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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Originally posted by CyberShy
    Hmmmmm, I also do have archery.......
    How is that possible?

    What do we do? Restart? It's only day one..... maybe that's for the best..... I wait for the first 3 to comment, if all of them agree to restart without the extra techs, we restart.
    Restart now!

    I've just logged in and turned and then I've noticed I can build archers.

    This is a no brainer.


    • Originally posted by Pitboss Khmer

      stoopid hero

      spiols fun
      He did.

      Last edited by Pitboss Rome; June 2, 2008, 07:51.


      • Originally posted by CyberShy
        Hmmmmm, I also do have archery.......
        How is that possible?

        What do we do? Restart? It's only day one..... maybe that's for the best..... I wait for the first 3 to comment, if all of them agree to restart without the extra techs, we restart.
        fix now


        • Ok, fixing the save now, starting asap. game is down as we speak.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • Why do some civs start with a city, while others start with a settler?

            Is that intended?

            I've just removed 'archery' from all civs, except 1, who didn't had it. Was it intended? Even civs who don't have hunting got archery.......

            I don't think that it's supposed that some players start with a city instead of a settler. I'm going to fix that as well. Maybe Pinchak intended that, but I wonder if we agree in that case......

            I'm going to fix it, if you guys think that I should keep it the way it was, I still have the original 'pinchak map' I received this morning as well.....
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • Gud cyber man,

              no cities. no extra teks.


              • I think some players have already logged in and played their turn, you should PM those to make their turn again.

                Some of the settled cities may be a result of players settling (unless you are talking about the original map).

                Please post when the game will be up again.


                • I'm talking about the original map.
                  Some cities even already have 6 culture......
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • We should assume that he didn't mean to put that that way, since he never said he would do anything beyond game balance.

                    When will the game be up?


                    • Game's up again.

                      Man, now I had to look around..... it's an impressive map, creative, interesting, realistic and with phantasy......


                      It's really unfair at some points, and I also wonder if there will ever be a war..... there's so much lebensraum...
                      Not to mention that I wonder if there's any reason to trade resources...... there's a million of every resource!

                      I don't want to poke at Pinchak's masterpiece (Which it is) but I wonder if this will make the diplomacy part interesting...........

                      Maybe I'm an idiot, but I want to suggest that we let someone else take a peek at this map as well (preferably Ozzy or deity or Toni).

                      Anyway, game's up again, it started from scratch.
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • Why do some civs start with a city
                        It just hit me why the starting archery, citys, and culture...

                        I started this map with one human player on monarch, and 17 AI on noble. Hense, why one civ didn't have archery. I would be willing to bet that civ didn't have any culture either. Unfortunatly, although I think I know why there is a problem, I don't know of an easy fix.

                        Regarding Cybers assesment of the map...

                        First off, YOU PEEKED!!!

                        Ok, now to address your concerns...

                        1. Living space. I don't think there is an excess. Maybe for a few civs, but I tried to counteract that with poorer land (ie, tundra, plains, desert), and worse resorces (ie. less concentration and variety). In general, I think there is on adverage room for 8-12 citys for each civ. Remember Cyber, we have 18 players here.

                        2. Resources. I agree and disagree. For things like common food (ie. cows, corn, fish, etc...) I fully agree, there are hundreds. It has to be this way, unless you want starvation to be a major part of the game. I would encourage you to take a closer look however, expecially with regards to distrobution of types. Also, make a point to actually count the number of different luxury items (start with gold for instance). Off the top of my head there are at least 3 luxury items and 2 or 3 general items for which there are less than 18 total. This means even with perfect trading, there won't be enough for everyone. I could scale back the resorces if it is determined to be too many, but I don't think there is.

                        3. No War. Regardless of how much land there is, once it fills people will want more. There are at least two areas where 5 civs "touch". Many of the more valuable resorces are located in these areas.

                        Keep in mind 18 players, and not everyone will be openly trading with everyone (either because of dislike, or sheer distance, or scarcity).

                        I am against letting yet another "pro" have knowledge of the whole map. Try to get someone not playing to look at it. Snoopy might be an ideal choice.
                        Last edited by Pinchak; June 2, 2008, 09:45.


                        • It's really unfair at some points
                          There is only one thing I can think of that you may be refering to. Please express this to me in a PM, and maybe I can go back and address it (another reason why I wanted to send you a "final final" version).


                          • Ok, i logged on, and as far as i can evaluate my starting position by now, there seems to be nothing unfair.

                            I'm looking forward to a great game !


                            • Originally posted by Pitboss Rome

                              Sorry to hear that, hope more civs don't follow you. It seems a lot of people are posting with their normal accounts in this thread.

                              BTW You will still be using the diplo mail right?
                              Yes, but it also means you can contact me via my other areas also, such as via my MSN for chats. I could not get another MSN account, so I just could not b bothered with being anonymous, just like Ozzy. Others can remain anonymous if they want, but I just was finding to confusing with the two different logins.


                              • Well I also had a custom civ named the "Metalheads" so... it would quickly become apparent anyhow. I think we might be able to figure out England right away too if they are doing a custom civ as well...

                                But hopefully most people will stick to the anonymous play, I think it is, in general, a very good idea that helps the game. But I'm not gonna make a fuss if a minority of players opt out of it for one reason or another.
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

