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Possible Diplogame Mod
Okay, I am going to try and clarify the music issue for everyone here.
If I do change the music it is going to be something appropriate to the game. I'm not just putting in music just to do it. So unless Rob Zombie made a song that is remotely appropriate to, or has anything to do with, the game of civilization there will be no Rob Zombie music. The ONLY reason coldplay was even MENTIONED was because the song strangely sounds like it was made about civilization. That's all. I don't even like coldplay, and it was never really truly considered to be part of the mod. So that should end that. I have recieved good suggestions from people and they will be considered.
I'm still trying to master this whole modular thing, which will ultimately be a great help to making our diplogames a little more personal in the future. I am getting extremely close to figuring out how to do it perfectly and I have some interesting modules coming your way soon (within the next few days). So some great things to look forward to, but not Rob Zombie, not Coldplay and not country music.
Sorry to everyone who cares.
EDIT: Oh yeah, Ozzy you will be happy to know that the Magyars are ready to go. There is just a very small issue with the audio files. Apparently the Hungarian module automatically overwrites the old audio XMLs, so basically I have to do a whole new audio xml for the original game, but that isn't difficult. Which basically just means that I have to create a new audio xml for the main mod. Which is fine because I was going to upload a whole new mod anyway."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
On a lighter note, Ras I'd really like to know what you are listening to during the game. It would be interesting to hear.
And I didn't even know you could do that!"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
Well Sweden and the Vikings are not exactly the same. But regardless, I don't remember exactly what you are referring to but I am quite sure that Sweden was used as either an example or a suggestion and there are no plans at the moment to make a Sweden module. I am attempting to make a Gustavus Adolphus leaderhead, so if I am successful I would probably make a Sweden module for him to go with, but we are going to make a European Diplogame Mod (but that's still far off) so if I am successful in the LH I'll probably just wait for that to make Sweden.
By the way; good to hear from you LzPrst, its been a while."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
Originally posted by The Capo
On a lighter note, Ras I'd really like to know what you are listening to during the game. It would be interesting to hear.
And I didn't even know you could do that!
it jsut randomly plays as it goes through the game.
go into your options and there is a slection for choosing to play music from a folder on your PC
NO!! NO!! AND NO!!!
I just popped in to play around with the mod a bit and I just saw something that made my brain crash.
You've made Ronald Reagan Financial!??!!??
just to sum up things. your current recession and mortgage crisis can be traced back to reaganomics. do not violate history in this manner. please!
(if you don't believe me, check the national debt before and after RR)Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst
There is plenty of blame to go around for the current mortage crisis. Government, business, and individuals all contributed to it. Laying it at the feet of Reagan is hardly fair when he did bring us one of the greatest economic booms in our history. While the debt is indeed a big black mark on his record, I think his benefits to the economy were worth a FIN trait.Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
reagan inhereted an economic problem from carter and turned it into a boom by doing the following:
A. buying more and more stuff, thus funding industry.
B. without paying for it, running up a huge tab.
result = national debt spiralled from 1 trillion to nearly 5 trillion.
now the results of the growth of americas national debt are many and severe and worldwide. the latest is known as the current recession. the mortgage crisis is a result of deregulation of the financial sector, and who was a major proponent of that (not to mention destroying the notion of fiscal responsibility). Reagan.
certainly, 8 years of Bush has made things worse by inflating said national debt from 5-6 trillion to now in the excess of I believe 11 trillion. and yes Reagan is not directly to blame for the current crises (plural), but it was his notion of economics, or rather, Reaganomics, that laid the base for all the crud that is hitting the fan now.
In civ terms it works as follows:
Nation has deficit.
Instead of increasing taxes, the civ calls around to all the Financial civs and asks for loans.
The civ then rush buys with gold malls and banks (not a bad move per se).
The nation ALSO rush buys marines, tanks, planes and ships, AND sends them to faraway places running up a big unit expenditure.
The nation then asks to borrow more money. debt grows. deficit grows, debt grows further.
This keeps going and going. and as long as the creditors are willing to keep lending the nation money, everything is peachy.
Then, some unforeseen event occurs that makes the lending civs reluctant to lend away more money.
The civ that can't pay its units or its loans is now in poops creek with no paddle.
starting the lending cycle is not good economics. it is a short term gain for a long term BIG pain. like peeing your pants in frozen weather. nice and warm for a short while, suddenly very cold. genitalial frostbite does not sound like fun. Reagan started to pee where his predecessors were trying to contain a leakage. Bush did his share by wetting the other pants leg. and lo and behold.
not that it affects me, but it is painful to watch.Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst
Well it is quite a bit more complicated than that, and we shouldn't turn this thread into an economics or political debate thread, but I agree that racking up debt is a terrible policy.
However you leave out his tax cuts and cuts to welfare and deregulation as part of the positive growth in the economy. You also miss the fact that government actively encouraging lenders to extend credit to riskier borrowers for the goal of helping get all Americans into a home of their own, which was a do-gooder goal of Democrats and Republicans alike also contributed to the big problem we have now.
You also miss the argument that Reagan's massive defense spending hastened the fall of the Soviet Union which had substantial benefits to millions of people and was, if you believe the connection, worth the expense.
But as with all things, there are always multiple factors that cause everything that happens. Which factor one credits as THE deciding factor depends a lot on how you view the world. Liberal or conservative, free market vs. socialist. So... I don't anticipate any argument like this being resolved so... can we move on?Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Constantine ruled the entire and unified Roman Empire, I have had others tell me otherwise, and they (as well as you in this case) are simply incorrect. Yes, he founded Constantinople as the imperial capital, and yes he is revered by Byzantines and such, but the fact is that he was Emperor of the ENTIRE and UNIFIED ROMAN EMPIRE. So he is a Roman leader.
As far as the traits go; if you read the reast of this thread (not sure whether or not you have) you will have noticed that we discussed the leaders' traits on multiple occasions as the leaders were added over a period of time and not in one fell swoop. Great pains were made to get the leaders' traits correct and part of the reason some leaders may have "questionable" traits is simply because we wanted leaders to have different traits, especially for civs with only one leader (Spain). Reagan and Constantine were added for fun later on, the original idea being to give civs with only one leader a second (and in some cases a third) leader. Ozzy helped a lot by suggesting better trait combos than I initially envisioned, and Reagan he thought was good. Now, the idea for Reagan's traits actually came from the CivFanatics thread surrounding his LeaderHead's creation, so I went with that.
Personally, I don't like Reagan, so I could care less what his traits are. But I don't appreciate turning this thread into an argument about policy and its ramifications. If you don't think he should be financial you should just suggest a different trait and succinctly explain why, there's no need for a diatribe about it.
The REASON Philip is not spiritual is because Isabella is.
And a lot of people helped get this thing together, and helped decide what goes into this mod, including Europeans. So thanks for singling me out, but if you don't like the mod you don't have to be so snippy like that.
Just say you have some suggestions, I have been more than willing to take them as long as they are not rude. And again, this is by no means FINISHED yet, so relax."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.