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Possible Diplogame Mod

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  • Well, that is true LzPrst, and I am not arguing against that premise at all.

    But the reason we added extra leaders (at least initially) was to give civs with one leader a second leader. The purpose to do that was to give them different traits so people would select civs for diplogames that normally don't get chosen (Zulu for example). That wast the original purpose behind it. So a lot of the third and fourth leaders you are seeing were just added for fun. Which is why for civs that originally had one leader (like Spain) will have another leader whose traits may not necessarily fit them historically (or would be better suited with different traits). They aren't all going to be historically accurate is the point.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • Alright, the "final" version (I used the quotes because who knows what will come up) is completed and will probably be posted tomorrow. I think I am going to post it at CivFanatics as well, along with a little blurb and link for diplogames in case other people get interested. I will also either have the modules ready to be posted tomorrow as well, although one lucky diplogamer out there already has one of the modules in advance.

      So if everything goes well, we should have it up and hopefully we can start the first test game soon. It will be a quick game on pitboss format, probably around four to five players, two turns a day (nobody will be strict about playing turns, so you can miss turns or whatever if you want). So if anyone wants to sign up to get back into the swing of things COUGHlzprstCOUGH I would like to get some volunteers.

      I would also like to attempt to use ONE of the modules (at least) so we can see how that works too.

      Just a heads up, so if you are interested in being one of the MP-testers please let me know here in this forum.

      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • sure, I'll play
        Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


        • If your doing it pitboss style then you can count on me to play.


          • DOWNLOAD HERE!!!

            This is a mod I made specifically for the Diplomacy Game CivGroup over at APOLYTON, but I figured since I got so much help from a lot of you guys here at CivFanatics I would post here and see what you all think. The mod is not without its issues, there are certainly leader traits, or even leaders themselves, you are not going to agree with (like Mandela for the Zulu for example). The purpose was not to make a historically accurate mod, but was to provide more diversity in leaders/traits for the different civs. The idea being that they would be selected more often. Our Diplogames tended to have the same group of civs on a regular basis (basically financial, philosophical, and industrious leaders) and we wanted to mix it up a bit.

            This is mostly a graphics mod, there are some small changes to gameplay but I tried to keep the game as true to the original as possible while adding some cool things so I hope you enjoy all of the changes.

            That said, some of the leaders are in this mod for fun, and will have good traits that make sense to you and me. Here is a list of the leaders if you'd like to know in advance...

            • 18 Rabbit, Mayans - Aggressive/Industrious
            • Abu Bakr, Arabs - Spiritual/Imperialistic
            • Akbar, Indians - Creative/Imperialistic
            • Amenhotep III, Egyptians - Industrious/Charismatic
            • Basil II, Byzantines - Aggressive/Expansive
            • Ben-Gurion, Israelis - Industrious/Protective
            • Charles V, HRE - Spiritual/Expansive
            • Constantine, Byzantines/Romans - Spiritual/Organized
            • Crazy Horse, Sioux - Aggressive/Charismatic
            • David, Israelis - Spiritual/Creative
            • Deganawida, Iroquois - Philosophical/Spiritual
            • Dido, Carthaginians - Creative/Financial
            • Franco, Spanish - Charismatic/Protective
            • Harald Hardrada, Vikings - Expansive/Charismatic
            • Harun al-Rashid, Arabs - Philosophical/Creative
            • Henry VIII, English - Creative/Organized
            • Henry of Aviz, Portugal - Expansive/Organized
            • Hiawatha, Iroquois - Organized/Charismatic
            • Hirohito, Japanese - Financial/Imperialistic
            • Hitler, Germans - Aggressive/Charismatic
            • Itzcoatl, Aztecs - Expansive/Industrious
            • Ivan Grozny, Russians - Expansive/Protective
            • Johan de Witt, Dutch - Philosophical/Charismatic
            • Kim Jong-il, Koreans - Aggressive/Organized
            • Mandela, Zulus - Philosophical/Charismatic
            • Marcus Aurelius, Romans - Philosophical/Imperialistic
            • Maurits van Nassau, Dutch - Aggressive/Organized
            • Meiji, Japanese - Industrious/Organized
            • Nebuchadrezzar, Babylonians - Industrious/Imperialistic
            • Pachacuti, Incas - Creative/Charismatic
            • Philip II, Spanish - Creative/Imperialistic
            • Pol Pot, Khmer - Aggressive/Protective
            • Ptolemy I, Egyptians - Philosophical/Protective
            • Ronald Reagan, Americans - Financial/Charismatic
            • Sargon of Akkad, Sumerians - Aggressive/Spiritual
            • Haile Selassie, Ethiopians - Philosophical/Spiritual
            • Solomon, Israelis - Philosophical/Expansive
            • Sundiata Keita, Malinese - Organized/Charismatic
            • Tang Taizong, Chinese - Financial/Imperialistic

            Before I get any complaints some of the leaders who appear to have weird trait combos (historically) have those combos because their counterparts for that civilization already have another trait they would have had otherwise. So keep that in mind when reading the list.

            We have added two new civs, the Iroquois and the Israelites, I put up a screen shot of their Civilopedia screen, but you'll have to play the mod to see what their UUs and UBs are (mostly because I forgot and I don't feel like looking right now).

            SCREEN SHOTS


            This mod is not a major departure from the normal game, therefore there are no changes to wonders, civics (except for the slight changes to the construction bonuses of certain buildings), traits, units or anything beyond the names (which I brazenly stole from Varietas Delectat). The idea was to maintain the normal gameplay of Civ IV BtS while adding the following features...
            • Extra Spy Promotions thanks to the SuperSpies mod!
            • Seven new religions (Aesir Mythology, Olympic Pantheon, Pesedjet, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Toltec Faith and Voodoo) to spread throughout the world. You must play a custom game and select CHOOSE RELIGION in order to access them though.
            • Inquisitors to get rid of those pesky new religions!
            • As stated before, two new civilizations!
            • Nearly forty new leaders!
            • Civ specific flavored units!
            • Improved graphics, courtesy of Chuggi!


            First I would like to thank Trojan Sheep and Glider1 for the SUPERSPIES mod that we used. The promotions are awesome but the assassin mission doesn't seem to work, I would appreciate it if someone would let me know about this. I'd also like to thank BMarnz and Orion Veteran for the INQUISITION MOD that we used for the game as well. Thanks to JustATourist and JohnySmith for their help with the JUST ANOTHER RELIGION MOD (its where we get our new religions). I would also like to thank Avain and Chuggi for their VARIETAS DELECTAT and CULTURAL DIVERSITY mods respectively (I also used Chuggi's improved graphics mod too). Thank you to Wolfshanze, Zerver, Garret, Bakuel, and Danrell for the other units I used as well. Thanks to Ekmek for ALL OF HIS LEADERHEADS also thanks to Amra for his leaderheads as well (I stole them from your mods) and to C. Roland as well for the LHs.

            Thanks to EmperorFool, Glider1, JohnySmith, Chuggi, and Wolfshanze for their "extra" help behind the scenes, that they may not even have been aware of.

            I know it isn't really a crazy-great mod, but it was my first attempt at modding and I learned a lot from you guys so I hope you enjoy playing it!
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • Sorry that it looks all screwy, but I used the code from the posted file at CivFanatics, so I guess it didn't translate and I am lazy. The link still works though.
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • *ahem*

                No shout-out for a certain someone who helped play test and tweak all the leader traits?
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • only for people who post stories in game !!!!!


                  • Alright, the first module pack is ready to go, and you can DOWNLOAD IT HERE.

                    I have also updated the DIPLOMACY MOD, complete with a shout-out to OzzyKP (sorry I forgot, I was too busy trying to remember all of the people at CF it simply slipped my mind). Also I created a DISCUSSION THREAD at CivFanatics, complete with a little blurb about diplogaming itself. So hopefully I can lure in some new recruits. I think now is the time to start talking about a game with this mod.

                    Perhaps the game MMC suggested...
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • Originally posted by OzzyKP

                      No shout-out for a certain someone who helped play test and tweak all the leader traits?
                      And what about someone who helped debug some of this mod? Not that I really care about credit either way tbh... I'm more interested in playing (just as soon as I finish making this game engine for my Uni course...)
                      Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                      "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                      • I think non-diplogamers are getting confused by the title. Since it is called Diplomacy they are expecting it to alter the diplomacy in the game. Oh well.

                        Anyway, we still need a few more volunteers for the pitboss playtest. It is going to be a quick, optional turns (we are just seeing if it works), set to a small map, two turns a day (like I said, it doesn't matter if you miss turns), just to test it out.

                        So its not really much of a burden, we just need to make sure it works in pitboss format.
                        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                        One Love.


                        • I said I'd play dammit. now gimme Crazy Horse and I'll raid and pillage you to death!!! ahahaahahahahaaa...
                          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                          • question: where do you put the civs from the module?
                            Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                            • in the module folder i presume....
                              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                              • diplogame mod bug reports: I can't seem to exit to main menu without the game crashing. anyone else having this issue?

                                also, I loaded up a game and it told me at start that it couldnt initiate som XML files for the nubians (whom I assume was an AI civ).
                                Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

