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Attention All Diplogamers!

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  • LzPstr, I suggest we start a new thread for an euro-friday-evening game (of course everyone who can join at that moment is welcome)

    My brother won't be available unfortunately every week At least not before 23.00 CET.
    But if we start a new thread, maybe new people might be interested. Old long threads tend to be ignored by people. I'll start a thread and see who'll join.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • If you guys are going to break into a few different games and would like another body, I'd be interested in getting in on this. I've been following the thread all along but figured you were having enough difficulty without working around another weird set of available times.

      I don't know if another person is more of a help or a hinderence, but if it can work out, great.


      • TCognac your flag says Americn but your Apoly time says you are GMT - which is it?


        • Hold on! (Again)

          You can't go through one SuperBowl weekend without the Europeans getting antsy?

          I wrote in my last big post that we should wait until Tuesday so everyone to write back with their availabilities that haven't, the REASON for that was to see who was still in. Whoever didn't respond wouldn't be in the game.

          Its not so much that we can't figure out a time, its that CyberShy only seems to be available for four hours TOTAL on the day we want to play, so OF COURSE its going to be hard to get a working schedule when one of the players is only available for what will be the duration of the session.

          I mean, c'mon Cyber, doing that is tantamount to me saying "This day and time is the ONLY time we are going to play this game." I'm pretty sure that wasn't your intent, but it is what happened.

          The last thing we need to do is seperate this into three groups, its one group and it should always be one Diplogaming group. It doesn't help anyone if we do that, we need to pool our collective resources, and its better if we have more players from different parts of the world. I've played games with people from every continent on this globe (well, except Antarctica) and I see NO REASON why this game should be any different.

          Listen, I think we should stick with the original plan. Give everyone one more day to amend/change/tell us their availability, see what we have. I think that will give us three groups, of five, four and four respectively. We'll see how it goes, which day is the best pick up a couple new people and by Friday we should be good to go.

          We don't need a password, and we're playing on a Terra map so it will be generated when we play. We can choose our tribes then, there's no reason to start going into different games.

          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

          One Love.


          • Do you wannt all of our available time or just our Friday availibiliies.


            • Well, if we work with the best time-slot, I think this is what we come up with. Using Cybershy's available start time as 21:30 GMT rounded up...

              22:00 GMT = 17:00/5:00pm US Eastern = 9:00 am Aussie time.

              From what I gather Ozzy, LzPrst, Cybershy, The Capo, and Deity (he said he is available at 20:00 GMT, so I deduced he would be available at 22:00 GMT, I could be wrong) would be available at this timeslot, giving us five players.

              We can either look for anywhere from 1 to 3 more players. One of which posted and hopefully the time is good for them as well.

              If this is incorrect let me know as soon as you can. In the meantime we just need a couple more players that fit this timeslot and we're good to go...
              Last edited by The Capo; February 6, 2006, 17:19.
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • I mean, c'mon Cyber, doing that is tantamount to me saying "This day and time is the ONLY time we are going to play this game." I'm pretty sure that wasn't your intent, but it is what happened.
                I'm sorry, I just post the times that I'm available. If you guys want to play at times that I can't play, that's just fine with me, I won't blame you for that.

                besides hat, I can play more on saturday as well, which I've stated IMHO.
                I think 4 hours is much time for a civ session. if you make the sessions too long you will destroyd the longelivety since people will feel those long sessions as a heavy burden.
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • 22 GMT = 6 am for me.

                  As long as I can wake up early enough, it's actually an okay timing for me... yeah, I think it can be pulled off.


                  • I couldn't start until a few hours later. I can't guarantee I would be home from work that early. Earliest I could commit to would be 7pm EST/24:00GMT/11sam Auissie. And that assumes no traffic problems on the way home.


                    • Originally posted by CyberShy

                      I'm sorry, I just post the times that I'm available. If you guys want to play at times that I can't play, that's just fine with me, I won't blame you for that.

                      besides hat, I can play more on saturday as well, which I've stated IMHO.
                      I think 4 hours is much time for a civ session. if you make the sessions too long you will destroyd the longelivety since people will feel those long sessions as a heavy burden.
                      A three hour session is plenty.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • Alright...

                        If we are playing at 22 GMT, and Kuno can do it then (being 6 am for him), perhaps it could be a help if we could maybe move that an hour ahead, making it 23 GMT. Then we play for three hours?

                        Is this feesable for the Europeans?
                        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                        One Love.


                        • Well, then I should sleep some in advance.
                          Because 23.00 - 02.00 is 00.00 - 03.00 for me, and I have to wake up 08.00 the day after for a long day in college.

                          But I can do that, if that helps for the others.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • ok. but it wasnt the superbowl that was the problem. the problem was that not all can join. and that is unfortunate. perhaps the best solution wouldnt be to divide, but it is very problematic to coordinate so many timezones. perhaps the biggest problem I fear is Cybers availability. it is so narrow that it limits our options a great deal. but if we can make it work. I'm all for it.

                            friday at 21:30 GMT then?
                            Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                            • 2130 GMT = 5:30 am for me.... a bit *too* early methinks ^_^;;


                              • sorry. 22:00 GMT. that would work better, right?

                                or did we agree on 23:00 GMT?

                                I'm a little confused concerning when we are actually starting.
                                Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

