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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • capo can post it like a dream his leader had or something. the possibilities are endless.


    • This is precisely why I think diplogames have become too role-play driven.

      Are you guys ACTUALLY saying since I FORGOT to change the name from Julius Caesar to Wang Geon I should HAVE TO write a story about it?

      That's retarded.

      I'm not going to do it, so stop talking about it.
      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • That may have come off as a bit angry, here is my point...

        I write my stories to explain, without saying it directly, what position I am going to take politically in regards to other nations. So all of these characters I am coming up with, and all of the things they do are either leading towards, or eventually going to explain something I do in-game, or some diplomatic road I am going to take (this could mean religiously, militarily, it could have to do with my civics, what I build in my cities, etc.). Even if it is something that is seemingly mundane at the time it WILL wind up having an impact (or serving as a clue) on something I will do eventually. In my mind this is why I don't think a diplogame is necessarily a role-play.

        I am giving you hints, I am foreshadowing.

        Now, that having been said; I "dream" about naming my guy Julius Caesar, or a "dream" about Julius Caesar himself (eventually being a Roman leader, thus a premonition) has nothing to do with what I am doing with Korea, or where I am going with Korea. I would not appreciate it if someone hijacked my creativity/civilization and posted something about Koreans, so I will not do that to Rome. I will leave Romans to Rome, and Koreans to Korea.

        It was an accident, that's all.
        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

        One Love.


        • Originally posted by The Capo
          That may have come off as a bit angry, here is my point...

          I write my stories to explain, without saying it directly, what position I am going to take politically in regards to other nations. So all of these characters I am coming up with, and all of the things they do are either leading towards, or eventually going to explain something I do in-game, or some diplomatic road I am going to take (this could mean religiously, militarily, it could have to do with my civics, what I build in my cities, etc.). Even if it is something that is seemingly mundane at the time it WILL wind up having an impact (or serving as a clue) on something I will do eventually. In my mind this is why I don't think a diplogame is necessarily a role-play.

          I am giving you hints, I am foreshadowing.

          Now, that having been said; I "dream" about naming my guy Julius Caesar, or a "dream" about Julius Caesar himself (eventually being a Roman leader, thus a premonition) has nothing to do with what I am doing with Korea, or where I am going with Korea. I would not appreciate it if someone hijacked my creativity/civilization and posted something about Koreans, so I will not do that to Rome. I will leave Romans to Rome, and Koreans to Korea.

          It was an accident, that's all.
          But what you decribe capo is role palying. The posts you make are all about in game activities that you are foreashadowing. You always paly your civ to the style of your current named leader whther thst be aggressive or passive or whatever. i have seen you even have to dispose of a leader in the past when war came to make sure your new leader was a strategist to save you during war. that is roleplaying


          • I don't understand what your point is Ras?

            What does that have to do with what we are talking about anyway?
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • I guess you were talking about my "too role-play driven" remark.

              Well I still stand by that, I never said there is no place for roleplaying, or that roleplaying is stupid. In fact I've admitted in other threads that I have done it way too much on many occasions. My point is that it is too roleplay DRIVEN if people are asking me to make up a story for keeping my name as Julius Caesar instead of changing it to Wang Geon. If I just left it at "TheCapo" like it was originally would I have to explain why my leader's name is The Capo? Especially in a PitBoss game where nobody else is even online with me to begin with?

              That's my whole point.
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • I was kidding
                Never take one-liners with a smiley too serious Capo

                And regarding too much / too little role playing: every player plays it's civ the way he wants. For some the story supports their game decisions. For others their game decisions support their stories. Or somewhere between.

                No reason to yell at each other (notice the smiley!)
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • Yikes, am I the only one who understood CS was kidding?
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • Originally posted by OzzyKP
                    Yikes, am I the only one who understood CS was kidding?
                    It's 1550BC don't be surprised if some people haven't discovered humor yet.


                    • Rome... you made my day

                      Remark about the story thread :

                      Some of you are making border agreements, which is fine. But I fail to see the sense they make. In fact, most of them are using a river as a border. That's stupid IMHO, since riversides are good places to settle, especially if there is a lack of freshwater in the area around them.

                      I suggest you make decisions like "You can have the upper river, i will take the lower river. The border will be 3 tiles away from the river."

                      So that instead of having noone using the entire river, you may have both using a half of it.

                      As i said, this is just a suggestion, handle it as you please.
                      Last edited by Pitboss Persia; July 16, 2008, 04:08.


                      • well Japan will never agree to sharing borders. either stay out my way or feel my wrath that is the only agreement Japan will ever make with anyone.


                        • Lord Zanza will fall, and without his ironed hand, even Japan will learn the art of negociation.


                          • Originally posted by Pitboss Vikings
                            every diplo i played in is won by a civ who gets an early start and the other other leading civs refuse to do anything to stop them., the weaker civs obviousoly cnat do anything, but the civs that can refuse to do anything.

                            just some history for you guys...


                            • Can't connect for some reason


                              • It may surprise some people to learn that I knew CS was kidding too... yet I still think it would be funny to see Capo try and roleplay his way out of an awkward OOC mistake . Just to see what he comes up with...
                                Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                                "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"

