Start on wednesday the 21st? When Pinchak has the map ready, we've had the whole weekend to iron out the details, and we havent lost interest. That way bamf226 can queue things up for 7-8 turns without any disaster, so no problem, right?
Ok. Following details to be ironed out.
1.Normal or Epic speed. -A lot of people seem to be leaning towards Epic. Need final decision. Pref. by vote.
2. Toni needs to decide if he is going to stay with his civ. No pressure either way. Except for make up mind fast.
3. What to call the game. Really. Come on. Matters not. I say we draw lots and the winner gets to chose. To vote over this is a waste of time. Imho.
4. When to start. Asap, or wait a bit longer for things to mature, and for the fabled patch to arrive. Will the patch make any changes that affect us? Like trait nerfing or unit changes or whatever?
5. Tech limitation rules.
Let us focus on nr. 1.
Normal Speed 500 turns
Epic Speed 750 turns
I'm starting to lean towards epic, cause we want to get something out of the game eras, but it will take 2 years to finish. Normal might be done in right over a year. But we want to get something out of our units, so maybe Epic is just right. Though aren't normal pitboss games played on quick? I really don't know. I'll play either way.
Please vote only for Normal or Epic speed. Let's get that done with. Once we have a majority it is decided. And we need to finish up our decisions fast. So could we please have this settled by the end of friday?
Ok. Following details to be ironed out.
1.Normal or Epic speed. -A lot of people seem to be leaning towards Epic. Need final decision. Pref. by vote.
2. Toni needs to decide if he is going to stay with his civ. No pressure either way. Except for make up mind fast.
3. What to call the game. Really. Come on. Matters not. I say we draw lots and the winner gets to chose. To vote over this is a waste of time. Imho.
4. When to start. Asap, or wait a bit longer for things to mature, and for the fabled patch to arrive. Will the patch make any changes that affect us? Like trait nerfing or unit changes or whatever?
5. Tech limitation rules.
Let us focus on nr. 1.
Normal Speed 500 turns
Epic Speed 750 turns
I'm starting to lean towards epic, cause we want to get something out of the game eras, but it will take 2 years to finish. Normal might be done in right over a year. But we want to get something out of our units, so maybe Epic is just right. Though aren't normal pitboss games played on quick? I really don't know. I'll play either way.
Please vote only for Normal or Epic speed. Let's get that done with. Once we have a majority it is decided. And we need to finish up our decisions fast. So could we please have this settled by the end of friday?