As a long time lurker, I thought I'd have a go at this. Only got Civ4 last week, so might struggle with this, but I've had a game on Monarch with some success. So I took the plunge and went for Monarch difficulty - soon wishing I hadn't.
DAR1 – 4000BC – 1520BC.
Monarch level. (hah! Should be good for a laugh.)
Starting location. Interesting one – do I found at the place I’m at, or do I go one square to the right and found next to all the nice trees and hills?
I decide to go to the right – Washington founded 4000BC. Got a map from the village.
Tech-wise, I don’t really know what I’m doing yet (this is my third ever Civ4 game) and I’m torn between going towards Bronze Working and Pottery. Pottery wins out in the end, as the terrain nearby looks good for cottages. Currently working a flood plain 3-0-1 square.
3840BC – Switch to the 2-1-1 square as I want to go explore.
3680BC – The Wheel discovered – Pottery in 8.
3640BC – Buddhism founded elsewhere, I’d not bothered with the earlier religions. Warrior completed, another warrior being built in Washington.
Still exploring to the south and west – there’s some stone down there but also some wolves
3400BC – more gold from a hut – 83 this time.
3360BC – Pottery discovered, Mining taken with a view to Bronze Working. (I did warn you I didn’t know what I was doing yet!) Warrior completes in Washington.
3320BC – Big nasty horrid bear met to the west. Valiantly, my Warrior in a forest fights him off
3280BC – Hinduism founded elsewhere. Washington now size 3, one more warrior before I start a worker (is it obvious I don’t know what I’m doing yet?)
3160BC – Mining discovered. Bronze Working in 11.
3120BC – met a panther to the east. Didn’t even know they existed.
3080BC – now an ex-panther.
3000BC – both warriors now building up a nice portfolio of experience – one with 3, the other 2. I give them both woodsman bonuses, in the hope of upgrading them into exploring units in years to come. City now size 4, and a worker is started.
2920BC – one of our explorers snuffs it at the hands of a lion. The other survives a panther attack somehow.
2720BC – Ohhhh good grief, Genghis Khan. Lovely.
2680BC – Bronze Working discovered, just in time for some nice chopping action. I take Hunting, for lack of a better goal – and the spearmen will come in handy.
To go Slavery, or not to go Slavery? Hmmm….Slavery adopted..
2640BC – Bismarck discovered.
2600BC – worker completed, off to chop a forest or two for my settler.
2480BC – Saladin discovered to the NE.
2440BC – Hunting discovered. Writing taken, after that I’m going to head down the religious techs.
2320BC – Hmmm, now then. Do I sacrifice a person to rush the Settler. I’m thinking not – this will lose me 4 turns of a new city, but I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do. Building a farm now on the corn to the SW.
2160BC – Bloody settlers. They take an age. Finally completed though. Going to found just 3 squares to the SW, one space S of the little lake. That should give us plenty of access to food and production.
2120BC – New York founded. Building another settler at Washington, with the Worker chopping for it – going to road to New York after that.
2040BC – Writing discovered.
1960BC – Isabella discovered. As for the most advanced Civs – I’m 7th. Quelle surprise.
1840BC – Settler #2 completed. Heading 4 squares to the north to found on a hill.
1800BC – Hatshepsut discovered. So is Mysticism.
1760BC – Washington rushes Granary – settler founds Boston.
1560BC – Meditation discovered – Animal Husbandry next.
Thus ends the first instalment of my report. It probably won’t go down in history as the greatest 2500 years of any civilization, but it’s a solid-ish start, I think, on a difficulty level I’m not massively familiar with.
I’ve got 7 population – 55,000 in civ terms – which is way, way behind the best AI, who has a quarter of a million or so.
The initial strategy was to take advantage of the nice local terrain, and make sure that we got some good infrastructure. 1520 is probably a bad time for a screenshot, but the good news is we have three cities when in reality I was only expecting two. If we can get a core base of 8-10 cities up early on (though I’m not sure how viable this is, given that America is an organized civ).
The plan now for the immediate future is to pump workers out as quickly as possible. Workers are currently being built in all three cities, and further expansion should follow there shortly after. Hopefully after that we will be in a position to decide further goals – cottages will need to go up for technology, while military may have to take a back seat for a while due to lack of production.
I haven’t got a research plan yet, apart from possibly going for Iron Working at some point in the near future.
As a long time lurker, I thought I'd have a go at this. Only got Civ4 last week, so might struggle with this, but I've had a game on Monarch with some success. So I took the plunge and went for Monarch difficulty - soon wishing I hadn't.
DAR1 – 4000BC – 1520BC.
Monarch level. (hah! Should be good for a laugh.)
Starting location. Interesting one – do I found at the place I’m at, or do I go one square to the right and found next to all the nice trees and hills?
I decide to go to the right – Washington founded 4000BC. Got a map from the village.
Tech-wise, I don’t really know what I’m doing yet (this is my third ever Civ4 game) and I’m torn between going towards Bronze Working and Pottery. Pottery wins out in the end, as the terrain nearby looks good for cottages. Currently working a flood plain 3-0-1 square.
3840BC – Switch to the 2-1-1 square as I want to go explore.
3680BC – The Wheel discovered – Pottery in 8.
3640BC – Buddhism founded elsewhere, I’d not bothered with the earlier religions. Warrior completed, another warrior being built in Washington.
Still exploring to the south and west – there’s some stone down there but also some wolves
3400BC – more gold from a hut – 83 this time.
3360BC – Pottery discovered, Mining taken with a view to Bronze Working. (I did warn you I didn’t know what I was doing yet!) Warrior completes in Washington.
3320BC – Big nasty horrid bear met to the west. Valiantly, my Warrior in a forest fights him off
3280BC – Hinduism founded elsewhere. Washington now size 3, one more warrior before I start a worker (is it obvious I don’t know what I’m doing yet?)
3160BC – Mining discovered. Bronze Working in 11.
3120BC – met a panther to the east. Didn’t even know they existed.
3080BC – now an ex-panther.
3000BC – both warriors now building up a nice portfolio of experience – one with 3, the other 2. I give them both woodsman bonuses, in the hope of upgrading them into exploring units in years to come. City now size 4, and a worker is started.
2920BC – one of our explorers snuffs it at the hands of a lion. The other survives a panther attack somehow.
2720BC – Ohhhh good grief, Genghis Khan. Lovely.
2680BC – Bronze Working discovered, just in time for some nice chopping action. I take Hunting, for lack of a better goal – and the spearmen will come in handy.
To go Slavery, or not to go Slavery? Hmmm….Slavery adopted..
2640BC – Bismarck discovered.
2600BC – worker completed, off to chop a forest or two for my settler.
2480BC – Saladin discovered to the NE.
2440BC – Hunting discovered. Writing taken, after that I’m going to head down the religious techs.
2320BC – Hmmm, now then. Do I sacrifice a person to rush the Settler. I’m thinking not – this will lose me 4 turns of a new city, but I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do. Building a farm now on the corn to the SW.
2160BC – Bloody settlers. They take an age. Finally completed though. Going to found just 3 squares to the SW, one space S of the little lake. That should give us plenty of access to food and production.
2120BC – New York founded. Building another settler at Washington, with the Worker chopping for it – going to road to New York after that.
2040BC – Writing discovered.
1960BC – Isabella discovered. As for the most advanced Civs – I’m 7th. Quelle surprise.
1840BC – Settler #2 completed. Heading 4 squares to the north to found on a hill.
1800BC – Hatshepsut discovered. So is Mysticism.
1760BC – Washington rushes Granary – settler founds Boston.
1560BC – Meditation discovered – Animal Husbandry next.
Thus ends the first instalment of my report. It probably won’t go down in history as the greatest 2500 years of any civilization, but it’s a solid-ish start, I think, on a difficulty level I’m not massively familiar with.
I’ve got 7 population – 55,000 in civ terms – which is way, way behind the best AI, who has a quarter of a million or so.
The initial strategy was to take advantage of the nice local terrain, and make sure that we got some good infrastructure. 1520 is probably a bad time for a screenshot, but the good news is we have three cities when in reality I was only expecting two. If we can get a core base of 8-10 cities up early on (though I’m not sure how viable this is, given that America is an organized civ).
The plan now for the immediate future is to pump workers out as quickly as possible. Workers are currently being built in all three cities, and further expansion should follow there shortly after. Hopefully after that we will be in a position to decide further goals – cottages will need to go up for technology, while military may have to take a back seat for a while due to lack of production.
I haven’t got a research plan yet, apart from possibly going for Iron Working at some point in the near future.