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Noble to Prince - unbearable

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  • I do follow the rules... I discuss civ. You on the other hand resort to personal insults when you can no longer argue a bad position. And you've done this way too many times. And your idea of clarification is simply to backpeddle and insult people. It shows the real weakness of your arguments.

    You are the one that doesn't seem to be listening...
    So are you going to try to become a member of this community, or just insult your way to being totally ignored.
    Your choice.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • Originally posted by Ming View Post
      I do follow the rules... I discuss civ. You on the other hand resort to personal insults when you can no longer argue a bad position. And you've done this way too many times. And your idea of clarification is simply to backpeddle and insult people. It shows the real weakness of your arguments.

      You are the one that doesn't seem to be listening...
      So are you going to try to become a member of this community, or just insult your way to being totally ignored.
      Your choice.
      i can see even you wont admit what you were doing, patronizing and mocking people will never be tolerated especially by me. kinda funny you ignored most of what i've said, call it backpeddleing if you want, the dates dont lie, i never backpeddled, as i said you just assumed too much. but go on continuing to think your right and you did no wrong and ignoring all the points ive mentioned, people will see for themselves, as i said dates dont lie, i went in order of dates on my post back a couple of pages ago, its as plain as day.


      • But you seem to be forgetting the one key fact. You are the one resorting to personal insults. That's against the rules. Pointing out the errors in your strategy is fine... an accepted practice here. It's something you should probably learn if you wish to be a member of the community. You may call it parronizing and mocking, but that's your opinion. When it comes to personal insults, it's been very clear who has been doing that. Calling people idiots and other such things is not subject to opinion, but a simple fact.

        And as far as your "order of dates" and all... just more back peddleing... plain as day.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • Originally posted by Ming View Post
          But you seem to be forgetting the one key fact. You are the one resorting to personal insults. That's against the rules. Pointing out the errors in your strategy is fine... an accepted practice here. It's something you should probably learn if you wish to be a member of the community. You may call it parronizing and mocking, but that's your opinion. When it comes to personal insults, it's been very clear who has been doing that. Calling people idiots and other such things is not subject to opinion, but a simple fact.

          And as far as your "order of dates" and all... just more back peddleing... plain as day.
          as long as you ignore the facts with orders and dates and continue to patronize and mock people this will never end. as i said you started this by patronizing and mocking me to the point of calling you what you were acting like. yeah i broke the rules but you broke them first even if you didnt think you did. your condescending attitude started this whole debacle and calling the facts "backpeddleing" is just plain childish, facts are facts, you started this and you can end it if you wish or we can keep this up, your choice.


          • Again, just more personal insults. Address the fact that you are calling people idiots... and not just me.
            You continue to break the rules. Discuss civ not the posters. But you seem to be ignoring that simple rule.

            Nothing gives you the right here to resort to personal insults in the on topic forums... NOTHING.
            So keep it up. Every time you use a personal insult, you prove you just don't get what it takes to join a community.

            Thanks for continuing to prove my point.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Originally posted by Ming View Post
              Again, just more personal insults. Address the fact that you are calling people idiots... and not just me.
              You continue to break the rules. Discuss civ not the posters. But you seem to be ignoring that simple rule.

              Nothing gives you the right here to resort to personal insults in the on topic forums... NOTHING.
              So keep it up. Every time you use a personal insult, you prove you just don't get what it takes to join a community.

              Thanks for continuing to prove my point.
              part 6 is when i called you an idiot, i guess you missed the first 5 parts, what a surprise. all first 5 parts are BEFORE part 6, as i said you started this by acting like a child and patronizing and mocking me, it will end when you want it too, thats the only REAL question, when do you want this to end?

              the only point your proving is that you think your always right and its alright for you too assume, condescend, patronize, and mock people. as long as you keep it up, i'll never stop.


              • I know I'm not always right... but I'm more than allowed to point out what I think are incorrect strategies and posts... All based on my opinion. You are welcome to do the same.

                However, you are not allowed to start making personal insults... the key point you seem to be missing.
                You can consider when people call out your strategies and posts as mocking... but that doesn't mean we aren't correct. Just a matter of opinion.

                Calling people idiots and other personal insults... like acting like a child is simply against the rules.
                The only point you are proving is that you resort to personal insults instead of actually discussing the issues.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                  I know I'm not always right... but I'm more than allowed to point out what I think are incorrect strategies and posts... All based on my opinion. You are welcome to do the same.

                  However, you are not allowed to start making personal insults... the key point you seem to be missing.
                  You can consider when people call out your strategies and posts as mocking... but that doesn't mean we aren't correct. Just a matter of opinion.

                  Calling people idiots and other personal insults... like acting like a child is simply against the rules.
                  The only point you are proving is that you resort to personal insults instead of actually discussing the issues.
                  no i keep proving my point and you just write it off, you still dont admit the words you used and how you used them were condescending and you were patronizing me. but go ahead and write off what you need too to prove your point instead of taking responsibility for what you say and how you say it. i already said i shouldnt of called you an idiot, yet you wont even admit that you were being condescending, so it looks like you dont want this to end, fine by me, i'll be here everyday to counter every single post you include me in.


                  • Now you are just getting repitive without ever addressing the real issue of you using personal insults.

                    NOTHING about a discussion about civ strategy and games gives you the right to resort to personal insults... which you have done repeatedly.

                    You may feel that people have disagreed with you in a fashion you don't care for, but the discussion was about civ and your posts.

                    You are the one that started with the personal insults... and continue to do so.

                    Those are the facts... and you have yet to address that fact.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • the words you used and how you said them were condescending, im stating an opinion too. you were acting childish with all the assumptions ive already pointed out. those are the facts, its that simple.

                      and i'll keep repeating myself since you are too.


                      • Originally posted by brandonjm8 View Post
                        Originally posted by wodan11 View Post
                        Good grief....
                        stop being biased then, simple. you say your a fair man right? your not acting like it
                        What the heck are you talking about? In what way am I biased?

                        Originally posted by brandonjm8 View Post
                        yeah thats what happens when someone assumes too much then gives advice (in a not great manner btw) based on faulty info, even when i clarified it for him he failed to stop the attack of myself and strategies based on those assumptions. i listed quite a bit of his assumptions and showed just how far off he was, yet he kept at it and i dont see anyone protesting giving faulty advice when your wrong.
                        I don't recall and didn't see you post any advice he gave which I disagreed with.

                        Even if true, how does that justify your behavior? You said, "that's what happens when X". I don't care what X is, each person is responsible for his/her-self.

                        its kinda funny i just proved my point with my post on the prior page of ming's assumptions ect and i see no one protesting such manner here on the forums, if giving your advice based on your own assumptions instead of basing it off of the info giving then i dont want to hear any insults come my way should i do what mings doing to all of you who fail to grasp and acknowledge all the points i made (i could make more points right from here in these forums, the ones i posted were from just ONE page).
                        In what way does "proving" that Ming has "made a mistake" in any way justify something you may choose to do? If someone hopped the curb and ran over your front shrubbery, would that justify you to go out and shoot their dog?

                        I'm about done with all this. Took me longer than some others; as I said, I'm willing to grant anyone the benefit of the doubt, up to a point. I'm there now.


                        • Stop the internet slapfight and play some games already. Theres only ever been one way to decide something in civ.


                          • woodan,

                            if you really want to try to grasp this whole debacle, look at these posts:

                            post #70 of "crossover" forum
                            Actualy, your stats are kind of irrelevent.
                            never have i told someone their stats/info was irrelevant, if this doesnt have at least a bit of condescending attitude towards someone then i dont what that word means anymore, it wouldnt match the definition then. there was a more polite way of saying that, he chose not too.

                            then he says
                            Limited early contact
                            just my last game i shared my continent with 4 other civs, another uncalled assumption from him, he didnt even ask.

                            then this
                            Not polite... Bummer... But your idea of not polite is anybody that doesn't agree with you.
                            i guess since he assumes i dont like people that disagree and/or others that have given me advice/insight such as you woodan, another poor assumption. hes already judged me prior to asking enough questions/getting to know the person.

                            now this

                            I don't speak for Sid... But at least I was a play tester for the civ series and even get credit in the manual... How about you?
                            if this isnt him patronizing me (thinking hes superior in case you dont know the definition of patronizing someone) then yet again it wouldnt match the definition of the word.


                            But if somebody comes here bragging how great they are while playing a rigged world on noob levels, I have no problem pointing out to them that maybe they need to rethink their high opinion of themself
                            he always assumes im bragging even after i apologized to all who thought i was, he wont let it go. he plays different settings all the time yet hes knocking mine down, hypocrite. he feels hes entitled to do as he pleases but reserves the right to talk down to people he wants to.

                            now this

                            The only inaccuracy was I said noble instead of prince, which I then admited my mistake... You too have made FAR more mistakes, and even admitted a few of them. As far as your O vs D comments, you are still wrong, and are simply backpeddleing yet again. So your idea of "many" is simply a single one.
                            i provided ONE page worth of his inaccuracies, i could post alot more, like the page after and after and after. he's chosing which of my posts to listen to, hes being very selective in the info he uses for his posts. he dismisses it based on that, well to tell you the truth i dont know. i listed on the dates of these posts and points i used and in order yet he refuses to accept what HE even said, you can find those on the "crossover" forum page 3, it also states when i called him an "idiot", there were 5 posts prior to that one of them from theben, all his posts prior to me calling him an idiot (cause he was acting like it) were in the condescending/patronizing attitude, he wont take responsibility for his selection of words and how he uses them.


                            Now you are a big fan of drill, when before, you didn't even really understand it.
                            when you look at when i said i used drill, it is posted, you can see it in the above mentioned forum, it was many days prior to all of this starting (dec 28).

                            and this

                            They may be false assumptions, but only in your opinion.
                            now he says he "might've" been wrong, but then takes it back. i guess he wants me to respect him but he doesnt have to respect me, aint gonna happen. when you annoy/insult someone, its always the victim's opinion. i honestly believe if you look at all of that that i have posted you could "at least" agree that his words and how he said them were in the condescending nature. you could also agree that his word choice and usage couldve been more thought of and better and more polite, if your not polite to others and assume what you want even after the fact that person has provided evidence to the contrary, you dont deserve any respect.

                            those were just in the "crossover" forum, there are many more examples of his attitude towards me prior to me calling him an "idiot", if you really want them, i could go throw this entire thread again. ive posted plenty examples to get my point across, you either agree with ming that he can say whatever however even if hes assuming in a condescending manner or you agree he couldve and shouldve been more respectful of others and polite w/o the condescending attitude prior to this whole debacle. it will end when ming stops, simple. i wont stop defending myself, if having pride in oneself isnt something you would defend along with being talked down to, then there will be others such as myself and senethro (just for example, hes not involved) who will voice their own distaste in ming and people like him if thats how they want to go about it.
                            Last edited by brandonjm8; January 13, 2010, 07:49.


                            • Originally posted by Senethro View Post
                              Stop the internet slapfight and play some games already. Theres only ever been one way to decide something in civ.
                              as you know how ming is and others, its up to them. if theyd squash this and never mention it again, neither would i.


                              • Originally posted by brandonjm8 View Post
                                If you don't mind, my alias has one "0".

                                if you really want to try to grasp this whole debacle, look at these posts:
                                No offense, but what part of the following was unclear?

                                Originally posted by wodan11 View Post
                                I don't care what X is

                                In all honesty, Brandon, your attempts to find fault in others don't really engender sympathy.

                                Originally posted by brandonjm8 View Post
                                you could also agree that his word choice and usage couldve been more thought of and better and more polite
                                I already did just that, flat out, a couple of days ago. Did you not see it? I'm too tired to go dig it out, you can, since it seems to mean that much to you.

