In my initial rushes, possibly after I built 3 cities, I begin building axes, spears, chariots while I learn ironworking. Then I build around 10 swords, this scares the opposition into defensive mode, they do not generally counterattack, but move back into cities, makes them a sitting duck and easy 4 or more cities to pick up. Does not take long to generate the 1st general, all generals I settle in my capital so well promoted units can be built in numbers, particularly once I am in beauracracy and have a few Great Engineers settled.
If no iron about, then build axes instead, if no copper as well, then build larger numbers of chariots with flanking. Otherwise begin a new game. A military resource is essential. I do try and scout AI territory for needed resources before beginning the assault if I am missing something.
If no iron about, then build axes instead, if no copper as well, then build larger numbers of chariots with flanking. Otherwise begin a new game. A military resource is essential. I do try and scout AI territory for needed resources before beginning the assault if I am missing something.