Imperial Palace, Seoul...
The new Emperor Gojong did not want to waste any more time with internal strife. With the nobility now scared to death and the military learning by example (i.e. the murder of Han Gong by the Emperor's own hand) who was ultimately in charge he had established himself as a powerful, yet feared, figure in the Korean Empire. There was no challenge to his rule, and no question of his authority. The secret that Sejong, and thus Gojong, did not truly have the bloodline to hold the Imperial throne was now silenced by the death of the former Emperor and the General Han Gong.
He now set about establishing himself internationally. His allies the Mayans, Greeks, and Piercians had suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of his friends in Rome. While the war continued between Piercia and the Romans, he realized that this was only exacerbating the downfall of the Piercian Empire and he had to intervene...
"...and we must give a response to the Romans, they were extremely accomodating in their last missive, and we must take advantage and accept their kind offer." Prime Minister Bojong said, after reviewing the last missive from Rome.
"Very good, do so, the Romans have been nothing but cordial to us in the past, and if we are to serve as proper brokers of peace in these matters we must continue our positive relations with them."
"Of course Emperor," Bojong replied, he was still not used to calling his son-in-law Emperor, "The Romans understand that Korea is independent minded, we maintained our relations with them in the past despite pressure from the Greeks and Mayans, our friendship will be crucial for your designs."
"And what of Xristo, of Portugal?" Gojong asked, prior to the death of Emperor Sejong a missive arrived from Portugal from their new leader Xristo, offering friendship and cooperation.
"The Portugese and Koreans have never had warm relations, if you do recall we had to cancel our open-borders agreements with them in exchange for rights to the territory of Alemanni."
"Of course I recall, I do not need a history lesson!" the Emperor snapped back, he was sensative to any question of his capabilities as a leader, "We must engage in commerce with Portugal, what did their missive say?"
"Well my Lord, I believe I have it here," Bojong said fumbling through his records, "Here it is...."
"Excellent" Gojong said happily, he was interested in expanding Korea's status in the world, and was running out of land to expand to in Korea, this news came well to him and would give him more glory to his people, "We must respond to them as soon as possible, have our scribes get to work the second you leave this room."
"Of course your highness" Bojong said, "And then of course there is the matter of our friends the Piercians. It seems great strife has befallen their Kingdom, your father was a great friend to the Piercians, and you should use this influence to help guide them into stability. In fact you may be the key to ending this war in the north."
"Well, I knew at the time that their dealings with the Russians would end this way. Those people, those Russians, are a horrid and fork-tongued lot! They are not to be trusted, how quickly they rush to the Roman bosom after forcing great Piercia into a war they did not want." the Emperor though for a moment, "Send the Russians a message as well, in fact we should produce a decree. We will call for peace."
"With all due respect Emperor, your father attempted to do the same thing, and under more even circumstances, I sincerely doubt Korea's words are strong enough to back that up." Bojong replied.
"I did not ask you for your opinion Minister!" Gojong retorted, "Of course I will utilize back-channels to further this goal, but at the moment it is our duty to our friends, both Piercian and Roman alike, to end this war and get stability back in that region." Gojong thought for a moment, "Send that old man Subo to Piercia, he will make a good ambassador."
"Sire, the Lama is not under the control of the Imperial throne, he will have to accept it on his own, and I am not sure he is healthy enough to travel such a distance."
The Emperor shook his head in disgust, "You will shortly learn, Prime Minister, that I am not my father, and when I give an order I expect it to be carried out. I am the Emepror of Korea, I have authority over all who inhabit it!"
"Very good my lord" Bojong said, bowing, "I apologize for my rudeness.
"That is fine, just do not let it happen again. Now, go and call upon my guard, I am going to travel to Sparta and visit our Greek friends. My father squandered that friendship enough. Get on those missives to Portugal and my peace proposal..."

He now set about establishing himself internationally. His allies the Mayans, Greeks, and Piercians had suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of his friends in Rome. While the war continued between Piercia and the Romans, he realized that this was only exacerbating the downfall of the Piercian Empire and he had to intervene...
"...and we must give a response to the Romans, they were extremely accomodating in their last missive, and we must take advantage and accept their kind offer." Prime Minister Bojong said, after reviewing the last missive from Rome.
"Very good, do so, the Romans have been nothing but cordial to us in the past, and if we are to serve as proper brokers of peace in these matters we must continue our positive relations with them."
"Of course Emperor," Bojong replied, he was still not used to calling his son-in-law Emperor, "The Romans understand that Korea is independent minded, we maintained our relations with them in the past despite pressure from the Greeks and Mayans, our friendship will be crucial for your designs."
"And what of Xristo, of Portugal?" Gojong asked, prior to the death of Emperor Sejong a missive arrived from Portugal from their new leader Xristo, offering friendship and cooperation.
"The Portugese and Koreans have never had warm relations, if you do recall we had to cancel our open-borders agreements with them in exchange for rights to the territory of Alemanni."
"Of course I recall, I do not need a history lesson!" the Emperor snapped back, he was sensative to any question of his capabilities as a leader, "We must engage in commerce with Portugal, what did their missive say?"
"Well my Lord, I believe I have it here," Bojong said fumbling through his records, "Here it is...."
"Excellent" Gojong said happily, he was interested in expanding Korea's status in the world, and was running out of land to expand to in Korea, this news came well to him and would give him more glory to his people, "We must respond to them as soon as possible, have our scribes get to work the second you leave this room."
"Of course your highness" Bojong said, "And then of course there is the matter of our friends the Piercians. It seems great strife has befallen their Kingdom, your father was a great friend to the Piercians, and you should use this influence to help guide them into stability. In fact you may be the key to ending this war in the north."
"Well, I knew at the time that their dealings with the Russians would end this way. Those people, those Russians, are a horrid and fork-tongued lot! They are not to be trusted, how quickly they rush to the Roman bosom after forcing great Piercia into a war they did not want." the Emperor though for a moment, "Send the Russians a message as well, in fact we should produce a decree. We will call for peace."
"With all due respect Emperor, your father attempted to do the same thing, and under more even circumstances, I sincerely doubt Korea's words are strong enough to back that up." Bojong replied.
"I did not ask you for your opinion Minister!" Gojong retorted, "Of course I will utilize back-channels to further this goal, but at the moment it is our duty to our friends, both Piercian and Roman alike, to end this war and get stability back in that region." Gojong thought for a moment, "Send that old man Subo to Piercia, he will make a good ambassador."
"Sire, the Lama is not under the control of the Imperial throne, he will have to accept it on his own, and I am not sure he is healthy enough to travel such a distance."
The Emperor shook his head in disgust, "You will shortly learn, Prime Minister, that I am not my father, and when I give an order I expect it to be carried out. I am the Emepror of Korea, I have authority over all who inhabit it!"
"Very good my lord" Bojong said, bowing, "I apologize for my rudeness.
"That is fine, just do not let it happen again. Now, go and call upon my guard, I am going to travel to Sparta and visit our Greek friends. My father squandered that friendship enough. Get on those missives to Portugal and my peace proposal..."