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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 6 (January 2009)

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  • #91
    Imperial Palace, Seoul...

    The new Emperor Gojong did not want to waste any more time with internal strife. With the nobility now scared to death and the military learning by example (i.e. the murder of Han Gong by the Emperor's own hand) who was ultimately in charge he had established himself as a powerful, yet feared, figure in the Korean Empire. There was no challenge to his rule, and no question of his authority. The secret that Sejong, and thus Gojong, did not truly have the bloodline to hold the Imperial throne was now silenced by the death of the former Emperor and the General Han Gong.

    He now set about establishing himself internationally. His allies the Mayans, Greeks, and Piercians had suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of his friends in Rome. While the war continued between Piercia and the Romans, he realized that this was only exacerbating the downfall of the Piercian Empire and he had to intervene...

    "...and we must give a response to the Romans, they were extremely accomodating in their last missive, and we must take advantage and accept their kind offer." Prime Minister Bojong said, after reviewing the last missive from Rome.

    "Very good, do so, the Romans have been nothing but cordial to us in the past, and if we are to serve as proper brokers of peace in these matters we must continue our positive relations with them."

    "Of course Emperor," Bojong replied, he was still not used to calling his son-in-law Emperor, "The Romans understand that Korea is independent minded, we maintained our relations with them in the past despite pressure from the Greeks and Mayans, our friendship will be crucial for your designs."

    "And what of Xristo, of Portugal?" Gojong asked, prior to the death of Emperor Sejong a missive arrived from Portugal from their new leader Xristo, offering friendship and cooperation.

    "The Portugese and Koreans have never had warm relations, if you do recall we had to cancel our open-borders agreements with them in exchange for rights to the territory of Alemanni."

    "Of course I recall, I do not need a history lesson!" the Emperor snapped back, he was sensative to any question of his capabilities as a leader, "We must engage in commerce with Portugal, what did their missive say?"

    "Well my Lord, I believe I have it here," Bojong said fumbling through his records, "Here it is...."


    "Excellent" Gojong said happily, he was interested in expanding Korea's status in the world, and was running out of land to expand to in Korea, this news came well to him and would give him more glory to his people, "We must respond to them as soon as possible, have our scribes get to work the second you leave this room."

    "Of course your highness" Bojong said, "And then of course there is the matter of our friends the Piercians. It seems great strife has befallen their Kingdom, your father was a great friend to the Piercians, and you should use this influence to help guide them into stability. In fact you may be the key to ending this war in the north."

    "Well, I knew at the time that their dealings with the Russians would end this way. Those people, those Russians, are a horrid and fork-tongued lot! They are not to be trusted, how quickly they rush to the Roman bosom after forcing great Piercia into a war they did not want." the Emperor though for a moment, "Send the Russians a message as well, in fact we should produce a decree. We will call for peace."

    "With all due respect Emperor, your father attempted to do the same thing, and under more even circumstances, I sincerely doubt Korea's words are strong enough to back that up." Bojong replied.

    "I did not ask you for your opinion Minister!" Gojong retorted, "Of course I will utilize back-channels to further this goal, but at the moment it is our duty to our friends, both Piercian and Roman alike, to end this war and get stability back in that region." Gojong thought for a moment, "Send that old man Subo to Piercia, he will make a good ambassador."

    "Sire, the Lama is not under the control of the Imperial throne, he will have to accept it on his own, and I am not sure he is healthy enough to travel such a distance."

    The Emperor shook his head in disgust, "You will shortly learn, Prime Minister, that I am not my father, and when I give an order I expect it to be carried out. I am the Emepror of Korea, I have authority over all who inhabit it!"

    "Very good my lord" Bojong said, bowing, "I apologize for my rudeness.

    "That is fine, just do not let it happen again. Now, go and call upon my guard, I am going to travel to Sparta and visit our Greek friends. My father squandered that friendship enough. Get on those missives to Portugal and my peace proposal..."
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • #92

      TO: Xristo of Portugal
      FROM: Emperor Gojong of Korea

      Honorable Xristo,

      We are delighted to hear you have come to power in Portugal, as Emperor Gojong has also recently come to power in Korea we believe the time for a renewal of Portugese-Korean relations is long overdue.

      Further we would like to thank you for your generosity in offering such a large tract of territory in New Portugal. Our Emperor is quite pleased with this offer and we shall send you a private missive discussing our reply to this. We would further wish to invite you to the Imperial Palace to discuss a possible peace negotiation between the Empires of Piercia and Rome. We understand the this long conflict makes commerce along your borders difficult, and have seen that it has again renewed itself with the recent fighting between Piercia and the Russians. We are dismayed at this turn of events, as we are sure you are, and hope that the two of us can bring a new light to this earth.

      As stated previously I shall have my Prime Minister draw up a resposne to your offer regarding territory in New Portugal. As you know Korea has been interested in this territory for quite some time, and we would like to reiderate my father's support of a tri-lateral council comprised of Portugal, Maya and the Kmer as well as a fourth member to represent the smaller states of terra, and while this fourth member will have no decision-making capabilities we believe simply representing the smaller states will benefit the success of this council.

      There is much to speak of, so please accept our invitation to our capital.

      Thank you for your time,

      - Bojong of Wonsan, Imperial Prime Minister
      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • #93
        Map of Holy Roman Military Operations During the Incan War

        No pic because the new system does not work.

        Or I am too stupid too figure it out.

        (I really wanted to attach it to my earlier post.....)


        • #94
          another attempt at khmer map.

          1) I click "Manage Attachments"
          2) Browse to the smal jpg file
          3) Click "Upload"
          4) Meduian.jpg: Upload of file failed.

          Cyber or Ozzy - it doesn't work. Maybe it's to do with account privilages?


          • #95
            tidings Xristo of Portugal

            many moons ago, and according to our great library, we agreed on the Eastern tip of New Portugal being left for Khmer to settle one city.

            i wish to inform you, and I'm sure you'll be pleased, that a ship carrying a group of settlers are on their way to settle said city.

            we wish to honour you and our improving relationship by naming the city Xristo City; if it pleases you?

            great tidings,

            Suryavarman 2


            • #96
              Khmer Plan for Division of Stinca Lands
              Attached Files
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • #97
                tidings Xristo of Portugal

                many moons ago, and according to our great library, we agreed on the Eastern tip of New Portugal being left for Khmer to settle one city.

                i wish to inform you, and I'm sure you'll be pleased, that a ship carrying a group of settlers are on their way to settle said city.

                we wish to honour you and our improving relationship by naming the city Xristo City; if it pleases you?

                great tidings,

                Suryavarman 2
                Tidings Suryavarman 2 great leader of Khmer!

                I am very happy to see that Khmer has reopened its diplomatic channels with my kingdom. This is a big day for us and our diplomacy. I am pleased to see that my hard work during the last couple of months is starting to bring good results. I welcome you and your people.

                Now to business:

                Thank you for this latest update. I did some research in the Portuguese historical achieves to see what deals were agreed in the past between your people and mine. From what I have read there was a secret meeting between our two great nations. On that meeting it was agreed that Portugal will help and secure land for the smaller neighbors of Khmer or others in need. It was also agreed that Khmer can settle the desert floods on the coast of New Portugal. In exchange Khmer agreed to military guarantee peace on New Portugal including sending Knights regiments to protect the new Portuguese settlements from a possible Mayan attack. Also during those talks it was agreed by both parties that Portugal will settle 6 settlements.

                Reading these documents it seems that this deal was never finalized. It seems that Khmer not long after that publicly stated that it will not defend Portugal’s citizens on New Portugal, which was a major part of those private negotiations and automatically voided that agreement. Also many new adjustments were made publicly by Khmer, which were never agreed during its meeting with Portugal. Looks like diplomacy between our two noble kingdoms ended shortly after, when Khmer decided to cut all ties with Portugal.

                I personally disapprove the foreign policies of my predecessors and the harsh tone which both kingdoms seemed to exchange in those times. I am just so glad that the people have chosen me to lead them. My policy is to fix past misunderstandings and work on solving our differences with other nations.

                Now dear Suryavarman 2 many years have passed since Portugal and Khmer tried to discuss New Portugal. Much has happened since then, many great wars have started and ended, a whole renegade nation was finally subdued thanks to an alliance of free countries, much technological advancements were achieved, much new territories discovered and many nations in need of land acquired much land from the evaporated Stinca.

                Now I have read as you have the historical accounts of that past age, nothing was agreed, it was only talked about. I still am grateful for Khmer coming forward and trying to put an end to that Mayan war against Portugal. Still the terms you suggested where very different from what was spoken in private, thus voiding that private meeting between the old leaders. Thus currently there is no viable agreement between us dear Suryavarman 2.

                Now let’s move quickly to the present situation. Again thank you for your update on bringing over settlers to New Portugal. I hope that your knight has already reported back to you that the rich floods on the east coast are still available for settlement which was so many years ago discussed. It seems that the new Portuguese after so many years of not having contact with Khmer have stayed loyal to that private meeting, hoping that one day Khmer will return and resume its diplomacy with Portugal. Now as I said legally or due to not having a actual agreement nothing was holding back Portugal from claiming that wonderful rich spot of land. Still my people there didn’t give up on waiting for us to resume normal talks. It seems our waiting has paid off, Portuguese there will be more than happy to have Khmer as a neighbor.

                You are more than welcome to settle there, also due to the hash environment on New Portugal I offer you any assistance that your people may require. After all we have had cities there for hundred of centuries and we have grown accustomed to the surroundings.

                Lastly but not least, I and my people are very excited to learn that the city will be named after me. I praise your gesture and willingness to change for the better towards Portugal. I will continue my hard work into improving our relations. I hope that by honoring that centuries old private chat never sealed on paper and you today by naming an Khmerian city after me, proves that we are changing and are willing to live in peace and corporation with each other.

                Great Tidings mighty ruler of the east!

                Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; January 23, 2009, 11:32.


                • #98
                  Greetings Emperor Gojong of Korea

                  I am very happy to receive a letter after so many months of waiting. Thank you for the invitation I will soon make plans for us to meet in your great palace, where will have much to discuss. Please do hurry with your private correspondence, I am eager to read what you have to say about our expansion offer towards the Korean people.

                  Now about the so called council of New Portugal you talk about, well dear Emperor that idea was many many centuries ago forfeited. Portugal is still the only kingdom present on this land. After a nearly a thousand years no one has still attempted to build a representation here. Well I have just received good news that Khmer has finally managed to assemble a settling party which is sailing towards New Portugal. We have sent them a welcoming letter.

                  I am very excited that you have accepted our invitation to engage in diplomacy once again. But please do not expect us to follow on something which was mentioned as an idea a thousand years ago. Since then no one has brought it up, for example Korea purposefully cut all relations with Portugal. I am happy to see Korea reopening its closed doors towards us.

                  Dear Gojong my foreign policy as you have witnessed already is very different from past Portuguese rulers. I want to talk and build a better future for all of us.

                  But I respectfully ask that you recognize the obvious fact that Portugal has been on New Portugal for a thousand years, this is now home to half of our population. Many generations of Portuguese now have been calling this their home. Please do send me your private letter. The great Maya people are already assembling a settling party for New Portugal. I hope we will be able to conclude our talks with you successfully and have time to settle Korean cities before it is too late.




                  • #99
                    Holy Roman Empire asked me to upload this picture, it belongs to post 90

                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • The Declaration of Vellitrae

                      In recent years, twice the Piercians have attacked the Roman people, joining forces with others, betraying oaths of friendship.

                      The first time, during the second Russian-Roman war, the Piercians abandoned our long-standing non-aggression and mutual defence pact and declared war as part of their vain attempt to prove themselves worthy masters of the proud and strong Rus people.

                      The second time, within a generation of signing a formal public peace treaty with included the Romans giving to the Piercians the great city of New Mediolaneum, the Piercians joined with three other nations to attack the Roman people. This created the greatest threat to the existence of the Roman people ever known in history. Now looking back it is easy to imagine that Roman victory in this war was a forgone conclusion. But the truth is that the Piercian betrayal risked the collapse of Roman civilisation. If it were not for the bravery of Roman soldiers at the Battle of Vellitrae all of the Roman cities in the western desert would have fallen to the Piercians, while their allies captured cities in the south, threatening Rome itself.

                      The Roman people will never again live under the threat of betrayal and invasion by the Piercians.

                      Acting as the vengeance of God upon Oath Breakers, the Roman armies have crushed the Piercian military and have captured four great regions of the old Piercia. There is no effective Piercian military resistance beyond city garrisons and occasional squadrons of knights. The Roman army could continue and capture the whole of Piercia.

                      However, Rome has no desire to conquer Pierica. We recognise that the people of Piercia have been betrayed by their military and political caste – even now as Piercia collapses, there has been no attempt to negotiation or even suggest a cease-fire from Piercia. It has fallen to noble foreign kings to plead for the people of Piercia. However, the history of Piercian betrayal and militarism (this last year they have declared war on their former friends the Rus) means that we must act to ensure that Rome never again is threatened by Piercia.

                      Therefore, I Emperor Augustus, make this declaration.
                      1. The City of the Oath, formerly Meet’ing, is forfeited and passes to Roman control in perpetuity. This city was the place from which the Piercian attacks on Rome have been launched and planned, and was the source of the majority of the strength of Piercian forces used against Rome. Its revenues will be used to begin to compensate the damage caused to Rome by Piercian betrayal. The appropriateness of this has been recognised by many nations.
                      2. The City of the Oath is not a defensible site, lying as it does in the middle of a great plain. It is not an acceptable place for a frontier in the face of likely Piercian aggression. Therefore the small mountain city formerly known as Rough Kho’Per, renamed, Guard City, will also pass to Roman control in perpetuity. This small mountainous city guards the approaches to the City of the Oath from Piercian land. While this is held by Rome, the towns surrounding the City of the Oath will have peace and security.
                      3. The two further areas of Piercian land now under Roman control are rich lands, of wealth, industry and prosperity. If these were to be returned to Piercian control, they would be used to build armies against Rome for the next time Piercia breaks its oaths. Returning these would also create a long Roman-Piercian border, a source of continuing tension and conflict. Therefore these two lands – L’or and Horse Valley – are hereby given the Chief Tarhe of the Wynadot people to be held by the Wynadot in perpetuity. The Wynadot are a peaceful and noble nation, examples to us all of friendship, loyalty and peace. Piercian citizens will live happily under the kindly rule of Chief Tarhe. More significantly, this gift means that there is no more a Roman-Piercian border – Rome is free from the Piercian menace.

                      By this declaration the war between Piercia and Rome is at an end. We no longer have a border – the peace between us being assured by the Wynadot lands. At the same time Rome proves itself not to be greedy for land but searching for peace. We are unilaterally giving away large tracts of rich land. We are resisting the temptation to continue and crush the whole of Piercia, although our generals are confident that it is possible and are sure that it is the safest way of guaranteeing peace.

                      But let the Pierican leadership, such that it is, be assured of three things:
                      • If the Piercians threaten any people living under the Pax Romana, Rome will extract vengeance. Rome will not accept a situation in which there is continued threat to the peace and security of its western lands. If Piercia is so foolish as to attack the Pax Romana, it will be destroyed. This declaration represents the final extent of our restraint.
                      • Any attack on the peaceful Wynadot people, including their cities of L’or and Horse Valley, will be taken as an attack on Rome as well as bringing condemnation from all the nations of the world.
                      • Rome would welcome formal diplomatic contact. The terms of this declaration will not be altered. However, the future of our nations lies in peace and security, prosperity and trade. We would welcome discussion and agreement over these matters.

                      Emperor Augustus of Rome.


                      • AUN'O ES'THER PER'HYL

                        ... suddenly a burst of flames threw Sa'Ly against the wall. When he looked at where it came from, Asiz saw Es'Ther, engulfed in fire, smiling at him.
                        Once Sa'Ly was back on her feet, she saw the dead body of Asiz, with the bolt stuck between his eyes. The room went dark, and Es'Ther wispered : "Now, go back where you came from, witch."
                        She didn't hesitate, aware of her defeat. She would go back to Asizia and from there, she would take a carvel for Funglia.

                        A few hours later, the new Aun'O was officially crowned in a ceremony concluded by the sacrifice of a captured roman soldier.

                        All the Shas dignitaries attended the ceremony and together they sweared :

                        "Forever shall we fight,
                        For Es'Ther with delight.
                        Our war shall never end,
                        Our honor we shall mend.
                        Let down by our dear friends,
                        Your will is our defense.
                        The Russian mind that is so ill,
                        We will have to kill.
                        Men of the East who we shall slay,
                        Whatever Rome may say.
                        You shall bless our wars,
                        For that we shall be yours !"
                        Last edited by Pitboss Persia; January 23, 2009, 23:20.


                        • The Era of Pacal Voltan

                          The greatest Mayan leader of all time, Pacal Voltan, felt age closing in on him as he sat on his throne in Tikal. He began to assess his life.

                          The mathematical puzzle in the stars that taunted him since boyhood yielded it's secrets to him in early adulthood. He called his discovery "astronomy" and quickly realized it's potential for naval navigation. This valuable technology was shared with civilizations he considered friends of the Maya. No longer would Portugal be the only nation capable of long distance sea transport.

                          His fascination with chemicals created a volatile substance known as gunpowder, which revolutionized the Mayan army. While many Mayans still trusted bow and blade over a musket, there was no doubt that guns would eventually take predominance on the battlefield.

                          Gunpowder was not enough to tilt the tide of battle with Rome however, and if he had one regret, it was committing to that war. His military advisers blamed Greece citing their premature assassination of the Tribune and use of outdated units. The Greeks blamed War Chief Ixchel for getting too greedy and spreading his forces too thin, resulting in the loss of the captured Roman city, the decimation of the Mayan force, and Ixchel's own death. But Voltan blamed himself, for putting the plight of an ungrateful and reckless nation before the interests of the Mayan people.

                          A war that was intended to keep imperialistic Rome in check resulted in making it stronger. The Russ people have yielded their losses to Rome and now claim alliance. The once mighty Piercian empire has been cleaved in half and the grand city of Meeting now flys Roman flags. More worrisome yet is the Pax Romana, a formal alliance between Portugal, Russia and Rome. Although Voltan's diplomacy currently holds Maya in Portugal and Romes good graces, he secretly worried about what the future may bring from this alliance.

                          Visions from his early days as Mayan ruler when chaos ruled the nation plagued him, primarily because he saw the stage being set for a reoccurrance. Voltan had no children, and all efforts to secure an heir failed. He could not allow his death to throw Maya into another dark age.

                          Rumors of a new type of government reached his ears a few years back. Portugal was said to be the inventors, although this could not be confirmed. It was called Democracy, and was based on the premise that a nation should be ruled by the people, not a single leader. This concept fit well with the teachings of Taoism, and the universal truths of the mushroom. Implementing it would be a daunting task, but a logical choice.

                          Voltan knew there was still important work to be done before his journey to the next life.
                          Last edited by Pitboss Maya; January 25, 2009, 16:13.


                          • To: Emperor Augustus of Rome
                            CC: All nations of Terra
                            From: Pacal Voltan of the Mayans

                            On behalf of the Mayans and the Piercian common people, I ask that Rome release all captured cities after the fall of Meeting to Piercian control, keeping Meeting Roman as a prize spoil of war.

                            Your argument that Piercia is a threat to Rome is laughable. I think the results of the last war should clearly show your reasoning is nothing more then an excuse to continue your imperialistic ways.

                            Piercia and it's allies were justified in declaring war on Rome after it's aggressive exploitation of Russia.

                            Romes policy of instigating wars only to plead self defense as justification for forceful expansion is worrisome to Maya, and should be to others as well. I keep hearing about new Roman policies, yet keep seeing more of the same.

                            If lasting peace is what you want, you will restore Piercia to it's former glory, minus the city of Meeting, and perhaps even invite them into the Pax Romana.


                            • A message for Pacal Voltan from Emperor Augustus

                              Pacal Voltan of the Mayans, Scientist

                              I continue to hear much and admire much about your reign. I continue to be pleased that the disputes between us have been settled, and the southern sea between us is at peace.

                              My advisors suggest, though, that there is a somewhat confused version of truth and justice circulating in the Mayan court. Respecting the differences between our nations, might I attempt to clear up some misunderstandings?

                              1. Portugal is not subject to the Pax Romana. Currently the only peoples who live under it are of Rus and Roman origin and the desert peoples who welcomed Roman civilisation long ago, and now some of Piericians descent in the West. I have respect for Xristo of Portugal, though alongside all nations, worry about the growth of Portugal and of the Khmer. Portugal is our neighbour and we attempt to have good relations with our neighbours, but they are not subject to the Pax Romana. Indeed, the proof of this is clear - when Roman cities were falling and Rome itself was threatened, the Portugese supplied not a single soliders to Rome's defense, and certainly did not declare war on our enemies as the Pax Romana would necessitate. I take it as a compliment that you think Rome is so powerful that even the mightly Portugese would look to us for their protection.

                              2. I do not want to sour relationships by retelling the story of the war of the Maya, Greeks, Piercians and Rus against Rome. However, I note that in that war, there was no suggest that our enemies would capture a single city and then go home. Indeed when you yourself captured a Roman city you did not look for peace but rather set out to capture two more, while the Spartans aimed at a fourth. It appears that there is one rule for Rome and one for its opponents. Indeed, further afield, the Incan civilisation has been completely destroyed, with the world super-power the Khmer seizing cities full of wonders, and I have heard not a murmur of concerns. Therefore forgive me a certain degree of cyncism about your telling of history and sense of justice.

                              3. We have continually attempted to engage the Piercians in diplomatic negotation over recent years. If they had offered peace after the fall of the City of the Oath, we would have accepted it, and the world would look as you suggest. But they did not. They continued to ignore all attempt at negotiation. Even now, they publicly declare that they have no interest in peace only in war. A few hundred years ago, the Piercians forced and tricked the Rus into a peace that they did not want. The after-effects of this are still with us and cost the blood of many. The world should not be so stupid again. If the Piercians do not want peace, others however well meaning cannot force them into it.

                              4. We find it hard to square the accuasation of forceful expansion with the fact we have just give half the land we have gained in Piercia to the Wynadot, to create a buffer between us and the Piercians. If we were so greedy for land, why would we be freely giving it away?

                              Pacal, I worry at the tone of your message to me. When has Rome ever threatened the Maya? The world is full of enough dangers, particularly the rise and rise of the Khmer, who seem to hold all other nations on their continent under their sway expect perhaps the Spanish. Now as their ships can cross the ocean the world is changing. Indeed, I have just learnt that they have agreed with the Portugese over settlements in New Portugal. The world is full of enough dangers, do not start to imagine ones that are not there.

                              Not long ago we settled peace between our nations. Perhaps we ought to flesh out that agreement in more detail to give confidence to us both. But let us build trust and security, not worry and anxiety.

                              Your friend,

                              Emperor Augustus.


                              • To: The World
                                From: Ozzy the Bateater
                                Re: An Open Letter Regarding Rome & Piercia

                                The Metalheads have for a long time minded their own business when it came to international affairs. We have few relations or contacts on the distant continent and have no strategic interest there. However the big ships we have seen from far away have brought the world closer together and have brought with them stories from across the sea.

                                Based on these reports, we would like to add our humble opinion by relating an ancient parable with you all.

                                Long ago in Metalhead history bands of people roamed our lands. As is natural for men, at times these bands came into conflict. These battles of the bands were often violent. Sometimes however, our more peaceful breathern sought to solve their differences through culture, music, and competition. Peaceful of course for the victor, the losers were sometimes put to death, but it was a much calmer affair for all.

                                Anyhow, one such band, known as the Experience sought to challenge another band the Monkees, and sought a musical battle of the bands. The Experience played mightily but ultimately were judged failures. The Monkees sought the full extent of their retribution by custom and put half the band to death and smashed their wooden horns, maracas, and didgeridoos. Some form of similar retribution was common at the time, but the Monkees were especially vindictive taking much delight in bringing the axe down on the necks of their enemies.

                                Much time passed and the Experience grew under the leadership of their revered leader, Jimi Hendrix. The Monkees, worried about their growing power, challenged them to another battle of the bands. This time however, Hendrix and his band were victorious. Remembering the indignity done to them, the Experience had revenge on their mind and destroyed the Monkee band down to the last member. Every man woman and child was destroyed, and no one has heard from the Monkees since. Hendrix personally destroyed their instruments and burned the axe used to execute his tribesmen at their first battle. Beginning what has since become a traditional Metalhead religious ceremony celebrating victory in battle.

                                The point of the parable is that violence begets violence. Harsh victory terms now may mean cruel revenge in the future.

                                -Ozzy the Bateater
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

