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OCC question
I played a few OCC and I like the challenge. I had to turn off AP and UN, also domination victory and it seems I also need to turn off cultural (i.e. leave it at space race and conquest only).
I got mowed by AI's SOD even with superior techs (Cavalry vs. Mech. Inf.) Finally I won (after destroying Zulu's 80 cavalry).
I am also skeptical about cottages. With Peter I could do 1400 beakers per turn. The combination of National Park + 8 - 10 forest preserves + Environmentalism looks too powerful. With SE I am constantly growing by generating GP every 5 - 10 turns, with CE one would grow only so much and then generate new people very slowly.
I may try cottages, but again I am skeptical.
MY national wonders would be :
-Red Cross
-West Point
-National Epic
Playing Cyrus of course, heading for Conquest victory. Wall street does not seem so important to me, since there is no upkeep but military. I would crazy-rush the great wall, and declare war on evreybody (keeping one ally for commerce) until i have enough instrucors to build units with 7 promotions (+red cross), head for tanks, give them CR3+CD3, get some (healing and defense-breaking) artillery and roll over them.
I tried the war with everyone method but as soon as I killed a city, someone else would settle there. I just couldn't make enough progress to offset the enemies I made. I can win Space Race on Prince pretty easily with an SE economy, how do you do a conquest victory?
Originally posted by Crossfire
I tried the war with everyone method but as soon as I killed a city, someone else would settle there. I just couldn't make enough progress to offset the enemies I made. I can win Space Race on Prince pretty easily with an SE economy, how do you do a conquest victory?
The last two ones will be tricky, and you will have to have a HUGE pop in your capital (or just a bunch of ICBMs ^^).
I love playing the OCC but I haven't gotten a victory on the level I play my regular games (prince.) Generally I use either Ramesses or Gandhi and regenerate until I get an oceanside tile I can build a levee/hydro-plant on. I build Oxford, Globe, NE, NP, and IW if I have iron, otherwise moai. I save every bfc forest for a specialist. I run representation, bureaucracy, caste, mercantilism (although next time I'm going to experiment w/ environmentalism) and OR/pacifism. I don't light bulb anyone, usually settle all except a scientist for an academy, a GE for an expensive wonder, and a merchant for sid's sushi. I usually lose to an AI getting a victory I'm unable to achieve but won't turn off in the game setup screen. Still, I love playing them cause they're short and i'm always interested to see what better players than me have to sayThe axeman cometh...
Don't feel bad, I usually play on Emperor with lots of serious tries on Immortal but I have a hard time winning an OCC on Monarch and usually only if I get the Pyramids so that I can get Representation running right away. I haven't made a serious effort at getting a good map to try a CE economy but I have been thinking about it.
Originally posted by gwynnja
I love playing the OCC but I haven't gotten a victory on the level I play my regular games (prince.) Generally I use either Ramesses or Gandhi and regenerate until I get an oceanside tile I can build a levee/hydro-plant on. I build Oxford, Globe, NE, NP, and IW if I have iron, otherwise moai. I save every bfc forest for a specialist. I run representation, bureaucracy, caste, mercantilism (although next time I'm going to experiment w/ environmentalism) and OR/pacifism. I don't light bulb anyone, usually settle all except a scientist for an academy, a GE for an expensive wonder, and a merchant for sid's sushi. I usually lose to an AI getting a victory I'm unable to achieve but won't turn off in the game setup screen. Still, I love playing them cause they're short and i'm always interested to see what better players than me have to say
Aaahh OCC. I probably play that more than the normal game
Here are some of my thoughts:
- Philosophical is a must. It is hands down the best trait for OCC.
- As second trait there are several possiblities. Spi, Fin, Exp are all good. If you want an aggressive game there are several more options (Cha, maybe Imp or Agg)
- Starting technologies and unique units / buildings matter a lot for OCC. I consider mysticism almost a must, because religions are so important to keep your citizens happy. On water maps fishing is obviously very nice. Otherwise mining is probably the 2nd best.
- Never go for early conquest in OCC. It's utterly pointless. It will just lead to more land for your remaining foes, who will be that much stronger for it. You could weaken someone who's too far ahead abit, I guess, but try to keep him alive.
- You will be drowning in money pretty soon into the game. So use it whenever you can, to buy stuff from AIs, or to keep them happy. Massively upgrading units is also fun. For example I build 40 ironclads and then once I invent Combustion I all upgrade them to destroyers. Can save you a lot of building turns.
- The most important resource you want to harvest of your land is .... HAMMERS. This is the reason why a CE fails. Not enough hammers. Your ideal land is lots of food resources and the rest production (lumbermills, mines, workshops even, though you usually don't want state property).
Now for strategy. It's basicly simple. Keep building wonders and buildings. Try to keep a few specialists. Settle almost all your great people in your city (Use one scientist for academy, but that's about it).
Avoid great artists like the plague. Don't build any wonders that generate artists, except the national epic and the parthenon. Your best GP is the engineer, but scientists, prophets and merchants are also welcome. Prophets least of those 4, but they are by far easiest to generate so they will probably be the majority.
Corporations probably won't do much for you, since you won't have many spare resources. Still they can be useful. Don't bother with the culture ones, you won't lack culture.
You can build 5 national wonders. Oxford, National Epic and Ironworks are a must. The other 2 are situational. Moai statues with water starts. Westpoint for military games. Wall Street is nice, obviously. Never build Globe Theatre. I'll repeat that. Never build Globe Theatre. You should have enough happiness for religions and buildings. If you don't throw in 10 or 20% culture. But don't build Globe Theatre. Not only is it a waste of national-wonder slot. It also generates great artists which is terrible. I wouldn't build the Forest Preserve either, costs too much production. Red Cross is an option.
Probably the easiest map type to win OCC on is islands. High sea level, no extras, no tiny islands. With a good start this is completely winnable on emperor and even higher. I've heard reports of deity wins, though my own record is immortal. You'll start at the coast here.
I'm fond of playing Ghandi of ... The Netherlands! on this setting. But Ghandi of India works as well, if you don't want unrestricted leaders.
My OCC strategy is kind of different. I go for Lincoln Phi/Cha. This knd of depends on the starting location, I am shooting for a place surrounded by at least 10 - 15 forest squares and couple of food resources.
- ignore early religions and go for Pyramids, the extra happy would come handy.
- because of the forests Health is not a problem until biology and NP
- go for early Globe Theater to remove the happy problem
- with NP + Caste System generate a horde of Scientists and with Pyramids and Hanging Gardens get a few engineers, settle all of them (except for the academy).
- also use Environmentalism and Pacifism, go for Free Religion at some point since +10% science would be more valuable than the extra Great Scientists.
- build Iron Works,Oxford and National Epic
Shoot for Space Race victory, for a conquest one things would work differently.
It is interesting that something as simple as OCC would have so many different strategies. That makes Civ 4 a very good strategy game.