The only inaccuracy was I said noble instead of prince, which I then admited my mistake... You too have made FAR more mistakes, and even admitted a few of them. As far as your O vs D comments, you are still wrong, and are simply backpeddleing yet again. So your idea of "many" is simply a single one.
Not going away and trying to join a well established community are two different things. If your intent is to simply insult those that disagree with you, and tell you when you are indeed wrong, you won't become a member of this community. You may continue to post, assuming the mods don't finally remove you for your constant personal insults and rule breaking, but you won't become a part of this community, just somebody that most will ignore.
Not going away and trying to join a well established community are two different things. If your intent is to simply insult those that disagree with you, and tell you when you are indeed wrong, you won't become a member of this community. You may continue to post, assuming the mods don't finally remove you for your constant personal insults and rule breaking, but you won't become a part of this community, just somebody that most will ignore.