace with the Metals who have my full support. Spain appears to enjoy the support of two super powers as we can easily see the mighty build up of Roman and Portuguese troops and airforce there. With this continued buildup the Metals will enjoy a balancing buildup from Khmer.

                          More foreign ploicy may be forthcoming.




                          • Khmer does not wish to lose Xristo City but we will enter a war against Portugal at some point if started by others.
                            Enough Threats!!

                            Without any hesitation General Pantev orders his armies into Khmer.

                            Khmer has no designs on any nation but the defence of the Khmer homeland and Meduian as a whole is paramount.
                            Enough with your lies!

                            Khmer has been seeking a war for so long with Portugal, well this is it. So here is your war Khmer...............


                            • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
                              Enough Threats!!

                              Without any hesitation General Pantev orders his armies into Khmer.

                              Enough with your lies!

                              Khmer has been seeking a war for so long with Portugal, well this is it. So here is your war Khmer...............

                              Those threats were in a treacherous, secret missive written by my father. He is no more. I have dealt with that.

                              These are not my threats and I re-iterate that Khmer is on a high defensive military status only.

                              You are acting on historical information. You jump quickly to threaten, undoing an agreement whereby my father at least did honour the Khmer side of the bargain regarding Xristo City - ie no tanks were stationed there.
                              You now seek to take advantage of that?



                              • You have tried secretly to organize a military attack against my people and homeland, the information has been leaked to us by our friends, who you seem to have underestimated greatly. A secret letter trying to organize a war towards the Portuguese people means only one thing, Khmer is seeking aggressive war towards us - end of debate. Do not try now to twist the real facts by saying that you wish only to defend yourself. Your letters speak the opposite which is a clear and present danger.

                                I am disappointed that you have decided on such a destructive path, but that was your own doing.

                                Gen Pantev

