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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 3 (October)

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  • Originally posted by Pitboss Rome

    We do not reply to your question about Portugal because we discuss such matters directly with Portugal, not with you.

    The answer is important because you don't want to live up to the deals the old tyrants of Rome made while you do continue to occupy the cities that are being token by these same tyrants.

    You're speaking with two tongues.

    You can't be both the civilized enlightened leader that refuses to pay the debts of the tyrants AND the power hungry warmonger that cashes in on the occupied cities of Portugal.

    Who are you? The enlightened senate of Rome, or the cashing tyrant of Rome? With who is the world dealing? That's why we need your answer.

    The fact that you refuse to answer tells me enough. You are a tyrant dressed like a democrat. A wolf in sheep clothes.


    • With who is the world dealing? That's why we need your answer.
      Let me let you into a secret Alcetas. You are not the world . Maybe you think you are, or maybe you harbour ambitions that one day you will be the world.

      For all your bluster, no other nation is expressing similar concerns. Nations far and near, larger than us and smaller have all agreed peaceful treaties with us.

      The fact that you continue to rage against us publicly saddens us, and I am sure bores everyone else. But so be it.

      Farewell Alcetas

      The Senate and People of Rome.


      • So you're going to keep the fruits of the tyranic regime of Rome while you continue to refuse to pay the debts of this same regime?


        • Oh you make me laugh. There are no debts to you, all we have done is rejected your demand for tribute.

          Speak to nations with whom we had half completed outstanding trade deals at the point of the Roman revolution and you will find that such arrangements and debts have been cordially settled.


          • So you're going to keep the fruits of the tyranic regime of Rome and you deny that that same tyranic regime has made promises to Sparta that you're not going to fulfil?

            Can other nations confirm that Rome has indeed settled the debts of the past?


            • Rome claims it has no debts towards Sparta, let me publish these old letters from the past.

              To: Alexander of Sparta
              From: General Aelius, Dictator of Rome

              I have yet to received any response from your side. Rome now publicly pledges 6 Preatorian divisions to be given to Piercia in the city of meeting in case of Greek attack. This is the leasst we can do for our allies.

              We can spare them since our army is among the greatest in the world. Our war against Portugal will be easily won and then we shall set our sights on any enemies our friends may have.

              Rome uses no chariots, and we produce the most goods in the entire world. Also Rome has superior generals (+50% emergence of that GP type ).

              Rome is willing to provide Piercia silver and gold so they may spare the gems you need and is willing to meet a Spartan scout on the edge of Piercian territory so direct contact may be made if your people ignore the lies of the Gauls (who we know are behind your sudden change of relations with Piercia). If they don't have any gems, we will directly provide you with silver and gold.

              If you refuse our generous proposal you shall show the world your true intentions and motivations in this war. You will show that you lust for conquest and that you have made an unholy secret alliance with our northern foes.

              -Magister Populi, Praetor Maximus and Magister Peditum Aelius
              Alexander's reaction:

              "But these Romans know how to show respect. Tell them that we will accept their gold or gems as a sign of friendship. Also ask them how we can show them our respect and friendship in return."
              Senate of Rome, the gold you offered to Sparta was never a form of tribute. It was a free promised gesture of Rome to Sparta to keep Sparta out of the battle Rome had with Portugal. Sparta had never required Rome to pay this.

              If Sparta would have invaded Piercia, then Rome wouldn't have been able to capture those Portuguese cities. Now you do want to keep the cities but deny to pay the price you promised. You can't have it both ways, Rome.


              • Comment

                • For years Japan knew nothing of the world or what
                  other counties were in the world until now. Itoku looked
                  at the updated maps and was amazed to see how big
                  the known world was. Never before had he seen how
                  big other counties truly were. He spoke to his good
                  friend Lady Kicho, one of his newly appointed generals.
                  Looking at this new map truly shows me how small
                  and weak Japan really is,
                  said Itoku. Kicho looked up
                  and said, My lord it is because we are weak that we
                  strive to become stronger.
                  Itoku looked at her then
                  looked at the map again. He realized she was right but
                  he also knew he would need help.

                  Portugal and Sparta were two of Japan’s greatest
                  friends and allies, who throughout Japan’s history had
                  helped Japan a great deal, so naturally Itoku turned to
                  them first. Out of the two nations Japan was much more
                  similar to Sparta so they were the first to be contacted.
                  In Sparta, Itoku saw the strength to help Japan’s forces
                  become better and more honorable warriors. So he
                  enlisted the help of a great Spartan commander named
                  Philip to teach share his knowledge with the Japanese
                  troops being trained in cities all across Japan.

                  In Portugal, Itoku saw great wisdom and the
                  knowledge to better rule his county. He knew Portugal
                  was very far away but still asked Marco if he would
                  send teachers and missionaries over to Japan. Itoku
                  received word a few days later the Marco would send
                  the teachers as soon as possible. This made Itoku quite
                  glade but wanted to find more willing to help. Explorers
                  were issued to be built ASAP to find other powerful
                  counties Japan could learn from.

                  To the north in the Hattori encampment General Takeji
                  Nara along with the replacement troops. Takeji was a
                  young man yet he was a brilliant tactician. He was son
                  of Hanzo’s sister who had married into the Nara clan.
                  The combined force of the Nara and Hattori forces
                  rested for the night drinking and telling stories trying to
                  relax and let loose before the next day when they had
                  to board the Whit Lotus and prepare for the long hard
                  journey ahead


                  • New Story Thread (November)
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

